Training Week 470

By , October 21, 2018 6:30 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running on our newly paved road!

Monday | October 15, 2018: 4 m run + teaching strength class
Loc: hood, Temp: 46°/46°, Time: 38:33, Pace: 9:39 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, annoyed by traffic though
Strength: kettlebells and cones, Felt: good, felt so great not to be a sweaty mess in the studio!

Tuesday | October 16, 2018: rest
Wednesday | October 17, 2018: migraine
Thursday | October 18, 2018: 3 m run + massage
Loc: hood, Temp: 29°/28°, Time: 29:46, Pace: 9:54 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Friday | October 19, 2018: teaching strength class + 882 yd swim + 7 m run
Strength: bands and body bars,  Felt: okay, kind of blah from my headache
Loc: FitNation, Time: 17:43, Pace: 2:01 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: VP Woods Loop, Temp: 53°/51°, Time: 1:09:33, Pace: 9:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great

Saturday | October 20, 2018: teaching strength class
Strength: kettlebells, core, and boxing, Felt: good
Sunday | October 21, 2018: rest


  • I usually stick to running counter-clockwise loops so I have left turns/less turns against traffic. On Monday I couldn’t do the right turn to get to a loop like that because of traffic, so I ran in counter-clockwise and it felt so different – it a mostly good way. Traffic was annoying the whole time though, and some lady made a big deal about stopping when I was running toward her (because another car was coming her way) then peeling out down the middle of the road when that car passed. Okay then.
  • I love when it gets colder and I can start wearing vests and jackets with POCKETS! Love love love! It feels so nice not to carry my phone on my waist belt.
  • The cooler weather means I get way less sweaty when I teach strength class. It’s amazing how much better that makes me feel while teaching (and after).
  • I was excited to swim on Friday. I had more time because I wasn’t training after class, and I had just gotten a massage so I knew it would feel great. Then I got to the pool (literally – was about to get in the water) and my phone was blowing up because my friend left his phone in my car. Oops. I got out and drove the phone back to his house then went back to the pool, and had less than twenty minutes to get a swim in. UGH. Not his fault at all, but it made me realize how big of a pita it is for me to fit in a swim, with the very few open swim times. Fridays used to work well, but training someone after class eats up a lot of open swim time.
  • It’s been so nice to run on the new shoulder on the road by our house!!! That’s 1.75 miles less that I don’t have to run on rocks. Aww yeah, baby.
  • I usually don’t take two days off from running in a row, especially twice in one week! But I did in the middle in the week because I had a migraine, and over the weekend because we were busy with house guests, then I wanted to be totally lazy after they left! We have guests next weekend too, so that week will probably be light, as well.

Link to Training Week 469

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