Work hard, play hard, crash hard / Chicago Half Marathon Giveaway WINNER

By , July 3, 2012 6:03 am

That seems to be my M.O. for the past few months, and it’s funny, because I used to be someone who never wanted to do anything after work except eat dinner and go to sleep. But once I started running more, I had to fit my runs in after work. Then I figured out I could fit in going to strength class once a week. Then once I started working from home more, weeknights became even more fun, because we had more time to do whatever – concerts, movies, cruises, picnics… add those full weeknights to packed weekends and we’ve been super busy lately. I’ve noticed that by Sunday I am getting pretty worn out. Sometimes I take a nap, then feel awful on Monday. Yuck! This weekend I skipped the nap and had Monday off. I am hoping I don’t get my normal “beginning of the week headache” today. And let’s just say I am really looking forward to having tomorrow off… and starting the cycle up all over again.

Are you stuck in a work hard, play hard, crash hard cycle too?

 A few photos from playing this weekend:

Thank you to everyone who entered the Chicago Half Marathon Giveaway! I wish I had entries for you all! The winner is #2, Carrie. Carrie, I will forward you the entry code as soon as I get it!

10 Responses to “Work hard, play hard, crash hard / Chicago Half Marathon Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Erin says:

    Sounds like you might need a weekend or two “off”! But it’s so hard in the summer not to feel like you’re wasting time when we get so little in terms of good weather.

  2. Looks like you had a pretty great weekend in the sun! The summer wears me out too, there is always so many great things going on that I don’t want to miss out on.

    Excited that you’ll be running the Chicago half! So excited to run a race with you again.

    • kilax says:

      I am excited we are racing together again too! I wonder if we will meet up again to get down there? 🙂 I wonder if the weather will not suck? Ha ha.

  3. bobbi says:

    Ugh – it gets like that sometimes. Seems like everything happens all at once! And then I need some downtime. But it looks like you had a fabuolous weekend!

    And congrats to Carrie 🙂

  4. Losing Lindy says:

    wow you look like your dad

  5. Maggie says:

    For the past few years, I was a big lame-o and always skipping stuff because I was “tired” or whatever. Then I felt like my 20s were slipping away (less than 2 months left for me … ) So now I try to accept whatever invitations come my way, or suggest fun stuff for us to do. I think all of the running has given me more energy. I just wish my commute didn’t take up so much of my time though. Oh well, not like I have much money these days to afford fun stuff!

    • kilax says:

      I know what you mean about being tired. That was my deal too. In January of 2011 I went to a movie on a weeknight and when I was functional at work the next day I was like “HOLY CRAP I CAN DO THINGS AT NIGHT!” (Mind you, we had taken classes before at night – fencing and dancing – but didn’t love them).

      Most of the stuff we do (so far) is free except for the $5 movies 🙂 I bet there is some cool stuff to do in your area!

      • Maggie says:

        I wasn’t just skipping stuff on weeknights, I was skipping weekend stuff too. I think one problem wasn’t that I was too tired to go out (I could have mustered the energy) but that what my friends were doing was so boring – for awhile just getting together at the same bar for the same karaoke … and honestly sitting at home with some reality TV sounded more appealing. Now we make a better effort to DO stuff, or at the very least, get together with people who we can actually have conversations with.

  6. Carrie says:

    OMG, yay! I was away from the computer and just got back to see this! So excited! 😀

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