Friday Question #140

By , December 17, 2010 6:32 am

What’s on the top of your holiday wishlist?

Since I told you how much I love giving gifts, I can tell you what is on my wish list, right?

It’s the same thing every year (just sometimes a different model) – running shoes:

This year it’s the Gel Cumulus 12, size 12 (a pair, not just one as shown above).

I make a super long wishlist so people have lots of items to choose from*, but running shoes are always the first thing I list! Followed by other running and fitness items, DVDs, books, games, clothes, jewelry and A NEW PILLOW AND STOCKING HAT**.

I would really love to hear what you put at the top of your wishlist, as your #1 item! Especially from my family and other people who don’t normally comment…

*I know that sounds snotty and greedy, but people request a list from me, so I try to put a lot of different things on it, so they don’t feel like I am just saying “go buy me this one specific thing.” Then they can pick and choose or just get ideas from the list.
**Steven, I put that capitalized part in there for you. As a joke.

20 Responses to “Friday Question #140”

  1. Totally that stocking hat. It is the #1 item on my list. :p

    Actually, I REALLY want a BCD. Which I can say since nobody is buying it but me. :p

    <3 <3

  2. gina says:

    I want an ereader this year! Let’s see if Santa is listening…

  3. Erin says:

    My #1 item? Maybe arm warmers for running? Or maybe the SkyRest Travel Pillow which I’ve been asking for for years and no one ever gets me. I know I’d look like a total idiot on the plane but it’s the only way I can sleep!

    I’m like you in that I try to make a long list full of items at all different price ranges. Much better than my brother in law’s list which consists of Best Buy gift card and Lowe’s gift card. I got him slippers.

    • RunningLaur says:

      The Asics arm warmers that are only $8 and look like cotton (but aren’t) are amazing and cheap! My favorite thing! had them last year if your local store doesn’t.

  4. Kandi says:

    I usually have a pricey item that I really want but can never commit to asking for because of the cost. I’ve been kinda wanting a Garmin for the past few years but just haven’t convinced myself it is worth the money (even if it isn’t my money). The other expensive gift I want I won in that contest that I still haven’t blogged about in detail. Once the item arrives (soon!) I will be posting about it!
    Also- that stocking cap is the BEST.THING.EVER! Where can I find something like that to purchase? !

  5. Christina says:

    I requested a personal trainer. I really want to get back to the gym and establish a routine and this would kick start it. My husband thinks it is a trap but it is what i want.

  6. Stephany says:

    The two big things I want are a new camera (mine has a crack in the screen and the settings are all messed up. Boo!) and a new pair of boots.

    I totally do Christmas lists, too. I mean, I know how much easier it is to do shopping for someone when you have a list of things they would want!

  7. 12? You got some big feet!

    On my list? That I can get back running again. Who says I’m easy to shop for?

  8. Megan says:

    I’m glad you decided to ask for the pair instead of just one! The streets are dangerous enough to be running in one stocking foot 🙂 I think the top of my list was probably an FM transmitter for my iPhone, but I’m not sure I’m getting that. I know my parents got me a new fleece for the gym and I’m VERY excited to get that and stop freezing off my bum going to pilates in a sweatshirt.

  9. Bethany says:

    As sad as it sounds, a comforter for my bed. I truly don’t really need or want anything!

  10. Mica says:

    I heard somewhere on the radio the other day that even if someone asks for a vacuum, you shouldn’t get him/her one. I guess that’s good advice. (I’m not sure why I’m sharing this.)

    Hmmm, I usually come up with different lists (Do I sound spoiled?) so that the gifter can feel good about what s/he is getting me. For example, I asked my dad for a down coat this winter because it’s like -1893490248032 degrees in Champaign right now. Gah, does this make me sound spoiled? Anyway, at the top of my list this year? Probably bike pedals…because my bike is just sitting here. Without pedals.

  11. Carol says:

    Size 12, huh? I didn’t think anyone could beat my 11 1/2 – LOL! I wear the Nimbus – love ’em!

  12. k8 says:

    I guess I just never ask for anything, so I don’t think about it. But I want new running shoes so badly, it makes me sad. I am *hoping* that my mom and dad have gotten me a gift certificate for a running store or some cash for that purpose. But if they didn’t, I know that my sister is getting me injinji socks to wear with my VFF and hopefully a subscription to Runner’s World! Wheee!

  13. RunningLaur says:

    My mom wanted specific items to get me, so I know I’m getting a pair of gaiters and a lightweight waterproof jacket (for work, but also may take it for trail runs, since it’s designed for that).
    The main thing on my list now? Any and all of these: I think it only comes to like $3000 or something, ha! Oh, and the ability to actually study and learn all of it. That’s not asking much, right?

  14. sizzle says:

    I really want a new tea kettle. Mine is stained and busted and I use it daily. Hoping someone who saw my wishlist on Amazon gifts it to me!

  15. diane says:

    I put the entire LOST series DVD’s on my wishlist, but I’ll be mad if someone actually buys them–it’s like $125!
    I really, really want a nice cover for my Kindle, preferably leather, preferably blue.
    There is also a very slick OXO measuring cup on my list. I feel old admitting that, but whatever. 😉

  16. ChezJulie says:

    We do the lists, too, in my family. There is not much of an element of surprise on Christmas morning, but at least it eliminates some of the stress and those “what were they thinking?” gifts!

    I asked for some books and CDs and jewelry, and a gift certificate to Whole Foods so I can have a shopping spree.

  17. Adam says:

    MY list……. Hmmmmmmmm….. Gosh, I have no idea. I’m trying to pimp out my garage (I think you 2 would get a kick out of it) and I’d LOVE a stoplight for the corner. 😉

  18. martymankins says:

    Well, I would like to get a MacBook Air 11-inch model, but I don’t think that will happen (i really don’t need one, that’s for sure).

    Most things I wanted this year I ended up buying along with gifts for others. One item was the Back To The Future Blu-ray trilogy.

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