The next best thing to running WITH someone…

By , May 2, 2018 6:04 am

… is listening to running podcasts while you run!

(Ha, or, talking to someone on your blue tooth headset while running.)

A few weeks ago, as I laced up for my long run, I told Steven how excited I was to listen to some running podcasts during my run.

“Listening to running while running?! That’s so meta!”


Somehow I ended up on this running podcast kick. I started with Ali on the Run, then saw someone mention I’ll Have Another, then Gina told me about Running Rogue. Now I’m queued up with hours upon hours of listening time.

And strangely (or maybe not strangely), it does “keep me company” on my runs, and make me feel like I am running with someone.

It does not give me the benefit of running with someone who is speedier than me – podcasts slow me down.

It does not give me the therapeutic benefit of unloading to a real person while I run. Cause, duh, ha.

But it distracts me, and makes the miles fly by, which is something that happens when I run with people. And bonus, it fills my heads with new ideas! So, yay!

Let me know if there are any running podcasts YOU love that I should check out!

With all the awesome teamwork displayed at recent races (Desi waiting for Shalane to use the bathroom at Boston, elite women sharing water bottles at London) I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of having a running support system for being successful in training and achieving my goals and staying motivated. Lots of words to say “I need supportive (but honest!) people to talk to about my running.” I need someone in my corner.

I don’t have that in person, where I live, and that’s okay. I am truthfully more of a solo runner.

But I do have that, through friends and the online community, especially xaarlin, and I am very grateful for it.

So, thank you, for being that for me, friends!

12 Responses to “The next best thing to running WITH someone…”

  1. Kiersten says:

    I love podcasts for running, it’s all I listen to! I started off as a social runner, but now because of logistics I pretty much always run alone. I listen to the ones you listed as well as Marathon Talk which is British. I also listen to some non running stuff like Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and Ask Me Another

    • kilax says:

      It’s all about logistics, right? It sure is for me, too.

      Thanks for the rec – that’s the one with Martin Yelling and Tom Williams?

      I used to listen to Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me! I haven’t tried Ask Me Another, but I feel like I’ve heard of it!

  2. Kandi says:

    I just started listening to Ali on the Run during my last few runs and am liking it so far. I mostly run without music or anything but it’s a nice change listening to a podcast.

  3. I’m chiming in with another recommendation for Ask Me Another. I listen to it occasionally and think it’s great! Usually good for several laughs throughout the episode. It’s totally unrelated to running, but if running makes you happy and laughing makes you happy, by the transitive property of happiness, the podcast is therefore basically about running #science. 😛

  4. Xaarlin says:

    I’m so grateful for your honesty towards my hobby jogger hobby 🙂 and I love being your sounding board as well.

    I’ll need have o revisit podcasts. I just haven’t been able To get into them. Please recommend some to me

    • kilax says:

      Same :-* I need honest input, and I need to SHARE my hobby jogger (lol) passion 🙂

      I think you’d like Running Rogue! The other two I’ve been listening to are more interview style, which are hit or miss with useful info (usually hit) but the Running Rogue ones I’ve listened to have all been useful.

  5. Mica says:

    I listen to knitting projects while knitting, so I get you. It almost feels like a conversation with someone, and I like that I don’t have to react and can focus on my work instead.

    Do you listen to podcasts any other time besides running? I like them for walking and commuting.

    • kilax says:

      Oh cool! Do they talk as they work through a project, or just talk about knitting, or a bit of both?

      Running, walking, and driving. I have to be doing something. I am not very successful at listening while I am sitting.

  6. Amy says:

    I listen to podcasts while cleaning and cooking, but not when running – I guess I need music to keep me going.

    • kilax says:

      That is a good time to listen to them too! I should try that while cleaning – it would make it “more” (???) fun! Thanks!

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