- My goodness, the story telling in Little Fires Everywhere was so good. I’d consider owning a copy of it, to cherish again. (That, along with Station Eleven, my other favorite read from the year!). I really want to know more about what happens to the characters! We need a part II!

- I moved from that to a guidebook of San Francisco to somewhat prepare for our trip! Well, I also tried reading a novel called Ghosted but ditched it. The author spent way too much time describing the landscape, which drove me bonkers. And it was moving slow. That’s something I liked about Little Fires Everywhere – Ng didn’t go on and on about unnecessary details. It was super detailed, but with a purpose.
- Ha, on my Monday commute, another train rider was gushing to me when she saw my reusable plastic bag. She even got hers out to show me and told me about all the times she uses it. Love it!
- What is it with iTunes taking three attempts to get my playlists to sync? And it often rewriting them or missing songs? Grr.
- An update on our intruders – there’s been four of them so far and we’ve had them all relocated.
- Here’s some cute cuddling kitty pics!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 202
So glad you liked it! Am looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts!
Yes! We have to chat when you get back!
I just placed a hold on the Little Fires Everywhere and Station Eleven at the library. I’m currently reading a book called Surviving the 21st Century (for an english essay). Its what I call a popular science/ science light book, it’s pretty good so far.
OMG that picture with the three of them with Starbuck in the middle so cute!
Awesome! That book sounds interesting! It’s a novel, right?
Isn’t it? Awww.
Those kitty snuggling pics are sooooooo cute.
Thank you 🙂
Oh my gosh, the cat cuteness is more than I can take!
😀 😀 😀
I’ve heard so many good things about Little Fires Everywhere. I’ll have to put it on my hold list at the library!
FOUR intruders?! Noo! I can’t imagine the cold temperatures we’ve had lately have helped the situation at all 🙁 You belong outside, critters!
Yes! Get it and tell me what you think? I have a feeling how good it was is going to ruin anything I try to read after. Ha.
And I guess it was actually six, lol, Steven corrected me. I feel bad for them, but stay out!
I’m so glad you loved Little Fires Everywhere. Celeste Ng is such a talented writer. Have you read Everything I Never Told You by her? I liked it just as much as LFE!
She is! I haven’t read that – I will add it to my holds list!