
By , June 5, 2018 5:43 am

Yeah, that’s not a typo. That’s me combining “Data” and “updates.”

When I talked to the veterinarian last week, he told me Data’s cobalamin (B12*) test came back really low, showing he’s not absorbing it. And most of the time, that is a sign of inflammatory bowel disease or GI lymphoma.

Ugh. Huge sad face.

Our choices were to do an ultrasound to see if Data has lymphoma, or start treating his symptoms. You can’t start the treatment, then do an ultrasound, because it changes the cell structure (or something like that – going off of my notes from the veterinarian, here!).

We decided to treat Data, and the vet wanted to see him right away, so on Friday he had his first treatment of cobalamin and prednisolone (steroids) at the vet. Once we get these meds at home, we will be giving him the cobalamin via injection (!!!), and the prednisolone orally. The cobalamin is for his vitamin deficiency, and the prednisolone is for his inflammation.

So far, he’s acting the same, and his poo has gone from straight up liquid, to more of a soft serve. We’re hopeful he will get better, and put on some of the weight he’s lost. Fingers crossed!

*Funny thing – that is what vegans are usually low in too – B12.

While I was at the vet Friday, they asked me if I wanted to see the kittens (!!!!!!) and told me we get first pick! Ha. With how much I call them to ask questions about our cats, I think they know a kitten(s??) would be going to a loving home. Of course, we would not adopt if the timing was not right with Data’s health.

On Friday night Steven and I started brainstorming kitten names. We’d have to learn their personalities a bit before picking their permanent names, but my top choices are all Battlestar Gallactica themed, and Steven’s are all Star Trek themed (of course).

And what about Khaleesi?! She did VERY well with Bobbi checking in on her this weekend! She observed Bobbi from the bedroom entrance instead of hiding under the bed, and even came out to eat around Bobbi. Yay! She’s slowly becoming less of a scaredy cat!

Still much judgement though.

14 Responses to “Datupdates”

  1. Shelley B says:

    I hate to hear that Data’s illness could be so serious! But it sounds promising that he’s already responding to treatment (funny how invested you can get in animal poo) so that is good. Are you going to have to give him injections?? I mean, yikes. Fingers crossed this all continues to go well.

    Those kittens. I can’t even look in person. They just seem to magically come home with me.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, I feel hopeful after this first treatment! Trying to stay positive, and keep him comfortable. Yeah, we will have to give him the injections! Once a week to start, I think, then less, over time. Eeek! We’ll see how that goes.

      Ha ha ha. And what does Paco think of that?!

  2. Chaitali says:

    It sounds like the treatment is helping and Data is getting better? Fingers crossed that continues! The kittens are so adorable 🙂

  3. kapgar says:

    I hope it’s not tasteless to chime in with name ideas but… BOOMER!!

    Get better, Data!

    • kilax says:

      It’s not! I love Boomer, buuuuut one of my good blog friend’s dog is named that! So I feel like I can’t use it. I am found of Apollo and Athena and Starbuck. And Adama. LOL! No Hot Dog!!!

      Thanks 🙂

  4. Mica says:

    Thank you for sharing the Datupdates. Huge sad face, like you said! I’ll just echo the sentiments here–I hope the treatment does my cat BF a ton of good. And I’m glad that you have one positive thing when going to the vet! Those kittens are so sweet!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you!!!! I wonder if I need to Facetime with you, to cheer him up on his moody days. Ha ha ha.

      Yes! I didn’t even think of that. I am very lucky to have a positive thing on these visits, too!

  5. Amy says:

    Oh no, that sounds scary…I hope the vitamins and steroids do the trick and make the inflammation go down, and that it’s not lymphoma. Fingers crossed.

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! I hope so too! And I really hope it’s the disease and not lymphoma 🙁 Or… just a fluke. Ha!

  6. Stephany says:

    Oh, poor Data. There are so many medications and tests that we have to do when our pets get older. Not my favorite! Fingers crossed that this medication regime gets Data on the road to wellness. I know how hard it is to see them feeling punky!

    I’ve been considering getting a kitten, and those pictures make me want to go right out and get one right now. AHHH.

    • kilax says:

      There are! And then you worry about their quality of life and how they are REALLY feeling on all the drugs. Sigh. Thanks, I hope it helps him too. We gave him his second shot (on our own!) of the vitamins today!


  7. I am (clearly) way behind on the blogs I read and am just getting to this now, so I hope since so much time has passed you’ve seen some improvement. I’m glad there’s something they can do to help the symptoms, and hopefully it is just (“just”) inflammatory bowel disease and not something more serious :/ Sending you lots of internet hugs!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks – we have seen a little improvement in that his poop is a bit more solid! I hope that is “all” it is too, 😉

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