Chicago Marathon behind the scenes photos

By , October 14, 2010 6:44 pm

A coworker shared these “behind the scenes” Chicago Marathon finish line pictures with me, and I thought you might enjoy them.

The “Heat Sheets”


Medals Close Up – something about this picture really inspires me!



Iced towels


Would you drink a beer immediately after a marathon?

Do you procrastibake?

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I think at Chicago you had to drink the beer before you left the finish area (I saw them making people throw their beer away to leave). Beer doesn’t sound good to me. Ever. I could have gone for a popsicle though.

I ran for the first time after the race today! A nice and easy 3-miler on the treadmill.

The racing bug has caught me and I am looking at upcoming (inexpensive) races. I think I definitely have a 10K and some 5Ks in the future! A half would be nice too… I’ll keep the mileage up just in case.

23 Responses to “Chicago Marathon behind the scenes photos”

  1. If I’d just finished a marathon, hell yes I’d drink a beer 😉

    • kilax says:

      What kind would you want to drink?

      I decided to add a poll to see what most people say. I have heard a variety of responses to the people I’ve asked in person!

  2. I think I would want to drink a beer after in celebration. Not sure if my stomach would appreciate it… but my head would… 🙂

  3. J says:

    Those are some cool pictures! I have had a sip of beer after a race but that is about it. My stomach can’t stand much more!

  4. Jamie says:

    Very cool pictures. Love the medal shot!

    I always drink beer after a long race. I love it! Did you know it actually aids in recovery almost as much as chocolate milk. Now chocolate milk sounds gross to me after a race 🙂

  5. Kandi says:

    I’ve never run that far so I have no idea if I’d be capable of consuming a beer after such an event… but if I wasn’t feeling sick, I’d definitely be up for a beer afterward!

  6. Melissa says:

    I had a beer after Rock n Roll Nashville (half) and REALLY wanted a beer after the Wine and Dine but the lines were so damn long that I gave up. I am a really heavy/salty sweater though so I often crave cold and salty after a long run.

  7. bobbi says:

    I drank my beer Sunday. I liked it way more than I anticipated…

  8. Erin says:

    I think you could also get your free beer at the beer tent in the runner reunite area but I was just in such a strange mood and nothing sounded good so I skipped it.

    I did have some sangria with dinner later that night, though.

  9. Susan says:

    I would have taken a beer a little while after the marathon, but definitely not right after, and I certainly couldn’t have finished by the time I got out of the finish area!

    I can’t decide whether I’d like to hand out medals to finishers, or if I’d prefer to be along the course…if I were to volunteer. Both would be rewarding, but I’d like to see people RUNNING!

    • kilax says:

      I also think volunteering at either station would be fun. It would be so cool to say congrats and give the runners their medals! But I love seeing the runners too.

  10. Michel says:

    lol. I might have taken a beer if there was still people serving when I finished even though it was a wheat beer. Right? It was bottled beer in a dark bottle? I saw remnants on my way out of the are after everyone had gone through…So weird to see all those medals hanging up on racks. Maybe next year I can still see that!

  11. RunningLaur says:

    I think you need a category of “Hells yes, and it was a great beer!” Been there, done that 🙂
    That’s a crazy amount of medals too – very cool.

  12. I don’t like beer so.. hells to the no! If it was some other alcoholic beverage however, then my answer would be hells to the yes. 😀

    Your new header looks great, Kim!

  13. Christina says:

    There is the hot chocolate race in a few weeks:

  14. martymankins says:

    Yep, I would. A light pilsner would be refreshing after a 26.2 mile run could help add some carbs back into my system.

  15. teamarcia says:

    Love those pics–thanks for those! It was bedlam and I was most likely delirious when I finished–nothing looked that way. Never even saw the medals…I def saw them in 2007.
    And I took the ‘heat sheet’ once again, as if it were a rotten trout.

  16. Bethany says:

    Well I don’t drink beer to begin with, so no. LOL! Looking at all those bananas and medals though– WOW!

  17. ChezJulie says:

    I would drink a beer during the marathon.

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