Three unrelated questions
These are polls, so if you’re viewing in email you may have to click through to see them!
UPDATE – my blog randomly closed all the original polls, so I added second ones if you want to vote. UPDATED AGAIN, they shut themselves off again, so I give up!

I’ve been thinking a lot about this last question. I lead very structured classes – my rhythm is predictable and I tell my class what we’re going to do and count the reps. Maybe some people want more spontaneity/surprise? “I know I said ten burpees but we’re doing fifteen!” <— Eww
Ahhh, I misunderstood the strength training class question. I thought you meant do I want the class to be the same every time or mix it up. I much prefer class to be a little different each time I go. I even want my trainer to mix up my exercises so I’m not always doing the same ones every week.
As for “nope rope”, it wasn’t until I saw the picture of the trash panda that I remembered what a nope rope is 🙂
Yeah, I thought that one might be kind of confusing, sorry! I think classes shouldn’t be the exact same from week to week (or day to day!) either. It’s boring and not great for your body (although better than doing nothing).
Ha! I think of you whenever I see one! That happened just last week!
I love that you think of me screaming whenever you see a nope rope 🙂
I HATE it when the instructor tells me we are doing a certain amount and then changes it right at the end. I am good at pacing myself and going as hard as I can, but when I think I’m done, I just want to be done. Don’t tell me, jk 10 more.
YEP. I hate that too. It’s one thing if they lose track of one or two (I sometimes do as I am instructing someone and forget to count at the same time), but when you say an amount, stick to it! If I don’t have an amount in mind, I say “We are going to do these until I get sick of them!” (and students who know me will know that still usually means 8-12, ha)
I can’t vote, all I see are the results, but my answers are Nope, None, and Spontaneity with each workout, but don’t change it during unless you see I’m having trouble with something.
Aww, sorry it wouldn’t let you vote! Geesh my blog is having ish lately! Thanks for still leaving your feedback!
Why’d you close the surveys so soon?
I didn’t. They’re set to not expire. Something’s just wrong with it.
Couldn’t vote either but my answers are Huh, None, and Structure! Gotta love structure!
Thanks for leaving your responses! Something is wrong with the polls.
1. Didn’t know that and thank goodness I haven’t seen any of those around here! Yikes!
2. Write-in vote for hand lotion (I’m probably in the minority, but I hate the way most body lotions feel and rarely use it)
3. More burpees is the wrong kind of surprise 🙂 I like knowing the structure (30 seconds, 10 reps, 5 stations, etc.) so I know a) what to expect and b) how hard I can push myself on any given exercise.
Not a fan of nope ropes?! 😉
What is the difference between hand and body lotion? I’ve wondered!
I like it for that reason too!