Training Week 188

By , May 26, 2013 2:09 pm

Highlight of the Week: Feeling well enough to make it to the Essential Fitness Multisport Club group ride on Sunday! What a blast! For years I have seen those big bike groups riding on the roads by my house… wishing I could do that… and I finally got to! (I used my trainer’s cross bike – wow, so much less effort than my mountain bike!)


Sunday photo from Brian @ EFIT

Monday | May 20, 2013: teaching strength class
Strength: medicine balls, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Tuesday | May 21, 2013: rest (sick)
Wednesday | May 22, 2013: rest (sick)
Thursday | May 23, 2013: 2 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 53°/53°, Time: 21:31, Pace: 10:44 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent
Friday | May 24, 2013: 4 m run + walk with Steven
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 51°/53°, Time: 44:56, Pace: 11:13, Difficulty: easy, Felt: coughy
Loc: Nippersink FP. Difficulty: easy, Felt: like a rebel
Saturday | May 25, 2013: rest
Sunday | May 26, 2013: 24.28 m group ride w/EFIT
Loc: Grayslake to Vernon Hills and back Temp: 48°/64°, Time: 1:56:55, Pace: 12.5 avg (didn’t turn off watch for stops), Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • I am turning in to a broken record. But again, I had higher mileage goals for this week. I got a nasty cold starting Monday night (you know when your throat starts to hurt right before you go to bed and you’re all “oh, crap”?) and through, well, pretty much the weekend. I couldn’t do much but rest. ANNOYING! At least two weeks ago I knew my brother-in-law gave me my cold. I don’t know how I got one this time. But! I do know that: 1) I don’t have allergies, 2) I am not doing too much (everyone assumes I am running too much – dudes, look at my training log), and 3) I do not have a weakened immune system because I am vegan (yes, someone asked me that). I think I just have bad luck. 
  • I am thinking I might need to start listening to tunes again when I run to get through the summer sun & heat. Maybe. 
  • Did you guys read this article on the WSJ “The Exercise Equivalent of a Cheeseburger“? (pdf here). It claims that any running over 30 miles a week is bad for you. And lists all these instances where marathoners have had heart issues. Uhh… here is the thing. You don’t have to be in great shape to “run” a marathon. Or run a lot of miles. You really don’t. So, yeah, I am not surprised you can find data that correlates heart issues to longer distances. What do you think of the article?
  • Edited to add: Sigh. It must have been so long ago that I forgot to write about it! Valerie was super sweet and came to my strength class Monday night! She kicked butt! I think she should be a regular. Hee hee. 
  • Hüma sent me some of their all-natural gels to try. I am curious about them… as I have no issue with GU (both the way they make me feel or the fact that they are not all natural). I plan to try these on a long run. And despite my recent training. I do have two half marathons in June, so I should have some longer runs coming up. Ha ha. 


22 Responses to “Training Week 188”

  1. outside time says:

    I’m really over these “exercise is bad for you” articles. The headlines are so irresponsible.. and then, buried toward the bottom, is a quote from a cardiac electrophysiologist/cyclist who says, “‘I don’t want anyone to read that exercise can be bad for you.’ added Mandrola.”

    • kilax says:

      You know people are just going to read the headlines and assume they just shouldn’t work out! 😉 It does make me sad, with how sedentary most people are, to see things like this, where most probably won’t take the time to get to that quote in the article.

  2. Kristina says:

    Good luck with the cold – so annoying! Hope that you are 100% soon!
    I definitely don’t understand the correlation between exercise and health problems. I know that I have a not-so-great knee, but my ortho doc has said to me, time and again, that the last thing he wants is for me to sit around doing nothing. That will NOT help the long-term health of my knee and overall body.
    Finally – you should get a road bike soon!

    • kilax says:

      That is awesome to hear! Especially since everyone is SO worried about active people and their knees. Why would sitting around be good for it, unless it was healing from something?!

      Wouldn’t that be nice? 😉

  3. Kim says:

    My guess is you got sick with the second cold while you were down with the first cold. Plus, colds just happen. Hope you feel better soon!

    • kilax says:

      You know what my sneaking suspicion is? TOO MUCH BISCOFF!!!! 😛 😛 😛

      (Seriously… I eat too much of it. Gotta cut back.)

  4. Erin says:

    Your bike ride sounds like fun! And it looks like it was way warmer for you than it was for me during Bike the Drive. I was so cold!!

    • kilax says:

      That is crazy that it was so cold down there! Since I was recovering from a cold I had a ton of clothes on (for me). I dressed in layers so I could take some off. Gotta love those back cycling jersey pockets!

      How was your ride?

  5. Michelle says:

    Nothing worse than a darn summer cold. Sure hope you beat it quick and feeling better soon!

  6. Valerie says:

    Hope you are starting to feel 100%! That bike ride looked like a blast! And you are such a good, bubbly, motivating instructor 🙂 Seriously- you can tell when someone is passionate about their job!

  7. jan says:

    I am not trying to sell anything here but I took an immune system booster and probiotics from Melaleuca all school year and I never had a cold. Several times I had that weird scratchy throat feeling for a day like one was coming, but it never hit full-blown. Dr. Weil’s makes something similar but I thought the M. worked better.

  8. Marcia says:

    Sorry you’re still not feeling great. I’ve had a bug hanging on too. I get sick <less than once a year but still…
    I liked the Huma Gels! Not crazy about the consistency though.

  9. Kandi says:

    I hope you are feeling better. Colds are awful!
    Why did you feel like a rebel on your walk with Steven? Did you hop a fence to walk on a trail or something?

  10. Pete B says:

    I read another article I think in Runners World, dismantling the “long distance running is bad for you” movement. Anyway, I wouldn’t stop anyway, because of all the other great benefits that go along with long distance running. Hope you are feeling better and the temps stay cool. 🙂

  11. Yuck – sounds like you have the same nasty cold as me. I have just a little lingering congestion – a heck of a lot better than the previous weeks. Hope you kick the bug soon!

  12. Michele says:

    I LOVE riding in our bike group on Saturdays!! Of course this past week was just too cold! We will be back at it again in a few weeks, I have a 5K this weekend!!!

    I too have had some crazy cold like symptoms! UGH!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, what’s the plan for the 5K?

      I should be asking YOU, Mrs. Nurse, how to get better! 🙂

      • Michele says:

        Plan for the 5K is “BALLS TO THE WALL!!!!” 🙂

        I hope to PR, but it has a killer hill (that I’ve been practicing on) AND it’s a trail run (which is closed to the public, so I cannot practice)…so we will see. (really I just have to beat my hubby’s PR for the course!)

        I think mine is just the pollen. As I get older, the more pollen bothers me.

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