Friday Question #158

By , June 17, 2011 6:14 am

What is your favorite email client/webmail and what do you like about it?

Most Popular Email Clients, Winter 2011 (from here):

I’ve been using yahoo mail for years and have just stuck with it. I like it when it works. I like using the shortcuts to compose and respond to emails (I know most systems have that). I like all of my folders, although recently I have deleted many and combined them. Their search feature is okay. I like being able to download several attachments as one zip file )(again, other systems do this now too). I sort of like the built-in chat, when it works. Their interface for smartphones really stinks, but I don’t have a smartphone, so it’s no bother.

Next Monday, we are making a transition to a new email client (well really, webmail) at work, and it’s a really big deal. We’ve been with the old email client for over 10 years and the new system is going to be very different. I need to spend some time thinking about how I am going to organize my email in the new system.

18 Responses to “Friday Question #158”

  1. Kandi says:

    I use Outlook at work but I know I don’t use it to its full potential and my organization skills are way lacking.
    A few years ago I switched from Hotmail to Gmail for my personal account and never looked back. I still have my Hotmail account but every time I access it I get more and more annoyed with how not user-friendly it is. Gmail is awesome! (and I like gchat and how I used to be able to run AIM through it but they changed it and I haven’t figured out how to make it work again).

  2. At work, I use Outlook. It’s fine.

    I have a couple personal email accounts in Yahoo and Gmail. Recently, I’ve started to HATE Yahoo. If your screen is reduced, the body of the email doesn’t resize. Hate that. Also hate that there is no “menu” at the bottom of the email, so you have to scroll all the way back to the top to delete, respond, forward, etc. Nuisance. I love Gmail. In fact, my dad’s work (major university) has switched him over to Gmail because it’s so stable. Impressive.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, yahoo on my netbook is a pain. Whenever I use the chat in it, it fills up the whole screen and I can’t see any emails while I am chatting! I think they need to keep working on it.

      We are moving to gmail at my office too.

  3. J says:

    I use Outlook for work because we have to, but I use Gmail for personal stuff. I love gmail! outlook isn’t too bad.

  4. Jen says:

    This post made me feel so much better! I thought I was the only one left using hotmail! I started using it in college almost 20 years ago and I just haven’t changed. I dread the thought of having to tell everyone a different email address.

    At school, we used to use Outlook but we’ve changed to google. Google is taking over our school! We are a “google school”…

  5. Melissa says:

    I have had my Yahoo account for 10+ years and have no problems with it. I am really surprised to see that Hotmail has a higher market share of e-mail users…I don’t know anyone who still has a hotmail account! I think of hotmail and AOL as being the 1990s early adopter email programs which many have migrated away from.

    We are going to be migrating to Outlook at work (we currently use Groupwise and I have been on that system since starting here 6+ years ago, so I am a bit apprehensive about the switch)

    • kilax says:

      I am kind of wondering how our transition at work is going to go as well. It’s going to be very different! I am sure we will all adapt 🙂

  6. ChezJulie says:

    It is so funny that you posted this today. I have been on a huge kick with reorganizing my e-mail using the Inbox Zero strategy, and I just love it. You file your e-mail into only a few categories when you receive it, based on the next steps that need to be taken. Like my folders are Action, Waiting On, Read/Review, Someday/Maybe, and Filed Away. It’s based on ideas from the book Getting Things Done. What it means is that you don’t have to sift through all the e-mail that’s sitting in your inbox “in case I need to refer to it later.” You can just quickly dip into the Action e-mails to work on what needs your top priority attention. You also don’t waste time figuring out what folder or sub-folder you need to store each piece of e-mail in. If you need to find something later, just search the Filed Away stuff using your e-mail client search tool. I use Outlook at work.

    • kilax says:

      That is really interesting and very different from how I do email. I leave all my action items in my inbox until I take care of them, then file them. I need to rethink my system.

  7. Erin says:

    I use Outlook at work and Thunderbird at home. MobileMe is what I use to access my personal email via the web when I’m at work. I hate MobileMe! Apparently, though, Apple is switching from MobileMe to something called iCloud. I’ll have to research it and figure out how what’s changing.

    I used to use Eudora as my email client at home because that’s what we used in college. And before that I had an AOL account.

    • martymankins says:

      MobileMe had been rough. I hope the transition to iCloud will be good and will stil let me check my MobileMe email from something other than an Apple device.

  8. martymankins says:

    I’m both a Gmail and Apple Mail 4.5. Just about every email account I have is part of those two clients. I use Gmail on the web. Then I have 3 IMAP clients that I check from Apple Mail on the Mac (as well as the iPad and iPhone versions)

  9. i use outlook for work and yahoo for personal..mostly because i have been too lazy to change not because there is anything so amazing happening

  10. Alice says:

    i am SHOCKED that gmail isn’t higher up on that list. i’d say 75% of the people i email with (non-professionally) are on gmail… and several folks i know (myself included) have work servers hosted by gmail. so while my professional email is, it’s ACTUALLY a gmail account.

    i have an old hotmail account i use for junk mail and UGH. gmail rules 🙂

  11. Kapgar says:

    I hate Outlook. We use it patchwork and it locks up so much.

    Personally, I prefer Gmail to any of the other webmail clients I’ve used like Yahoo and Hotmail.

  12. Diane says:

    I’m surprised that hotmail is so high on the chart. I think I know maybe 2 people who use it.
    Outlook at work (no choice, had Lotus Notes at my last job and it STUNK), gmail has gradually replaced Yahoo for personal, but I still have a lot of stuff that goes to Yahoo. I check both, but gmail goes to my phone.

  13. RoseRunner says:

    I’m a gmail convert. I use outlook for work, and it’s got some great functions for an office setting…but for personal use, nah

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