Friday Question #196
Do you like filling out surveys? Or do you usually skip them?
Last week I was telling Steven how fun I think filling out surveys is (I think I like the idea that someone cares about my opinion). Steven said he thinks that might be an odd trait. So of course, I said “I will ask my blog readers and they will prove you wrong!”
Then I thought about it. Anyone who answers the Friday Question probably has a tendency to like filling out surveys and answering things. Because you are already answering the silly questions I ask you. Humor me anyway.
I really like post-race surveys. But I will fill out the ones restaurants send me in email or even the ones the they say “keep your receipt and fill out the survey.” I answer them at work (except for when they are something I know NOTHING about), even when it’s not anonymous. Ha ha ha. When someone links to a random survey on Facebook and says “Help my friend by answering this survey for their dissertation!” I fill those out too.
I love filling out post race surveys. I’d like to think my “strong” opinions on the muddy buddy San Jose 2010? Not having a finishers medal was listened to. Now it seems all muddy buddies give out finishers medals (as they should for a race with a somewhat high entry fee:)
I even answered one pretty much as soon as I crossed the finish of the Chicago half marathon last year (only good things to say)
If someone is asking for an opinion, I’d like to think that they will listen to the comments and improve accordingly 🙂
I do surveys when i can get something for it. For example, for 10 dollars off my next purchase, of course I will take 5 minutes and do the survey. Otherwise I usually don’t. I feel like your friday surveys are slightly different. They cover a wide range of topics and usually aren’t boring like the store ones are!
Of course I like filling out surveys. I’m a blogger, so clearly I’m a fan of self-disclosure. I love the thought that someone may actually care about my opinion.
I’m not overly fond of filling out surveys (which is odd since my work depends on surveys) but I do it if I think it will help improve service. I also am willing to fill out a survey if someone went over my expectations.
Basically, if I actually have an opinion about something, survey me! Otherwise, I won’t feel strongly enough and could care less about your survey.
I can’t resist filling out surveys. I think it’s because i am a narcissist though.
I try to fill out surveys as much as possible. I think feedback is very important in any situation – you can only improve when you know of the areas in which improvement is possible! Whenever I’ve had good or bad experiences, I definitely want them to be heard. I know that many times my feedback might be just a proverbial pounding of the chest, but I think it’s still better to have it available than to NOT have it available.
By the way – I laughed out loud at the “GFY” option on the survey picture you posted. HILARIOUS. =D
I was watching a game show once, and the question was “Do most people like or dislike filling out surveys?” and the answer was like. I do like filling out surveys, especially things like blog memes or surveys about my perceptions at work. I don’t do the ones where the company is just trying to pick your brain as a consumer in exchange for $5.00 off.
I love filling out surveys mostly because I like telling people my opinion. 😉
I think I tend to be too lazy to fill out surveys. Especially the receipt kind that require I go online to find the survey. But then, here I am, answering your question!
Surveys are fun! I do them through a few online places that get you points every time you complete one. I’ve already earned a gift card to Express and am pretty close to getting another one soon.
I love taking surveys– and standardized tests. I’m strange, but when I was younger I would get SAT prep tests from the library and do them for fun. LOL.
I’m in the GFY category with some of the surveys I take. I don’t mind the 5 min ones, but I belong to sites like e-Rewards and e-Poll and some can be 45 mins long. After 20 mins, I’m hoving over the red X button to close the browser. I get enough points to get some Amazon or PayPal credit, but I’m ready to ditch one of the sites here soon due to how annoyed I get. It’s almost not worth the $10 gift card I sometimes get.