6 months down…

By , July 12, 2013 6:38 am

I really liked Rachel‘s “Halfway through 2013” stat post, so I am going to copy it and post my January – June stats. Hee hee. Thanks, Rachel!

Note: my end of 2013 post will probably be more like this. Also, a reminder (if you give a crappity), you can see my race recaps here and yearly mileage on the sidebar throughout the year. SINCE YOU REALLY CARE. Riiiiight.

The Basics:

Miles run: 948.15
Miles biked: 45.49
Strength workouts: 45
Cross training workouts: not enough
Races: 10
Volunteered: 1
Money spend on races (Jan-June races only): $431.31
Free Races: 2
Age group awards: 2
Participation medals: 5
Injuries: 0
Pairs of shoes: 4? 

New Stuff:

New race distance: “20K
New states: Utah, Kansas
New PRs: 5K (22:38), HM (1:51:15)


Race: Ironman 70.3 Kansas


Gear: crazy tights and crazy arm warmers



Race outfit: I guess Chicago Women’s Half, since no one got my Chewie outfit on May 5th


Medal: Chicago Women’s Half. 


Spectator: Stephano and family. 

People: anyone who will run with me. Ha! I am lucky to have such a huge community of running friends! I love it!



  • Trying to quietly reflect on the Boston Marathon bombings, when it was a majority of the media for awhile. 
  • Binge eating.
  • Time management. 

Goals for the next 6 months:

  • Get back to an eating plan that makes me feel energetic.
  • Acquire a road bike. 
  • Pass the ACE personal trainer exam (sometime in 2013).
  • Continue to enjoy running for fun and not obsessing over PRs.
  • Try trapeze again!
  • Run a race with my dad.
  • Run more than 1620 miles for the year. 
  • Volunteer again.
  • Begin upping mileage again after summer. 

There are a zillion other tidbits I could add to this post. But there is enough info in here as it is!

What are your halfway through 2013 stats? Feel free to copy and share on your blog! 

36 Responses to “6 months down…”

  1. I am so impressed that you have stats on all of this. Other than miles ran, I would be all like, “Uh, let me think, uh.”

    Also on my list of goals for the rest of the year is a road bike. It’s actually on Mark’s list for 2013 to get me a road bike as I’ve already put in a holiday gift request.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha, thanks! I like spreadsheets. So I track a lot of stuff! I had to look up the amount of strength workouts out. How many classes do you think you have taught this year? Hmm, maybe I will add that to my year end recap 🙂

      What?! You are not waiting for December, are you? You meant… Labor Day holiday?!

  2. Anne says:

    Oooh, I might have to copy this – I’ve never really tracked any of my stats on anything but a weekly basis.

    I kind of forget that you just started teaching SO recently! Probably because you’re already such a pro at it 🙂

    I do feel as though our half outfits set the bar for any future race I may run. I mean, I already knew to go matchy-matchy, but I’ll need to stock up on sex shop sparkly flowers.

  3. Rachel says:

    hah I’m so honored you liked my post. You even had a much more detailed one than I did! (And you were brave enough to add up what you spent on races…I decided to live in the dark on that!)

    What made you pick 1620 for mileage?

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! I have a spreadsheet with all the $$$ so I couldn’t avoid it! 😉 So far, I am under $50 for the second half of the year. 😉

      Thanks for letting me copy!

      1620 is what I ran last year. So it would be nice to go over that!

  4. Wow, you continue to amaze me with your stats! So cool when you write it all out.

    I’m interested to hear your progress on “eating for energy” since this is one of my recent goals too!

    • kilax says:


      If I come up with anything worth posting, I will definitely share it! I tend to have a lot of energy when I am not binge eating and when I am eating mostly unprocessed foods. The hard part is doing it!

  5. Valerie says:

    I love this list! So impressive Kim! YAY for the running tights! 🙂

  6. kapgar says:

    I got the Chewie outfit!!!

  7. EmilyJ says:

    Amazing! I love that you track all of this!! I only track mileage run and usually track what’s on my shoes, but since I’ve been alternating shoes, I have no idea… Guess I will know when they start to hurt?

    The $ spent on race is brave!! I pretend that I spend hardly anything and remain in denial about the actual cost :/

    And a big YAY that you linked to my blog! Guess it’s official 😉

    • kilax says:

      IT IS OFFICIAL! Excited!!! I am going to tell everyone about it 🙂

      Do you use daily mile? I don’t, but everyone says there is a really easy way to track shoe mileage on there. I just track it on my blog sidebar and update it after each run 😉

      I wonder what everyone else’s race $$$ numbers are! 🙂

      P.S. You should totes fill out something like this for your blog. 🙂 Or the ABCs meme that is going around.

  8. Riyanti says:

    Wow! Nice first half 🙂 I was just thinking about my stats today (and my dusty blog). You continue to inspire and impress me. Rock your exam. I miss running with you!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! Update your dusty blog!!! Didn’t you race today? That gives you something!

      We should run together soon! Let me know what times/days work for you. I remember NOT early in the am. Hee hee.

  9. Pete B says:

    Nice highlight reel of the 1st 6 months of 2013. That’s probably more than my highlight reel will be for 12 months!

  10. RunningLaur says:

    1. I totally got and totally loved your Chewie costume.
    2. The purple shirt is pretty though, so good runner-up choice 🙂
    3. Your consistency in working out / running always impresses me. Good job! I love that you can run for fun.
    4. I’m really intrigued by the idea of eating for energy. I want a whole post (or email) about what this means to you! (Ha! Being a demanding reader.) Is it more than ‘less crap food?’ Is there anything you really like as a ‘good’ food?

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! 🙂

      It is more “less crap food.” I will try to come up with something to write, if I get there. I just feel best if I don’t eat a lot, and eat more natural stuff. This winter, I was eating so healthy I had all this energy and couldn’t sleep… I was so excited to wake up and start my day! And it transferred over to my running pace, too!

  11. Declan says:

    nice recap! are you back scratching or posing in that photo?!!

    My basics are limited:
    Miles 1122 right now.
    Shoes- hmm 3 right now.
    Struggles: get sleep, no over train, and not let running consume my family life
    Goals next 6 months: Not lose my friends with excessive running jabbor and not get hurt!
    No races or anything to talk about.
    People: my wife for putting up with my super early run times!

    • kilax says:

      Ha! Posing! I am totes a poser.

      Wait. Have you not raced this year? I thought you were training for something? (excuse my not knowing)

  12. Heather says:

    My stats are definitely not where I expected them to be so I won’t bother posting, but I can’t wait to do this next year. On the one hand I’m loving what I’ve accomplished despite what this year has brought (that makes a baby sound terrible haha – I’m thrilled about both!) and on the other hand it makes me eager to see where this me will go next year! I love your stats, you are SO close to 1,000!

  13. I like this post idea! It’s so fun to look back and reflect on all that you’ve accomplished in the past 6 months!

  14. Erin says:

    Wow! You’ve already accomplished so much this year! And I really like your goals for the next 6 months. A road bike?? More trapeze?? Excellent 🙂

  15. I am seriously impressed with these numbers. I can’t believe you’ve already run almost 1000 miles halfway through the year! That was my original goal for the whole year before getting injured. Nice work! Having friends to run and workout with is so much fun, and congrats on starting to teach the group fitness class! It sounds like that is an area that you’re really passionate about! You’re going to have an amazing end to 2013. And I particularly love the acquiring a road bike. I love mine so much (as you can probably tell).

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thanks! I bet you are racking up the road bike miles! I think your ride this am was almost more than what I have ridden all year? 🙂

  16. I got your Chewie outfit on May 5th! 🙂

  17. Kandi says:

    Sounds like you are having a great year so far! And you inspired me to start looking at road bikes. Not sure I’ll get one but it’s so tempting!

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