- Thanks for all your touching comments on my post about Data yesterday! You’re all so thoughtful. I waited until yesterday to share the news here and on social media and thought I was ready. I wasn’t. All the sweet comments made me feel sad (and loved at the same time).
- Of course, I keep thinking of other funny little Data things to add to that post. How he would be waiting at the door when we got home. How he loved to be brushed but had to attack the comb. How he’d put both paws on my shoulder when I was standing (and he was sitting) to let me know he wanted me to hold him. I miss his big personality. These other three furrballs better step it up!

- Work has been a good distraction this week except for when it hasn’t, like spending too much time helping someone who’s inept, and when I was on a call and people kept saying “data” over and over, because that is a word people use. Ugh.
- I put some photos in the frame Rachel sent, and also have some other special memorials coming for him, which I’ll share when they arrive!

- And now on to the non Data stuff…
- I am trying to read these two books right now. It’s taking me a while to get in to them, which is frustrating me! I think I am finally getting in to Aurora, though. I’m going to blame Tom Hanks if I don’t like it (ha, seriously though, seeing his post was what made me request it from the library – I have to at least make it to page 321).

- Our oven fan broke so we can’t use it until parts come in next week. I’m glad I thought of that before mixing up batter for treats for a friend!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 193
The frame looks gorgeous! Thank goodness for the distraction of the other babies. Hope your oven parts come quickly, you don’t realize just how often you need something until it doesn’t work lol.
Thanks! I like how it turned out!
I hope so too. I thought it was kind of nuts it would take a whole week for them to arrive!
Not having an oven is such a nuisance! The igniter (I think? I don’t know. The thing that starts the fire, haha) on ours broke probably six weeks ago or so, and instead of repairing it, my landlord decided to just get us another oven entirely. Which was great! The new one is so much nicer. But it obviously took time to get it here and get it installed, so we didn’t have an oven for about a week and a half or so, which made cooking much more challenging than usual!
It’s nice he got you a new one! Did he take it out while the new one was ordered? We’d be lost without the stovetop (we don’t even have a microwave)!
I’m glad the kitties have been a good distraction during this time! It’s such a hard time and such a roller coaster of emotions.
I really want to know what happens on page 321 of that novel!
Me too! I started crying at a song in the car today. And last night when I saw a headline about the EPA abusing kittens. UGHGHGHGHGHHGHGGHGH
I will let you know! Or do you think you’ll read it?
I know what you mean about pets with big personalities! We had two beagles that had 350 lb personalities. When they died, we got a German Shorthaired Pointer and I wondered how she could have no quirks. That has changed over time, however, and now I could go on and on about the silly things she does…
Aww, I am glad she ended up having her sweet quirks too. Share some of those stories!!!! 🙂
Hmmm, I read the California books by Kim Stanley Robinson, I’ll have to check Aurora out – especially with such an endorsement from one of my favorite actors! Bonus – they have it in my library!
Cool! Let me know if you read it! I really want to talk to someone about it!
I love how the Data picture frame turned out, and I’m so glad that you have kitties to fawn over and play with.
I haven’t heard of “Aurora,” but I guess if TH recommended it…
I love how it turned out too!
I hadn’t either. I do admit, it’s getting interesting now, but the narrative style is driving me bonkers (the ship’s computer narrates it).