FWP #2

By , April 17, 2012 5:40 am

1. My Verizon MIFI device (which theoretically allows me to use the internet on my netbook on my commute home) sometimes just doesn’t work. For most of the hour and 20 minute train ride home.  It infuriates me to no end. I needs my internets.


2. Fairly soon, I will no longer be able to justify buying Starbucks Soy Chai Lattes because “I’m cold.” Until next fall…


3. We forgot to bring our bags to ALDI last night. Don’t worry. We fit mostly everything in that box (Strawberries were 99¢, holla!).


4. It’s too windy to take Data on walks. He just wants to go back inside once he realizes how windy it is (notice that the outside light is all crooked from the wind). 


5. Speaking of WINDY, I put my actual camera on a trash can Sunday and set the timer to take a picture and the camera fell on the ground and got a dent.

Then I set it up again and it tipped over again and got this funny picture (and some good ones too):


6. I’ve found so many cute things to wear lately… that I have run out of hangers in my closet. 


7. Steven won’t respond to the funny selfies I sent him via text. Steven! I am your wife! Pretend I am funny! And cute! 



8. My trainer posted pictures of my Wednesday class after I posted my Sunday recap. Damn! I could have used that instead of the posed one! Thanks to Bobbi for taking my posed pictures. 


9. When I play fetch with Data, he doesn’t bring the ball all the way back to me. WTH Data?! WTH?!


10. Since I am only downtown a few days a week I have a hard time fitting in lunch dates with my friends.  Because I am working from home the rest of the week (photo below is from lunch with Erin yesterday). 


Alright, tell me your first world problems!!!

Things must not be that bad if I only came up with ten on my list (of course, I came up with 3-4 things during my run this morning, but I will just keep them to myself)!

Previous FWP posts: 1

36 Responses to “FWP #2”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    Speaking of lunch with your friends..we need to set something up again.

  2. abbi says:

    Random comment but I love when cats fetch those little foam balls!

  3. J says:

    I always forget my bags at Aldis – I need to go there and get some strawberries! I guess my FWP today is that I took the time to pack Brian’s lunch and then he just came up to me to let me know he didn’t need cause he has a lunch meeting. Ugg! Guess he is just eating that lunch tomorrow! Muahah!

  4. Kandi says:

    Lilah only occasionally will fetch a ball and bring it back to me… and even if she does bring it back, she won’t let go of it.
    FWP – I had to go to work today. haha

  5. Haha – I love the photo you got while the camera was falling. That’s a keeper.

    I also hate it when Jack (the cat) doesn’t bring his beer bottle cap all the way back while playing fetch. Game over Jack, game over.

  6. Tracy says:

    KIM! You need an ICED soy chai latte because it’s hot, OBVIOUSLY!

    • kilax says:

      I do like the iced ones! But they put too much ice in it and I drink it in 20 sec. FWP. Sigh. 🙂

  7. Courtney says:

    I just had to take a second to tell you that you look too cute in your Aldi picture and the one where poor skinny Data is about to blow away!!! Looking good Kim, looking good!! I laughed at your self pictures!! :o)

  8. Michel says:

    Funny post! That’s a lot of fresh food at Aldi’s!

  9. I love that all Aldi’s look the same. I could tell the second I saw the background that’s where you were. I need to go there today! $0.99 for strawberries? Yes please!

    My husband doesn’t respond to my silly photos either! What’s up with that!? Haha

    I can also tell that last photo was taken at Native Foods Cafe! Let’s go there again for lunch soon. I want to try more delicious things on their menu! 🙂

  10. Data is so hilarious! A cat…on a leash…walking down the street!!! HA!

    My hubby sends me goofy pics of himself throughout the day as well and I never respond either.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. I guess sometimes there is no response… you just have to shake your head and laugh? 🙂

  11. Kelsey says:

    I ALWAYS send max self portraits and he NEVER responds either. it makes me so mad!

  12. gina says:

    I like the accidental picture! Awesomeness.

    FWP #6 is effing hilarious. A true FWP.

  13. Kelly says:

    I’m glad to find another ALDI lover. One of my former coworkers was scared of the place, so I would always point out what of my food was from there. Also, your food looks amazing. If you’re ever in the suburbs, you must go to Naf Naf Grill. Seriously amazing hummus and pita.

    • kilax says:

      I am glad to find another person who realizes it’s ALDI, and not ALDIS or Aldi’s. I know people who are afraid of the place too. Sigh.

      I will have to look up Naf Naf Grill! We are always looking for good middle eastern places 🙂

  14. Gingerfoxxx says:

    awwww, you walk data on a leash!!! 😀

  15. Erin says:

    I was out of hangers too….and then I found a box of them in the attic when I was cleaning stuff out! Score!

    You always capture the best pics of Data.

  16. Melie says:

    oh no! internet access is not a first world problem, it’s a survival tool! Addicted much? 😉

  17. Bahahaha… I laughed about the camera. I have a little Canon Elph that has been through the ringer and back.

    Ironically, I was in Target this morning before work looking at cameras (as I’ve been doing a lot lately because after about 100ish of those falls, the camera needs to be put down). On impulse, I said “I want THAT one.”

    Now I have a new one to ruin. It’ll take about a day and a half to put a scratch/dent in it. Promise.

  18. Christina says:

    Uhmmm iced or cold chai lattes are the beeznees. I suggest you continue wasting your money on those all summer.. 😉

    • kilax says:

      Remember when you told me to ask for less ice so I actually have some to drink? They won’t listen to me!!!! 🙁 FWP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. bobbi says:

    ok, I freaking LOVE that picture that you didn’t quite make it back in time for.

    I have a decent sunburn from Sunday. Did we see the sun? Not so much. FWP.

  20. RunningLaur says:

    Ha, I dropped my work camera off of a roof last week and now it only kinda works – the battery enclosure snapped. Work will replace it with another one, but it’s SO MUCH WORK (really not that much work) to notify them, mail the camera, get another one. Very FWP.

  21. RunningLaur says:

    Oh, also, I seem to own way too many things, so that packing and moving voluntarily with all of my possessions is a pain. If only I had a generous donor who would buy me all new office furniture / bedroom set / wardrobe.

  22. I totally understand freaking out by lack of internet. It would make me crazy.
    I switched cell phone companies just over a week ago, and forgot that my old company was the ONLY ONE that got reception in basement suites, which is where I live. Now I have barely any bars when Im at home, and I’m missing out on so much quality facebook stalking. It’s unfortunate.

  23. I have been freaking out all week about my Verizon hot spot!!! It’s not working well and I have been so behind on reading my blogs, OH THE HORROR!!!!

    Rich always sends me self portraits and I never respond. Usually, no words are necessary. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Do you have the same hotspot thing as me? Mine can be set on 3G, 4G or to roam between both. I have it set on 3G because that seems to work the best, but it always goes low at Lake Forest (they won’t allow towers), Lake Cook Rd and when leaving Union. UGHGHGHGHGHGHGHHG

  24. Anne says:

    I’ve had that happen to my camera so many times! Might I recommend a gorillapod? They’re cheap and small, and work fairly well (though obviously you wouldn’t want to carry that around on a run).

    And look at you sporting bare legs this week! This is the time of year where I never know if I should wear tights or not. Which is another FWP.

    • kilax says:

      I do have a gorillapod thing 🙁 Sigh. Actually, my last camera broke because the attachment on the top of that thing was loose, and it fell off and down the stairs. Why didn’t it survive the 12′ drop on to linolium? Hmm. I do need to take that thing with me. It still would have fallen off this garbage can though. It was so damn windy.

      It was actually a bit too cold for bare legs on Monday! Tuesday I wore sweater tights. And ripped them before I left the house. Sigh. I guess that is what happens when you are over the weight range of your tights. LOL.

  25. When Rainy plays fetch she often does the same thing. Silly kitties.

  26. I love your FWP posts! Hilarious! Data going for a walk is by far the best picture I’ve seen all day! 🙂

  27. martymankins says:

    Being internet less is a sad thing.

    For the summer, I replace the hot Starbucks vanilla lattes with iced vanilla lattes. No money saved, but hey… it’s made for summer.

    Our cat goes outside cold or warm, but his visits outside are shorter in cold and windy weather.

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