About those Champion C9 tights…

By , December 19, 2010 9:50 pm

Yeah, about those…

So, I mentioned earlier today that I really like the Target Champion C9 running tights because they are warm, but to buy them in a smaller size because they run large.


I was at Target today, and decided to pick up another size medium. I held them up and thought “No way in hell those are fitting,” so I bought a size large.

Wow. They fit so well. Ha.

Here I am wearing my size “Medium”:

I checked the tags and my first ones really are marked “medium.” They are the wider ones in the photo below. The pair above (or underneath) are the larges.

So I think I really needed an XL? Me so confused.

What matters is, my “mediums” fit and I like them.

Have you ever bought mislabeled clothing?

Lately, I have noticed in the stores (specifically Kohl’s) that everything seems to be on the wrong hanger. We kept looking for smalls and every hanger marked small was actually an extra-large or large top. Frustrating.

But these “mediums” are marked that way in the pants and were on a medium hanger. I remember being in awe in Target when I tried them on and they fit. Ha. Clothes are funny sometimes.

12 Responses to “About those Champion C9 tights…”

  1. Oh I hate when sizes are wrong. It makes clothes shopping even more of a hassle than it needs to be.

  2. Amy says:

    That is a huge difference (no pun intended)! The mediums look really cute on you!

  3. k8 says:

    I try everything on. I don’t leave anything up to my eyeballs or print anymore. Sigh.

    • kilax says:

      We went to 8 different stores yesterday, so I thought, “Meh, I will try these on at home” (to save time). My husband has to return some white undershirts that he bought too. Good thing Target is only 10 mins away!

  4. Erin says:

    Ugh! I hate it when that happens.

    My mom bought me a pair of lounging around pants from Gap Body one year. She said the small looked really small so she bought me a large. They fit perfectly. Later I went to buy another pair and the large was HUGE. So irritating.

    My favorite pair of Adidas running capris are also size large but I think those just run really, really, really small since I’ve bought them twice in large and they fit fine both times. And I’m not usually one to wear a large.

    I wish our clothes came in measurements like men’s clothes.

  5. Christina says:

    Yep, I have worn clothes that were too big or too small because they were missed labeled. Taht is why I try almost everything that I want to buy.

  6. ChezJulie says:

    That is weird,and your post is too funny. But I think you should go around telling everyone you wear a Medium.

  7. Adam says:

    Girls sizes are SOOOOO dumb. I love how guys’ dress clothes sizes are all based on inches – like it should be!

    BTW – you were totally not wearing pants in that first picture. ha!

    • kilax says:

      I know, we need it to be in inches. Although, I would rather not know my size. Ha!

      I thought of you when I took that photo. I thought “Adam would appreciate this!” Steven was hesitant to take the photo!

  8. Jen says:

    Target sells Champion clothes for girls and for women. I’m willing to bet that the tiny larges were girls’ large, put away in the wrong section.

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