- I finished Aurora. The ending was a let down, but I’m glad I read it, because it had a lot of interesting concepts. Now I’m reading Reborn on the Run, which is such an easy (and not always well written) read, compared to Aurora. I haven’t had to look up a single word yet! Ha!

- We finished Mad Men this week. What show will we start during lunch break today? Jack Ryan? Sharp Objects? We’ve watched a few episodes of Jack Ryan and it may be too graphic for me.
- I got an email last week about the Wisconsin Half Marathon registration opening and immediately found myself registering. What?! How does that happen? Looking at my records, I did the exact same thing last year. That turned out well, at least.
- Improvements continue on our street! It doesn’t look like the paved shoulder is going to be as wide as in my wildest imagination, but I will take anything I can get!

- We have an exciting end of the year coming up – lots of visitors and travel! Woo hoo!
- Yesterday Shitterfly had FREE unlimited magnets (up to 9,999 magnets… so not really unlimited, come on), but… they weren’t the size I order. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That’s okay. I didn’t have anything in my “magnets to make” folder anyway.
- I miss Data greeting me at the door when I come home.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 195
Hugs… I’m sorry about Data not being there to greet you at the door 🙁 It sounds like he was so sweet.
I used to really like the Tom Clancy books and was thinking of giving Jack Ryan a try, but didn’t realize it was graphic. I may give it a skip.
Thanks! He was… to me! 🙂 I hope one of the other cats starts greeting me. Maybe I need to come home with treats. Ha ha.
Yeah… I have to turn away sometimes!
I wonder how much shipping would be on 9,999 magnets… hmmm
Sorry about Data snister! He is looking down from Kitty heaven! <3
Probably like $4 each? So like, $39,996? Worth it?
Thanks 🙂 He is judging me from Kitty heaven, ha.
What on EARTH would anyone do with 9,999 magnets????? I can’t even comprehend that! I guess if you’re a business ordering marketing collateral or something, but Shutterfly seems a lot more geared towards individuals rather than corporations…? Maybe I’m not aware of where they get most of their business. Also, what kind of profit margin are they normally making on magnets if they can give away 9,999 per person for free???? That’s even crazier than when Jewel has produce on sale for like 99 cents! I have so many questions about this.
Ha ha ha. I can imagine reasons to order a lot, but NOT that many. They’ve gotta be making most of their profit on shipping. They still charge you individual shipping on each one, which is why I always wait until they are “free” because I am still spending a bit more than I believe they are worth to get it to my house!
How many fridges would it take to hang up 9999 magnets?
I still have to get to the library to get that book!!!
Hmmmmmmmm. Good question. 50? Ha.
Yes! Did they send it there? Or did they have it?! I don’t recall!
Shitterfly 😂😂😂
So sorry about Data not greeting you. That is tough. Especially after many years.
I’m glad you have a lot of things planned over the next few months. Sounds like a fun season of life. Where will you be off to?
Hee hee.
It is. Sometimes when I get home from work Steven will greet me with one of the kittens. I should request that.
Snort. Season of life. I am headed to MN, TX, and possibly San Francisco! We think we’ll finally be able to take at trip there! And we have two to three sets of visitors coming in October. Do you have travel coming up besides L-Ville and Brasil?
Yep, I know that feeling of missing your pet at the door…which is why we ended up with Paco a mere 2 months after our beloved Jackie died – I hated coming home and not getting that OMG YOU’RE HOME I MISSED YOU SO MUCH greeting.
It’s horrible not to have it! It’s really sad to give up THAT part of the routine. I am glad Paco does that for you 🙂
Oh, that last note about missing Data broke my heart. That is such a poignant reminder that he isn’t there anymore. This sounds cliché, but I’m glad you have that memory in the first place, and I hope it will make you happy, rather than sad, eventually.
Did you decide on a show? I was thinking about “Jack Ryan,” but then Harrison said it might be really violent, and that might not be for me. Let me know what you pick!
I am glad I have that memory too, especially because it’s pretty unusual for cats. He really acted like a dog, in some ways 🙂
We are watching “The Good Place” (I think that is what it’s called). The episodes are so short – I bet we’ll be done this week. And yeah, I don’t think “Jack Ryan” is for you. I have to look away quite a bit! What are you guys watching?
Ugh, coming home was always the most difficult part of my day when I first lost Dutch. I usually tried to do something after work just to delay it. I always loved coming home to him and it was so hard to come home to an empty apartment. Just magnifies the loss even more. <3
I will probably finish Mad Men in… 2021? 2022? I have been working through season 3 for months now. Ah!
It does! Does it still get to you, now?
LOL! I am like that with the shows I watch while riding my bike on the trainer – I do it once a week (or less!) so it takes me forever to get through them! The only reason we get through shows quickly now is because we watch an episode when we have lunch together!
I finished “Girl in Cabin 10” this past weekend and it was kind of a let down too. I’ve moved on already though lol.
I want to watch the Jack Ryan show but I don’t know when I will find the time. I am trying to clean our basement and decorate for Fall. Never enough time.
Hmm, that sounds kind of familiar! I am going to look it up.
Yeah, definitely do something productive over watching that show 😉 Ha! We watch our shows at meal times, otherwise I don’t think we’d make the time to do it!