A true neighbor

By , January 7, 2009 5:55 pm

I’ve posted a few times about my disdain for my neighbors (here, here, and here… and probably elsewhere), and how I felt it was normal to not know ANY of them.

After yesterday’s post, you might be wondering what my deal is, and if I have any friends at ALL. I do. And ironically, I felt inspired today to write about some of our newest friends – who, also ironically, are neighbors! We met them last spring, and have been hanging out with them and their daughter regularly since then.

I don’t know if I can accurately describe how nice, thoughtful, giving and fun to be around these people are. The husband is charismatic, gregarious, outgoing… he may be the friendliest person I’ve ever met. He’s one of those people that EVERYBODY likes.  The wife is very easygoing, easy to talk to, caring and thoughtful – the type that seems to find happiness in everything. She listens and shows interest – you know I like that.

And their daughter is absolutely adorable. I kind of thought it would be a problem for the five of us to hang out since we don’t have a child as well, but their daughter is so well-behaved and well-spoken that it has never been a problem. She sings and dances and plays with Data while we are having a conversation. She’ll tell you if she needs a nap or is hungry or wants to go to the bathroom.

We went to her third birthday party in the beginning of December. Oh my. They had A LOT of people in their home. A lot of family, a lot of friends, and a lot of kids. It was fun. Their daughter kind of just sat back and watched the other kids play (she’s an observer, until she begins to feel comfortable). At one point, her mother asked her to put away the toys to her kitchen set – plastic food, utensils, plates and so on. She sat diligently on the floor, packing everything into a storage bin, not noticing the other kids dancing and yelling around her. She put the bin away when she was all done then got up and went to another part of the room. Another kid immediately came and dumped everything out on the floor! Then her mother came back and asked her to put everything away, in that sort of voice like, “I already told you once!” She had a little pout on her face, but listened to her mother and put everything away again. Steven and I were just sitting there laughing. We knew she had put it all away once. We told the mom that story last week and she just laughed and laughed. She said, “I wondered why she hadn’t put them away when I first asked!”

Oops, that was kind of a tangent.

I get really excited when I tell people about our “neighbors,” because I think they are so awesome. Besides inviting us over all the time, feeding us, entertaining us, etc. (which we do the same), they’ve really helped us out a lot. I needed to find a church in the neighborhood, and they knew of one. I didn’t know where to go to vote and they gave me general directions. I wasn’t sure about taking the job with the federal government and they encouraged me, supported me and followed up with me – calling to ask my decision, congratulating me, asking how I like it so far, etc.

We’ve asked them to watch over Data the past two weekends while we were out of town. Both times, they came over everyday, sometimes twice! They leave a detailed list of when they were there, how much Data ate, if he went poo, if he had a treat, if he seemed happy… Steven and I think they do a better job recording him than the shelter does when we board him!

A family emergency came up and Steven and I have to travel again. Another four days away from home. I hated asking them to watch Data again, but I don’t like leaving him alone for that many days. I start to feel really guilty.

Well, you can probably guess, our neighbor was more than excited to watch Data. He said, “I wish I could watch Data every weekend!” Then he started to tell me about how cute Data is, how he is there when he opens the door and follows him around the house, purring.

I apologized for asking him to watch him, yet again, but he started telling me how he feels like we do so much for him and his family, and his is more than happy to return the favor. “We’re neighbors afterall!”

We are. I just never realized what that meant!

13 Responses to “A true neighbor”

  1. diane says:

    That’s so nice! And really funny considering I was just complaining about my downstairs neighbor…hee hee.

  2. claire says:

    That’s very cool to have neighbors like that.

    I hope the family emergency isn’t too serious.

  3. Bethany says:

    That’s awesome to have neighbors that you can count on! Hopefully someday you can return the favor– hope you are able to enjoy where you’re going!

  4. That’s awesome about your neighbors!!! I’ve always kinda shyed away from my neighbors, I have no idea why either… heaven forbid I meet someone new!!! I think that’s amazing that they don’t mind watching Data (although who would- he is too awesome!!!) and that they leave you little notes about when they were there and his “activities”… it’s really cute!!!! Maybe you’ve convinced me that neighbors aren’t a bad thing after all, lol!!!

  5. Alice says:

    i want your neighbors!!! mine are super unfriendly. not mean, per se, just sooooo not interested in talking to me. EVER.

  6. Jenn says:

    Good neighbors are important. I actually like to be friends with mine, while Scott just likes to say hello every once in a while. All our neighbors are much older than me, around my parents age or older, so while good friendships aren’t really there, they are fantastic people and I love that they’re so helpful and friendly. One neighbor was laid off a while ago and she was GREAT any time Scott was out of town and I couldn’t get home in time to let Katie out, she was always willing to come over any time we needed her to do little things like that. Of course she went and got a job, darn her! 😉

    I haven’t met anyone in our neighborhood in WA, but Scott met a neighbor who is one house down from us, and he said he was really nice. Best part? Scott guessed his age to be around his and they had a 3 month old baby at the time! I’m looking forward to having neighbors closer to our age and with kids, so we’ll fit in better than our current street.

  7. Having great neighbors like that is just amazing! Its such a blessing! Damn, I wish they were my neighbors, too! Not that my neighbors are mean or anything, I just don’t know them that well. Hopefully we will as we settle in more.

    I wish I could Data sit! : )

  8. kaylen says:

    I want to be your neighbor too!!! Those sound like great neighbors and by association, you must be too!

    I went to college with neighbors who were as wonderful as this. It was a couple and their 16 yr old daughter and I would not have survived without them. The daughter very soon became my sons babysitter, their dog soon became the dog my son has always wanted and the couple became like grandparents. And we stay in touch (not often enough though) now, and my son still feels like he grew up with them, even though we were only next door to them for 18 months when he was 7.

    I love nice neighbors!

  9. tori says:

    Those sound like wonderful neighbors! We have a few that are close like that with us too, and it is just so nice to know someone is there if you need them and you for them.

    I hope everything is all right with the family emergency. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you!

  10. Denise says:

    We have great neighbors that take care of our brood whenever we need them to.
    Even giving our one diabetic cat his insulin shots twice a day. They have always come over to play with the “kids” everyday, even before they had to because of Spotty’s insulin shots.

    It’s nice to have good neighbor’s that you feel “at home” with. And that you can count on in an emergency.

  11. cheryl says:

    I don’t know any of my neighbors, although one decided to tell us all we had a roach infestation so she could break her lease or something this morning. I don’t think I want to know her…

  12. teeni says:

    Well, that sounds like how all neighbors should be! I’m glad you have some good ones!

  13. kilax says:

    diane – Well, as you know, we are complainers too! Sorry I haven’t been to your site in awhile. It’s been… hectic! I will get around to your story soon! 🙂

    claire – I should have been more specific about the family emergency, but I didn’t know if it was appropriate. Steven’s 90-year-old grandmother passed away on Tuesday, so we are in Iowa all weekend for services and the funeral on Monday. Actually, my BiL wrote something very nice about her – http://drskaff.blogspot.com/2009/01/grandma-skaff.html.

    Bethany – We do try to return favors to them when we can, but now I think we owe them big time. Even though we are in town for the sad loss of Steven’s grandmother, we are still having a good time seeing family.

    CourtneyInControl – I shied away too, because all of my experiences before WERE with sh*tty neighbors! Now I try to be a bit more social. I am still not expecting much though.

    Alice – Awww 🙁 They’re just the quiet type? Wah 🙁

    Jenn – That’s so awesome that you had someone to help with Katie! It’s great when you make these relationships, then they happen to live so close you can ask them for small favors, and they genuinely want to help! Your new neighbors in WA sound awesome! I bet you are going to have a great time getting to know them!

    Gina (Mannyed) – Data wishes you could Data-sit too! He is also hoping maybe he will get to meet his Aunt Gina and Aunt Courtney sometime this summer…? I bet you have been so busy with the new house that you barely have a chance to step outside. Maybe you will end up meeting some really cool people!

    kaylen – That’s so cool 🙂 Neighbors can really be like family outside of family! We’re lucky that we have both been able to experience that!

    tori – Thank you for thinking of us! I thought of you when I wrote about neighbors – I think you have mentioned a few times taking treats over to them!

    Denise – They even do the insulin shots?! They ARE great neighbors! I would try if I was your neighbor, but be scared 🙁

    cheryl – Ha! I still need to read about that on your blog. I am so far behind. Ha. Was she trying to help you out or create a case?

    teeni – That IS how they should be! Hee hee!

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