- Yesterday when I was leaving work and getting in the elevator, two people walked out with cake. After the doors closed, I said to the guy in the elevator with me “Ooo, cake! Someone must be having a retirement party.” Then he said something about the party, and “You don’t need that cake.” Then he paused and said, “and neither do I.” UM WTF kind of response is that to my stupid small talk? GFY, telling me I don’t need cake. Jeebus.
- I’ve said it before, but I’d love one day where everything I pick up, set down, or reach for doesn’t fall to the ground. And when I can walk through my house without any loop or strap on me getting caught on things. So aggravating.
- I finished Give Me Your Hand and am reading Vox. Give Me Your Hand is a mystery/thriller about Kit, a post doc vying for a prestigious research position, when an old classmate with a secret that scarred Kit shows up out of the blue and competes (kind of) against her for the spot! I mostly enjoyed it, except for the research on animals parts. Vox is a dystopian novel where women only get to say 100 words a day and are electrocuted when they go over. This one makes me feel awfully anxious reading it… but I want to see what happens.

- Shitterfly had a “free” bag offer recently so I ordered one to keep in my backpack (because a favorite similar bag of mine has a hole, sadness). I love having these lightweight bags handy. And I love having my cats’ faces on it!

- I had a light meeting week to start the week (woo hoo!) then had FOUR invites for meetings at 9:00 am on Wednesday. Sigh. And the one I went to ran 1.5 hours long (until 11:30).
- Another calendar complaint – when someone acts like it’s difficult to coordinate with my schedule, but they never bothered to check my public calendar and try making an appointment when I am shown as free. It’s not hard, folks.
- Aww, Khali loves her siblings, but especially Apollo! Apollo has been such a sh*t lately. He’s gone poo on the floor twice. And he wakes up in the middle of the night (not all nights, thankfully) to play. Sigh. I hope it’s growing pains!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 200
WTF kind of response is that indeed! EVERYONE NEEDS CAKE. But geez dude, keep your judgy food hang-ups to yourself!
I’d like to have a day where my elbow doesn’t randomly bump into a wall that I know is there, or I don’t hit my head after bending down to get something.
I’ll join your calendar gripes – I hate when people schedule meetings during the ONLY time I already have a meeting on a given day. We have public calendars and scheduling assistants and every tool possible to make that not happen, but people are just lazy.
Awwww kitties 🙂
I have NO idea. I guess he was not in the mood for stupid small talk.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?! After too many of those instances in a row I get so frustrated and pissed off. Like yesterday, when everything I put on the locker room bench fell off, somehow.
The scheduling thing is so dumb though! They’re making extra work for themselves because you are going to decline then they have to look or ask anyway. I don’t get it.
What a weird response to the cake comment. And I love that bag with the cat photos, especially with the cat in the bag as well 🙂
So weird!
Thanks! I love how it turned out (minus the weird cropping I did of the photo in the top right, oops).
LOL on the cat in a bag with cats on the bag! And sweet nuzzling kitty friends is adorable! I’m so happy for you guys that your cats all like each other. We had all out war in our house for nearly 12 years…
As for that complete and total ASS in the elevator, my god. What a dick. Yes he’s a dick and an ass. Bet he’s a real peach to be married to.
I feel so lucky they like each other after hearing so many stories like that! I mean, Khali does slap them from time to time… but they probably deserve it. Otherwise, everyone is happy.
I agree with your ASSessment!
Em, what? That is one of those moments where I’d walk of the elevator and then only realize what he said later. Wouldn’t you love to be able to turn around and be like WTF to the guy?!
I love that Khali and the kittens are getting on so well. All that snuggling must melt your heart.
Yeah, I wish I would have said something snarky THEN. I was too in shock and so HUH? about it.
Me too!!!! It does 🙂
What the heck?!?! Even on my VERY worst day, in my VERY worst mood, I cannot FATHOM responding to elevator small talk in such a snarky manner to a total stranger!! I can’t imagine saying something like that to anyone I know, period, but I ESPECIALLY can’t imagine saying it to a stranger!! What is wrong with people??
I used to really like dystopian novels, but I have a harder time getting into them these days. The real world is enough dystopia for me, ha. (But really.) I heard about Vox for the first time a couple of weeks ago, though, so I’d love to hear what you think! (So I don’t have to read it for myself 😛 )
I also can’t fathom not checking someone’s schedule before trying to set a meeting with them, particularly if their calendar is public! What?! Why would you do that?? It seems like that would just cause so much extra work than taking a couple minutes to see when everyone’s free. ESPECIALLY if you’re using the Scheduling Assistant in Outlook – it makes it so easy!
That is what I am wondering – what the hell is wrong with this guy?!?
I get what you are saying. I was having a hard time at the start of this – it seemed too much like something that could happen. It was just making me so angry and I read to relax. I will let you know what I think of it though!
RIGHT?! And we all use Google, which has a great scheduling tool too. SO. MUCH. DUH. LOOK AT MY CALENDAR GAHHHHHH. (then they scheduled it for the day before Thanksgiving, ha.)
Dude in the elevator – WTF??? Jeez.
I haven’t heard of Vox – I’ll have to see if I can find it. I know what you mean about dystopian novels making you uneasy, though. Have you ever read The Handmaid’s Tale (or seen the excellent series on TV)? That is also one where you could really see it happening, and it makes me incredibly uneasy. I guess that is the point of dystopian novels, to make us uneasy and wake us up?
I haven’t, but a few people I know RAVE about the TV show! Yeah, I think that is the point. Another cautionary tale, right?!
The kitties are SO cute! I understand, however, that their schedule can sometimes wreck yours (sleep-wise). I feel like our dog, Sammy, is still on HIS and not ours.
Sounds like you are getting in some good reading. In terms of university/friend narratives, have you read “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt? Not quite thriller, but good tension.
Isn’t it strange how their schedule changes so much? I mean, mine does too, so I get why they are confused, but somedays it’s fine and somedays it’s isn’t.
I haven’t! Is that this? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29044.The_Secret_History It sounds interesting!
I have started keeping reusable and lightweight shopping bags in my purse too. Maybe this means we’re old (but practical and prepared, so therefore, cool!). At least it’s not Werther’s Originals and Fig Newtons.
I still can’t believe that guy felt the need to comment about the cake. I wonder if he felt bad about it, hence his follow-up comment. Did you say anything back?
Ha! Ha ha ha! If only Werther’s were vegan! Then they’d be in my purse!!!!
I think he did. And I didn’t. I was so dumbfounded. I wish I would have said something. :-/
Those pics of the cats are so sweet. You have to look at them each time Apollo does one of his poops on the floor incidents.
Ha ha ha! You are right. That little sh*t. He did one again this week, and I finally put a heavy rock on the rug he was pushing aside to poop under, and he hasn’t again. Hope that keeps deterring him.