Friday Question #211

By , October 19, 2012 6:27 am

Do you have business cards for your blog?

And since that question is not answerable for non-bloggers, how about business cards for real work?

I keep meaning to design and order business cards for my blog. My blog name is not easy to remember (maiden name + studio, since I have a design degree) so I thought cards would help when I met people and told them about le blog. But I have not ordered them yet.

I am going away this weekend to run ZOOMA (you can still register in person tonight!!!) with a group of bloggers… and will potentially meet other bloggers I don’t know, so I thought I better whip out some quick business cards at home. My idea for the cards was to use my favorite masthead images, so the cards are not all the same. They’re like collectibles! Which one will you get?!!?! (<– so totally kidding)

Can you tell I cut them myself? Yeah. These will have to do until I get some real ones printed. Ha ha.

As for work business cards… meh. I have them and rarely hand them out.

30 Responses to “Friday Question #211”

  1. Michelle Dragoo says:

    Cool idea. I only have work cards!

  2. kelsey says:

    I want all your business cards so I can put them through my apt all over the wall so wherever I look I see your face.

  3. I have a big box of business cards from my old employer… the current job doesn’t supply them for me… so I think i’ll need to come up with something. Cards for the blog may also be beneficial. My friend made some for me back in the day… but I cannot honestly tell you where they went. I’m so unorganized!

  4. Haha, I think since I started my new job I’ve given two business cards to people who aren’t friends and family. I still have half a box from my last job that I was with for almost 4 years. Oops.

    I do actually have cards for my blog (yes, the one that I inadvertantly abandoned for 6 months). I usually give them out at restaurants where I plan on writing a review. I’ve also gone to blogger dinners where it’s just easier to hand someone a card.

  5. gina says:

    I LOVE how you picked different mastheads to use! Great idea! I think this will be perfect to hand out at Zooma! I want to collect all of them!

  6. I just got my new business cards with my married name! I was excited about that. 🙂

  7. I just got some for my wine blog, because restaurants kept asking for them when we went do reviews, but I would only get them for my endurance blog if I was going to Outdoor Retailer or something similar. Yours look great!

  8. When I went to BlogHer a few years ago, I had cards made for my blog. I still have a bunch of them and they sit in a box in a drawer. I pretty much forget about them, unless posts like this come up. =)

  9. What a cool idea, I never thought of that! I’ll have to do this for the next blogger meetup… maybe?? Lol

  10. Kim says:

    I’ve only ever given out TWO of my real business cards. HA!

  11. Erin says:

    I have cards for Loop Looks but haven’t made any for Eri-thon, yet. I usually just write the URL on the back of the Loop Looks ones 🙂

    Your idea for all the different mastheads is awesome!

    As for work cards, I have some and I give them out a lot, actually. I’d like to give out the rest of them, though, so I can justify ordering new ones with my new professional certification letters after my name 🙂

  12. Melie says:

    I’m always thinking of getting business cards and I’m always postponing it. Your cards look really nice! I definitely couldn’t tell you cut them out yourself 🙂

  13. gingerfoxxx says:

    I don’t have business cards, but one time i wrote my web address on a bathroom wall in a bar in Madison. You say business cards, i say drunk graffiti. Only time will tell which ones works…

  14. Marcia says:

    Super cute! I want one w/the Kmart modeling pics. I have no blog cards. I am lame.

  15. Amy says:

    I want one!

    Have a great time at Zooma this weekend!

  16. I have blog business cards. It took me a full year to actually have a need for them. They bascially gather dust.

  17. Anne says:

    Blogging business cards? Wow, I never really thought of that. But I don’t really try to promote my blog, so that’s probably why. I like your cards though – what a fun idea!

    I had business cards for work once. I worked a horrible, horrible job for about 3 months, and I think they came in a week or so before I quit, so I never actually got to use them.

  18. CourtneyInControl says:

    Great idea!! I never thought of that!! I love your idea about using the mastheads on your cards too!! You are so clever and creative! Collecting them all would be a good goal!!

  19. Kandi says:

    I don’t have blog business cards. I do have work business cards but only because I used to be a recruiter and go to job fair events. I only went to one event before we lost funding for recruitment. That was back in 2006 so my cards have my maiden name on them.

  20. Mica says:

    I’ve never thought of this idea! (And it sounds like no one else has either.) I guess I don’t really advertise my blog to people I know; I think most people find it through the Internet or through Facebook. It’s a good idea though, and I might have to try it out for WVT!

  21. Alice says:

    I had cards made when I went to BlogHer.. man, was that 3 years ago?? and I still have a ton of them! I do actually give them out on rare occasion these days 🙂

  22. Maggie says:

    I have cards for work, but with the merger and my office move, almost all of the information is outdated – my name is correct [although I still have some with my maiden name floating around, since I started here 7 months before I got married], and my email forwards to my new address, but my title, company name and logo, address and phone number are wrong.

    I also have personal cards for my blog and freelance work, since it’s all related (online marketing/social media/public relations). I ordered them through (just paid shipping), and the info was pulled from my profile. I really like these cards. You can customize the front and back, and it includes a QR code so people can scan and go right to your online profile. And the paper quality is really good. I’ve ordered from vistaprint in the past and I like the ones from better.

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, I will have to check out! I was going to go through vistaprint – I think that is what Steven uses for

  23. The Linz says:

    Those came out soooo cute! I’ve thought about getting cards made for my blog but keep changing my blog name so much that it’s kind of silly at this point.

  24. martymankins says:

    I don’t, but I have thought about it for my latest blog Adult Beverages for sometime next year. I’ve gotten back into doing some design work with this new venture and want to get all creative.

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