Q: Why not?

By , May 22, 2018 6:23 am

A: If the weather’s sh*t

And… a completely unrelated rant called “CHECK MY CALENDAR!!!”

I have leave from work tomorrow to attend a seminar in another state with Steven. It’s on my public (to my coworkers) work calendar.

A work meeting with was set up in a different state tomorrow, unbeknownst to me. My presence is desired at the meeting.

I can’t be in two states at the same time (especially when the second one requires a flight).

It’s ridiculous to be upset with someone that they can’t attend a meeting, in another state, when you didn’t coordinate with them AT ALL.

Eh. Makes too much sense to ask it someone is available that you want there.

But really, just coordinate with me! Or check my calendar!

15 Responses to “Q: Why not?”

  1. Chaitali says:

    That’s so annoying, especially if it’s on your calendar! I understand forgetting to check the calendar and inviting you but then don’t be upset about it when someone can’t make it.

    • kilax says:

      Yes, yes, yes. Sigh. We have shared calendars, and there are MULTIPLE ways to see if people are free. Use it! Or ask me!

      (They did randomly apologize about it this am though! I thought that was nice!)

  2. Anne says:

    That’s so frustrating! I’m glad you can still take your time off! I think my biggest work meeting scheduling complaint is that I have certain internal meetings that ALWAYS get rescheduled at least twice. It’s usually at the last minute too, which is frustrating when I plan my day (read: runs) around meeting timing!

    • kilax says:

      Me too! We paid to see a seminar tomorrow so I would have been upset to be out the money!

      Oh gosh, last minute like that makes me nuts too. I’ve gotten burned that way on lunch break before. And if it’s internal and they know they need it, and a client’s changing schedule isn’t involved – why is it changing all the time?!

  3. 3:50! I hope the weather cooperates and you’re able to do it!

    Very few work-related things drive me crazier than people blatantly ignoring your schedule, especially when they should know (or have easy access to) your schedule. I’ve encountered people who seem to only call when I’m five minutes away from the end of my work day, in the middle of lunch, or worse, right when after I shut down my computer for the day to leave. So frustrating!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks me too! If not, I’ll have fun training for it!

      That makes me nuts too. I wonder if that is the only time they are free cause they are so busy? Or are they just clueless?!??!

  4. Xaarlin says:

    Yassssssssssssss só excited for you. Not about the 2 states at once thing tho 😉

  5. Mica says:

    I forgot, is that pace band a bracelet that you can wear during the race? If you’re not on pace, does it stress you out to have it on you?

    That calendar thing makes me so mad. I feel like it doesn’t ever keep me from being mad, but it makes me definitely feel like I’M RIGHT AND DID THE RIGHT THING (…so you can’t blame me for not being in the meeting, right?!). Seriously, what’s the point of a work calendar if no one looks at it?

    • kilax says:

      I do wear it during the race, and it doesn’t stress me out if I don’t make pace. I wouldn’t wear it if I didn’t think I was going to make pace, and if I am wearing it and not, it means I’ve made a decision to slow down! 😉

      Yeah, that is how I felt too – not bad at all since they didn’t look at my calendar. Surprisingly, they apologized about it, yesterday.

  6. Amy says:

    GRRRRR on the scheduling thing….

    …but fingers crossed the weather cooperates!!!

  7. Shelley B says:

    OOH, 3:50?? Why not, indeed! You got this!

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