- Happy First Day of Summer/Longest Day!
- Data seems to be doing better! We both think he looks bigger, and he’s been play fighting with Khali more (he hadn’t been for about a month). Yay!

- We visited the kittens again on Tuesday! The ones with orange collars are the ones we plan to adopt. And if that all brown one in the bottom picture doesn’t have a home, I bet it will end up at our house…

- I was deemed “ineligible” for the job I applied for at work. No interview for me. My boss offered to help the next time I apply though (and would have helped before if I had thought to ask). Hopefully it doesn’t take a year or more for positions to open again…
- Bobbi shared this photo with me that the Duluth News Tribune posted from the beginning of Grandma’s Marathon (that I am in – can you find me?). So yeah, just a little crowded at the start, but nothing unusual for a marathon. I obviously need to work on running around/next to people.

- I am still reading California but really want to start Let Your Mind Run, which Mica sent me as a surprise!!! Thanks, Mica!

- And with that, I am going to head out for my first post-marathon run. My quads feel good, and we’ll see how the knee feels!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 183
How cute are those kittens! The one in the middle just sleeping cracks me up.
Isn’t he hilarious? That’s one of ours 😀 <3
Aww kitties ♥
Sorry about the job!
Yeah my husband was saying it felt crowded for a lot of the race even though it wasn’t huge. He liked it a lot though. Funny thing – his best friend got rained on, but my husband didn’t. Different pace means different weather experiences!
Thanks 🙂
Yeah, only 8k people and it felt a bit crowded for a few miles for me (my faster friends said it felt crowded for about 8 miles). Ha! It sure does! Luckily NO ONE had rain for very long!!! It was great weather. I am glad your husband liked it!
That is such a cool picture of the marathon start! Yes, very very crowded, but hey, that’s a big race for ya. Hope your run to day goes well.
So glad to hear that Data is doing better! Good kitty. And OMG, those kittens are just so freaking cute. I’ve never seen an all brown one – all gray, all black, all white, but all brown? He’s interesting!
Exactly! You gotta expect it! It did go well, thanks! Stiff legs, but that was it!
Isn’t he though? Ugh, he just tugs at my heart strings, looking so derpity and cute like that.
OMG those baby cat faces! ❤️❤️❤️
I see you!!!
Ugh, I’m sorry to hear about the job stuff! I really hope something you’re interested in opens up soon.
I’m glad to hear Data is on the mend! Heidi says he should still try to get some sympathy treats – can’t have him getting too skinny, you know. Those kittens! So cute!!! I can’t wait to find out the BG-themed names you guys have picked out! You can tell me – I haven’t blogged in like a month, I won’t say anything 😉
I hope so too! I should have tried harder with this one, I suppose.
He is getting lots and lots of “treats” (extra food)!!!! 😀 Ha! Right now we are leaning toward Apollo and Starbuck, but we are waiting to live with them a bit to confirm!!!
I was just thinking about Data yesterday and wondering how he was doing. I’m very happy to hear a good report! Hopefully he continues to improve and you can put all of this behind you 🙂
Eeep the kittens!! Too much cute. That’s so nice that you can visit them before they’re officially a part of your house! I think I’d want to spend all of my time visiting them, haha.
Thanks for thinking of him and us! I hope so too. We are pleased with his progress!!!
Right?! I am surprised I am not there right meow. Ha ha ha. Luckily it’s a 20 minute drive away, otherwise they’d be kicking me out!
Oooooh, kittens! I love the one in the middle who is TOTALLY hangin’! That’s also good news about Data!
And, whoa, that’s a serious crowd at the marathon start. Hope your knee feels good as you get back to running.
Right? He is so relaxed!
I think they could benefit from corrals. Or I could be more diligent, ha! Thanks, stiff run today, but felt okay!!!
You’re so welcome for the surprise book! I hope it’s a good read.
That little “unclaimed” kitten has the cutest face! Maybeeeeeeee?
And I’m glad Data is feeling better. Give my cat bf some hugs from me!
So far I am liking it!!!!
We are telling them if no one adopts him, we will 😉
I will! He misses you!!!
Look at those kittiessssss. OMG. And the little brown one – AHHHH. Such a sweetheart.
I am so glad Data seems to be on the mend. HOORAY! There’s nothing like the relief of knowing they’re feeling better.
Right? Gawd, he is so dang cute!!!!!!!
Totally! I hope it stays this way!