- AHHHHH! Xaarlin brought me this Starbucks mug (and veggie candies!) back from her trip to Copenhagen!!!! What a sweetie! And BONUS: I can use the mug because I’ve been there! (I have two rules for Starbucks mugs: only buy them for locations I’ve been to, and if received as a gift, only drink out of if I’ve been there. I’m odd, yes.)

- Ugh, we’re seeing thousands of trees removed in the areas around where we live. It’s totally changing the landscape (making it worse, in my opinion) but I’m sure they’re being removed because of an invasive species, or they aren’t healthy, or to make the forest floor healthier (or to make room to build, ugh) or whatever. But still, it gives me the sads.
- Other sads – living in the forest, we have to deal with dead or almost dead animals sometimes. Sigh. As two animals lovers, it takes its toll on us.
- Weekly book update time! After I finished North, I started Station Eleven, which I am loving. It’s a novel about a swine flu that knocks out 99% of the world’s population, with some of it taking place in present time, but some of it going back before the flu. There’s several main characters, and it’s enjoyable to see how they all interrelate!
- Last month, someone asked me how I fit in running 50 miles a week with cross and strength training, and the top three bullets below are what I told them, with some extra stuff I’ve thought of later. Bottom line: working out is a priority and I am grateful for the lifestyle I have.
- I don’t have kids
- I work from home
- I have a husband who works a lot and supports me working out
- I take time off work (annual leave) to train
- I get paid to strength train
- I am obsessive about it
- and most importantly: I LOVE IT
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 179
AH HA! I was hoping to see a magic answe about training….not this time, but you did touch on some #goals 😉
Hee hee, I totally click baited you! 😉
LOL got me!
That mug is awesome! Luckily I don’t have as stringent rules set up for my Starbucks mugs – I can use it if it’s a gift, even if I haven’t been there (HELLO WISCONSIN!). 🙂 🙂 🙂
I think you forgot another bullet point – you seem super motivated to be active, which translates into your training. I’m always impressed with how much you do each week!
Isn’t it?! Ahh! I was so excited she got it for me! And thank HEAVENS you don’t have the rules!!! Does IA need to make its way to your collection?
Aww, thank you! I am super intrinsically motivated for some reason!
Jealous you’ve been to Denmark!!! I wanna take a car and do a whole Scandinavia tour…..and top it off with Iceland at some stage!
Even with all those bullet points you are still SUPERWOMAN!!!! I have almost all of those things (I don’t even work) and I still find it hard to have the motivation to do close to what you do. #belikekim 🙂
I loved visiting there and would love to again! I hope you do get to do that whole tour, it sounds wonderful!
Aww, you are a sweetie! Thank you! And don’t discount yourself – you do A LOT!
P.S. You’d like Station Eleven!
I really hope they’re cutting down the trees for environmental reasons, too. It really gets me riled up when forests come down for another new cookie cutter subdivision.
There is a former animal in the alley behind my house at the moment (or at least, there was one there last week. Maybe it’s gone now), and I had quite the reaction when I realized it was there/what it used to be. It was surprising to me that I reacted so strongly, not because I don’t care about animals (though it was a squirrel, and they’re definitely on my s*it list these days!), but because I used to see road kill all. the. time. It’s just part of living out in the middle of nowhere where I grew up. I never thought twice about seeing dead animals then, but now that I’ve stopped being used to it, it’s WAY more jarring and upsetting!
Me too. I hope it’s not for a big warehouse building (that is what goes up out here).
Oh yeah! It’s totally jarring and upsetting 🙁 It’s life, but ugh. It’s so sad. I hope someone took care of him! And that your squirrels peacefully relocate.
The only Starbucks mugs I have are one from Ohio (that technically my mom bought for Terry, so it’s MINE) and the Alaska one from your giveaway. Thankfully I have no rules (except that I’m not really supposed to buy any more mugs – I’ve collected WAY too many over the years) 🙂
Obviously I have at least the first four reasons for how I can fit in runs, but loving it is definitely the most important one! If you don’t, it’s a lot easier to not prioritize it and make excuses for why you can never run. I’d also add that I feel so much better after I run, even when it’s one of those awful junk runs.
Ha! I hear you on the mugs! I just love them and have SO many, too. A lot in storage. I’d love to display them, so then I can bring more out for the cupboard. Ha!
Yes, and if you don’t love it, don’t do it (but do some other exercise, for sure). I see a lot of people hating it cause they feel like they should do it for some reason. And you never regret a workout, right? yolo! 😉