More hours in my days, please

By , July 9, 2018 11:40 am

We had a productive and social weekend!


On Friday I did the exciting task of cleaning the house. Ahh, I really enjoy those five minutes after cleaning the floors that I can walk around with bare feet and not have any litter get stuck to them. I’m sure that will only be worse when we have two more cats!


I was excited to wake up early on Saturday and enjoy our mid 50s weather! I went on a long run, did a short ride, then taught Fitness Boxing.

Anne came home with me after, but first, we made a pit stop so she could meet the kittens!

We are adopting the one sleeping on the other one

Then we cleaned up at our house, and went to HuHot with the boys (Terry had dropped Anne off then driven to our house to hang with Steven).

And then we went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire! It was my first time going to a renaissance faire! And this one is so close to our house – I run by it regularly on one of my long run routes.

I didn’t know what to expect, except fun people watching. At first it seemed like it was all shops and food for sale, but as we got in farther, we saw more entertainment type stuff. We played games, and seemed to catch the middle or end of a lot of performances. I laughed so hard my face hurt at the “Vegetable Stand” – it was a guy with his head and arms sticking out of holes in a huge platform, and you could pay to throw tomatoes at him, but he insults you (and the audience) the whole time. It got pretty raunchy/inappropriate, which I loved.

We all tried their “high striker” and Steven rang the bell so he got to go back at later and compete with all the other people who had as well! It was impressive to see him and the competitors hit it so many times in a row.

It was fun to check the faire out. We were all glad it was affordable – a few bucks here and there for games and drinks. It would add up, but it’s nothing like amusement park prices. And we had lovely weather for it – in the 70s and not humid. I was glad it wasn’t like the weekend before – in the 90s and miserable! Blah, no thank you.

It was great to spend the day with Anne and Terry. They were only in town for a short while, and we appreciate them fitting us in to their family visits. We miss our monthly dates with them!


I slept in until 6:00 on Sunday! Then I did the reverse of Saturday’s workouts – a short run and a long ride.

After that, I “helped” Steven with the sump pump project. And really, that means I stayed in the basement with him and grabbed him things he needed, acted as a second set of arms, helped clean up some messes, went to Menards once, etc. He gets all the credit for the actual work! I’m just the assistant!

Ha, funny Menards story. I was trying to be quick, so I grabbed the first employee I could find when I got in and brought up a picture on my phone of what I needed and asked “where can I find this?” Then I looked at my phone and it was a picture of my toe. Oops. Wrong picture! Ha!!!

We finished up* in the basement around 5:30 and met Bobbi and John for dinner at The Shanty at 7:00. The restaurant has been expanding since late last year and part of it opened and we were all anxious to dine in the new space! It’s gorgeous!

I didn’t take any (good) pictures, but here is their picture of the amazing mojito I had!

Catching up with Bobbi and John was fun. They’d worked on a project for the past four days, which of course, we always love hearing about. And I tried not to talkย too much about how our kittens (and their cat!) are coming home this week! BUT IT’S HARD NOT TO!!!!

And that was our weekend! I’m exhausted. I need to find a way to fit in working out, productive time, social time, AND DOWNTIME. I think doing that involves dropping one of those things though. Productive time? Ha.

*Finished enough to safely stop – not finished with the project!

13 Responses to “More hours in my days, please”

  1. Chaitali says:

    Sounds like a fun weekend! I enjoy the Renaissance fair, it’s such cheesy fun ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s a beautiful photo from your Saturday run.

  2. HAHAHAHA I literally laughed out loud over you showing a picture of your toe to the Menards employee. I’m just imaging what it must’ve been like to be the employee and have someone ask that question followed by that picture. Too funny! This is what I’m going to think about when I need something to make me laugh moving forward hahaha.

    Boy, do I feel you on the exhausting weekend! I had way, way too busy of one – the type where you want to take Monday and Tuesday off to make up for the weekend you totally missed. I have such a bad habit of packing my weekends to the brim with all the things I don’t have time to do during the week, but that means I don’t EVER have time to relax, and it is no bueno. (Unrelated, but since I just wrote a phrase in Spanish: I have a new Duolingo rant that I will save for a post on my own blog, but did you get the most recent update?? Where they added a bunch of new lessons to Spanish THAT ONLY LET YOU TEST OUT TO LEVEL ONE?!?!?! I am FURIOUS. The amount of unnecessary remedial Spanish this stupid app has forced me to do… *grumbles forever*)

    • kilax says:

      And he didn’t even say anything! He just rolled with it. Ha! I am glad it made you laugh ๐Ÿ˜€

      Ugh, those weekends. I try not to pack them like that, but sometimes that is the only way to get things done! Then to feel exhausted Monday and Tuesday… and Wednesday…

      I did update and notice it was different and that it was only level 1 now. WTF. I have just been doing the remedial stuff over and over. What is this angle? I don’t get the point!

  3. Christina says:

    LOLing at your toe story! Can’t wait for those kittens to come home!

    • kilax says:

      Hee hee ๐Ÿ™‚

      Me too! The boys got fixed today and are doing well. Girls tomorrow maybe? (We have one boy and one girl)

  4. Kathy says:

    All of Stevens handy man work around the house is paying off or does he like to work out too?

    I also laughed at the toe picture cause you know a toe picture is never good ….that poor guys face lol!

    I’m currently drinking minty water but now I want a mojitio…yum!

    • kilax says:

      That is his work out ๐Ÿ™‚ He likes working on projects!

      Luckily he can’t see what it looks like now muah ha ha.

      You need that tonight ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Anne says:

    That picture from your run (or ride?) on Saturday is beautiful! It’s so pretty around there ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Ren Faire ended up being so fun! I can’t believe how long we were there, oops ๐Ÿ˜‰ I could have stood around at Vegetable Justice for another hour or two if it was that same guy. I mean, he even made Terry laugh! That’s no small feat. Heh.

    The drink at the Shanty looks refreshing! I’d love to go there again on a future visit ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Thanks, I think so too! And love when I get to see it.

      I can’t believe it either! Sorry we took up so much of your day! When we got there and it seemed to be mostly shops/food at first I was thinking we wouldn’t be there very long, but I could have stood around listening to that guy forever too! Heh. It’s funny cause he was insulting people.

      YES! We must! I think you’ll really like the expanded space!

  6. Stephany says:

    Mmm… that mojito looks delicious! I have to be careful with my alcohol because some of it gives me Asian flush for reasons that I can’t explain, but I’m usually safe with mojitos. Need!

    The Renaissance fair looked like so much fun! I’m pretty sure we had one in my city that was a big deal when I was younger, but I thought I was way too cool for school to go to it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ah, younger Steph. She missed out on so much!

    • kilax says:

      Oh interesting! What other drinks bother you? Thank heavens you can still have mojitos ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Aww, luckily you can go now… or is there no longer one around?!

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