- We’re going on a trip! Can you guess where?! HUGE thanks to Mica for helping us with our tickets!

- I finished Reborn on the Run and started A River of Stars, but didn’t make it very far before it was due at the library. It was well written, but I wasn’t really rooting for the main character, so I don’t think I’ll put a hold on it to finish it. I picked up a new novel, The Ensemble.

- We are joining the 21st Century and getting TSA Pre✓next week. I’m going to be traveling more for work (and have two personal trips coming up), and hope it will save me a little time and hassle. HOPE, ha.
- I got to trade in my huge laptop (required for the detail I was on earlier this year) in for a smaller one yesterday and YAY!!! It weighs a few pounds less, and takes up much less space in my backpack. WOOT.
- Ugh, I was bummed when Jordan Hasay dropped out of the Chicago Marathon, and now Amy Cragg too?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am excited Gwen Jorgensen is running, but was really excited about Hasay and Cragg.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 196
I love TSA pre check 🙂 I feel like it’s saved us tons of time. And yay San Francisco! We had so much good vegan food while we were out there.
Good! I hope we feel the same way too! It will be so nice not to undress!
I AM SO EXCITED TO EAT ALL THE FOOD THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How funny, we are applying for TSA precheck this week too! Unfortunately we have a long drive for that dumb interview, but it will be really nice to have. And San Francisco! I grew up 50 miles south, and spent a lot of time in the city. When are you going?
Oh man! I hope you can make something fun out of the long drive, I mean, besides getting precheck! Hee hee.
We are going in early November! And staying with friends!
Oooh, exciting! I went to San Francisco for the shortest trip every in 2017 (flew in Friday night, left Monday at like 6 a.m.) and I really enjoyed it! Do you have anything in particular you plan to do while you’re out there? Donut tour stop in SF, perhaps??? (I already forgot my hashtag for your donut tour, darn it! Haha)
I would love–LOVE–to have a lighter work laptop. Mine’s a beast, and I hate dragging it around so much, especially when I compare it to my Macbook Air at home. Why can’t all computers be that light??
I am glad to hear you loved it! (everyone seems to!) DEFINITELY eating my way through the city. We want to do some touristy things like see Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Painted Ladies Houses, ride the trolley, etc. And we are staying with friends so lots of catching up too! I can’t believe we forgot your hashtag! I should look it up.
For most people, the heavy computers don’t make sense, unless you are doing a lot with graphics (I was in my last position). Will you company upgrade you soon? Mine does every two years (or less, it seems).
Can’t wait until I”m allowed to get the TSA preclearance. Yay for smaller laptops. They can make pretty powerful ones so light now it seems silly to have to carry heavy ones.
What do you have to do to be able to get it?
Exactly! It made sense for my detail to have that big one with the extra graphics card or whatever but I didn’t need it anymore!
San Francisco! Never been but it sounds like a cool place to visit!
Do you want to go someday?
It does! Everyone seems to love it!
Yeah! You will love it in SF! It’s so beautiful and the variety of food and things to do is amazing.
Yay on precheck! You’ll wonder why you never decided to get it earlier. It is much faster than going with the herd.
I was very excited about Hasay and Cragg too. Hopefully Gwen has a great day.
Yes! I can’t wait!!! I can’t wait to eat my way through!
I’m sure I will! I can use my work ID to skip lines in some airports, but this will be WAY better.
I hope she does!
Oh yay, I’m glad you guys are FINALLY going to San Francisco! Will you just be in SF or are you exploring the nearby area? If you end up in wine country let me know – my SIL grew up there and can make tons of recommendations 🙂
That’s exciting about the lighter computer. I picked the “commuter” size when I got a new laptop years ago and it made such a difference.
Just SF! We have so much we want to see there and only three full days! I hope to see more of CA someday!
It really does make a difference! I was so pleased when I could fit more in my backpack, ha.
One of my good friends abandoned River of Stars, too! Her comment was basically “Good, but not good enough to keep reading,” haha, which I appreciated. I think I took it off my TBR list when I saw her review. Ain’t nobody got time for “just okay” books!
Oh funny! That makes me feel a lot better, because I think the book was about to get a lot more politically (or “issue”) charged and I was just not in to it!
YESSSSSS, so excited for you to visit SF! I hope you are not horrified by all the crap I complain about. We’ll show you the nice things and the good eats. (Just got Alcatraz tickets last night!) I’m suuuuper excited we’re going to see “THE ROOM” together!!!!! Ahhh, I can’t wait!
(And Pre-check makes flying so much easier and usually faster…except in SF where everyone has it, and the pre-check line is usually longer than the regular line. Ha!)
Me too! And I am not horrified. I would expect that stuff from a big city. Thanks for getting the tickets! I am so excited too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha! Funny! I will keep that in mind there! I think we have to go back and modify those tickets or tell the airline when we have it anyway.