I used my birthday Bath & Body Works gift cards yesterday and picked up some fall scents!
Now, for a very important question (click through post to see poll):

I am in the “fall starts on the equinox camp,” so it feels odd to put fall things out before then. I like seeing them in stores, and hearing people being excited about things like apple picking and PSLs, but it feels premature to have fall things out in my home when it’s still humid and 87 degrees! (Run on sentence much?!)

But… I DID IT! I put out two fall candles and that super cute animal candle holder. I also drank a hot cider this weekend. YOLO!
And P.S. I am ON TO YOU, B&BW. When I picked up “Caramel Pumpkin Swirl,” I thought it smelledย very similar to “Cinnamon Caramel Swirl,” a favorite scent of mine.
Look at the fragrance notes (click to see larger)! They are basically the same candle. And as my snis pointed out, the “pumpkin” candle doesn’t even HAVE pumpkin in it. BLASPHEMY!!! (But I kept it, duh, because I LOVE those notes together!)
Guys. I could talk about B&BW candles for days. My happy place is smelling candles in B&BW (if it’s not busy) and I love gifting them. Last week, a friend told me that she’s addicted to them now that I sent her one for her birthday, and I don’t think I could be more honored than hearing that. That text seriously made my day. Ha. It’s the small things, right?!
I answered this poll while burning a pumpkin spice (Yankee) candle. I don’t start fall decorating until later in the month/beginning of October but fall candles are fair game September 1! A trip to BBW is in my near future too ๐
Nice! And yum! I think I am going to do the same – use the candles now, and save the decorations (and soaps) for October ๐
Yay! Let me know what you get!!! ๐
I’ve always been a fan of “leaves” (or whatever they are calling it) and then caramel/vanilla/pumpkin variations as well.
They still call it that! I like that one too, but can only burn it for a little bit before it bugs my head (as opposed to a few hours with other scents).
There are A LOT of variations of that this year!!! <3
Since Florida doesn’t get fall (we’ll be in the 90s until late November, if not later, sigh), it starts on Sept 1 for me! I have my pumpkin soaps out and this post prompted me to start burning a fall candle I bought at Target this weekend. I have to live vicariously through fall scents! ๐
Oh yeah, that is a good reminder for me that some people don’t even get the cool crisp days in the fall! ๐ I am glad this reminded you to start burning that candle!!! Yay!
Gooey caramel and luscious caramel are clearly different ingredients, so those are two different candles. It’s just like how I bought 3 different apple scented Wallflowers the other day. They’re all totally different.
I set my fall candles out in late-July, so I see no problem with having them out now. I follow the calendar for seasonal shifts (which is why it drives me nuts when people complain about it still being winter in early March, when, yes, it’s STILL WINTER people) but do recall that it used to start cooling off in late August and early September before. Not so much now! Especially alllll the way down here in Central Ohio. We’ve got hot hot summer weather for at least the next 2 weeks.
Ha! I was hoping someone would say something like that – I mean, all four of them are VERY different, don’t you think?!?? Ha!
That makes me bonkers too (when people complain about winter before March 21, lol). Although, yeah, to your point, it did used to get cooler in September, and even August. We have temps in the 80s for a while here as well. I am SOOOOO OVER IT ๐
Yes, they’re all different! It’s a nuanced caramel scent or something like that ๐
I didn’t explain very well WHY I got my fall stuff out so early even though I know it’s not fall for a few more weeks, but it’s just because I like it and can’t have too much of it!
Uh yeah, it’s going to be 90 here today and tomorrow (and was yesterday too). I even got an alert this morning to not go outside if it’s not essential (and I guess running isn’t if it’s THAT bad). Definitely over it at this point!
YES. Fall scents are totally the best!!! Winter is my second fave. What is yours?
Oh gawd. NO. THANKS. Just ugh. I am so sick of feeling sweaty and gross all the time!!! Makes me miserable! So did you not run?
Same – fall, then winter. Just like how I like the seasons themselves ๐
Not today! Mostly because Heidi kept me up for a while overnight, but it was too damn hot by the time I could have gone.
That’s quite a haul! I can’t put out Fall stuff when it’s this hot, I have to wait until it’s a bit cooler at least ๐
Are you ready for cooler weather? Or do you like the summer heat and humidity there?
I pretty much ignore fall because we seem to go from summer to winter, with maybe a week of fall temps in between. All the cute autumnal decorations feel weird when it’s still so hot, so I haven’t bothered with them in years. I do love a nice smelling candle, though, and am impressed at your haul!
Yeah, I think if I saw a fall wreath when it was in the 90s I would want to rip it down and stomp all over it!
Ummmm I’m not really sure what you’re talking about???? Gooey caramel and luscious caramel are obviously two wildly different things ๐ lol. That’s so silly that they made two of the same candles and just renamed the notes! The only thing that seems like it could possibly be different is the brown sugar one!
As far as I’m concerned, fall starts once the leaves (and the weather) start to turn. Once I need to wear a jacket and can wear jeans to work without feeling like I’m going to melt on my commute, it’s fall. The marathon is also kind of a marker for me – once the marathon happens, it’s fall. Now, of course, that doesn’t mean other people can’t start celebrating fall when it makes them happy, but I can’t get into a fall-y mood until it’s cold enough to actually feel like fall.
Buah ha ha. Oh no, they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO different ๐ Ha! I was wondering how they always have “new” candle scents. Now I know!
So your fall is definitely at the marathon if not a week or two after! Leaves have been falling at our house but I sure as hell feel like I am going to melt today!!!! ๐
I’m in the “summer is from Memorial Day to Labor Day” camp, with winter mostly being from Black Friday until sometime between Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. Christmas is decidedly Winter and Easter is decidedly Spring, so if we’re putting our decorations up for those holidays, then it must be the corresponding season.
That’s a good point! I do have decorations specific for those holidays! September always feels like no man’s land to me though, despite it kicking off with Labor Day!
Fall is my favorite season and can start anytime after my birthday (Aug 22) … or Labor Day. Or when it’s no longer 80+ every day. I love fall. I want to put up my Halloween decorations now.
What are you waiting for?!?!?!? ๐
Robert won’t let me!
I always hated the first few weeks of the (college) semester when it was clearly still summer and you were sweating in the classroom. FYI, Harrison voted for the equinox, but I personally think of fall starting when the weather turns cool. Except here, when it’s the hottest time of the year. :-/
I might have to go get a scented candle. I haven’t been that into them because they tend to give me a headache in enclosed spaces and I’m afraid I’ll burn the house down, but I’m willing to give them another try!
OMG yes, and you are walking all over campus feeling so gross!!! And yeah, when does it actually get cool again there? Late Nov?
OMG IF WE COME IT WOULD BE SO FUN TO GO CANDLE SHOPPING TOGETHER. I can only handle certain (sweet) scents. I can’t do flowers or mens flagrancy ones. I like ones that smell like food (like something is baking, or lemon, etc.). How about you?