An anniversary of sorts

By , August 13, 2016 6:23 am

It’s been a year since we first “officially” looked at our current home with a realtor! I was immediately smitten with the house. Steven? Not so much. I think that may be influenced by the fact that he had just had a temporary crown put on, though. Poor guy. (Obviously, he came around.)


I remember calling my dad during my long run the next day and just gushing about the house. I felt kind of foolish, since I thought there was no chance in hell we’d ever sell our place and be able to move, but I couldn’t help but talk about it! Ha, I bet during that conversation, my dad never thought he’d be at said house, a year later, helping install ductwork. Thanks, Dad!


Out of curiosity, I opened up the photo folder from August 13th last year to see if we had taken a photo of the pond when we visited, to compare the levels to what they are at now. Yeah, definitely higher then (and more wild!):


But you know what? If the pond hadn’t gone down, we wouldn’t have discovered there were urns in it, and where’s the fun in not knowing that?!


I think we’ll be finding lots of interesting things here, in years to come. Ha.

7 Responses to “An anniversary of sorts”

  1. Karen says:

    Empty urns?! I hope…
    This is a big transition in a year 🙂

  2. Anne says:

    Aww, and this is the anniversary of us moving to RL and chasing you guys out 😉

    I think I could probably do without knowing about the urns in the pond! I wonder how old they are.

    • kilax says:

      It is! Wow! Can you believe it’s been a year?

      Me too. And I really wonder why someone would put them there!

      • Anne says:

        No! It seems like we just moved! Nuts.

        I was thinking maybe someone wanted their ashes in the pond, but normally they get scattered! You don’t just chuck the whole urn in!

  3. Mica says:

    Are you going to celebrate a year of moving into the house too?

    I wonder how the urns got into the pond. I guess they were yard decoration and someone just forgot them/left them there?

    • kilax says:

      We should!

      I am guessing someone threw them there because they weren’t theirs and they didn’t want them. I am not sure why you’d have an urn outside as a decoration!!! My dad did confirm one still has ashes in it, in that plastic bag…

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