- I often wonder what it would be like to have ONE day where everything I tried to pick up or place somewhere DIDN’T fall on the floor. One can dream.
- We ordered another camera (to place in the attic) and had it sitting out on project peninsula and look what it picked up – Starbuck! – jumping up there to get the milk rings. Steven said she’d jump up and grab one, then come back later for another. Naughty, naughty.

- Steven was doing some work on the tile by the basement door and created this barrier to keep the cats off it. I’m shocked they didn’t climb it!

- And your final cat story – guess what happened to Apollo when he decided to keep me company during my bath? Yep, he ended up getting a bath. He didn’t freak out, but did want to run around the house shaking off the water (I didn’t let him – I towel dried him – I didn’t want him to get too cold since our AC is on as it was 85°F yesterday EYEROLL).

- Now Starbuck is curious about baths too. At one point she jumped up there on him. Surprisingly, that is NOT when he fell in.

- To answer yesterday’s question, this is a “nope rope” (below). Definitely google “funny animal names” for some laughs! (For some reason the polls turned themselves off on that post, so I added a second set.)

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 197
That doesn’t sound like a very relaxing bath with all the kitty shenanigans! The photos turned out pretty great though 🙂
It was not! I am not even sure I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair! It was fun though.
Do baths still count as me time when a furry friend joins you? 🙂 Don’t those kitties know you need several dates with yourself to be a better cat mom???
It actually doesn’t. I didn’t get to use soap and am pretty sure I had conditioner in my hair when I left to dry him off. Ha!
I’m glad you told us what a nope rope was! I was so curious about that when I saw it in the poll yesterday! I assumed it was related to raccoons, since you mentioned trash pandas, haha.
I assume you have cameras at your house for security reasons, which, I suppose, is the logical reason to have them. But catching Starbuck in the act makes me think you should position them around your house to see what the kitties are up to!
Lololololololol Apollo looks SO ANNOYED in the picture where he’s all wet! Poor kitty.
I bet you would like seeing all the funny animal names. Like, skunk is fart squirrel. Ha!
At our townhome we used to have an inside camera and I’d see Data getting in to ALL sorts of mischief. It was fun! We should do that here!
Ha ha ha. He wasn’t too annoyed! I think he just wanted to run and dry off on his own!
Well the cats will keep your life interesting lol. Boomer has zero interest in baths and run when his bath towel comes out!
They sure do!
Aww, poor Boomer!
I love the curious kitties – from helping herself to the milk jug rings, to the accidental bath – they are so fun! Really cute pictures, too.
As for that nope rope, yikes. I’m going to see if my fellow runner friends know that term. We certainly have encountered enough snakes over the years during our runs!
Thanks! They are so much fun! I never know what they’re going to do next!
Let me know if they do! I am asking because Steven said no one knows that. Ha.
Uh, yeah, definitely “nope” to that rope.
Haha, I love love love bubble baths and I’ve been wondering how I’ll manage my daily baths when I have my kittens! This doesn’t seem too pleasant 😉 That second picture of the two of you is so funny!
I didn’t get to take the poll, but I have never heard the term “nope rope.” The more you know!
You can shut the door and leave them out! They may just paw at it. Ha!
This is definitely important information to know, too 😉