Training Week 446

By , May 6, 2018 6:33 pm

Highlight of the Week: Running a new personal record (PR) at the Wisconsin Half Marathon!

Monday | April 30, 2018: 10 m ride + 6.5 m run + teaching strength class
Indoor Ride Time: 41:04, Pace: 14.6 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: decent, sore butt & legs
Loc: VP Woods Loop, Temp: 67°/70°, Time: 1:00:57, Pace: 9:23 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good, warm
Strength: bench and dumbbells, Felt: good, challenged!

Tuesday | May 1, 2018: 30 min walk + 3.5 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 84°/84°, Time: 34:32, Pace: 9:52 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, frustrated I couldn’t turn my neck
Wednesday | May 2, 2018: 45 min walk
Thursday | May 3, 2018: 3 m run + massage
Loc: hood, Temp: 49°/51°, Time: 28:10, Pace: 9:23 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Friday | May 4, 2018: teaching strength class + 1,050 yd swim + 3 m run
Strength: benches and dumbbells, Felt: good, trying to take it easy!
Loc: FitNation, Time: 20:40, Pace: 1:59 min/100 yd, Difficulty: medium, Felt: off at first, not getting enough air! Better as I warmed up.
Loc: VP Woods, Temp: 60°/61°, Time: 28:28, Pace: 9:28, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Saturday | May 5, 2018: Wisconsin Half Marathon
Loc: Kenosha, Temp: 53°/61°, Time: 1:49:27, Pace: 8:16 avg (tangents off), Difficulty: easy then hard, Felt: great then SO HEAVY
Sunday | May 6, 2018: 18 m ride + 1 hour walk
Indoor Ride Time: 1:10:07, Pace: 15.4 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, glad to move the legs


  • Our week of spring passed and we got to experience summer running Monday and Tuesday. I’m hoping we get some more spring weather before we go back to that! I’m not ready!
  • Ugh, my left shoulder/neck is either messed up from something I did in class Monday, or still effed up from my car accident. It was bothering me enough that I didn’t sleep well Tuesday-Friday night, and couldn’t turn my neck much to the right. I’ll get it checked out if it continues.
  • This was very much a taper week, where I was running so much less than normal, I was starting to doubt if I knew how to run at all. Ha. Silly taper brain.
  • But I could obviously still run, cause I got my half marathon PR, yay!
  • Now, to decide what’s next. I’ve been kind of thinking about running a marathon in June. I’ll do some longer runs and see how it goes. It also depends on losing a bit of weight, and my finances. We shall see! Whatever happens, I want to keep my mileage up as long as I can until the oppressive humidity and heat hits and stays.
  • Monthly recap time! This ended up being a huge cutback month from March. In April I ran 185.7 miles (24 runs), cycled 80.2 miles (6 indoor rides) and swam 3,318 yards (3 swims). My coldest run was 14°F and my warmest was 70°F. I did 3 hill workouts, 1 interval workout, and 4 tempo workouts. I taught 9 strength classes and 2 fitness boxing classes. I did 0 strength workouts at home. I ran one race, the Fools 5K.

Link to Training Week 445

8 Responses to “Training Week 446”

  1. kathy says:

    Nice work! Hopefully your neck will loosen up. Probably the crash was quite a shock for it.

  2. Amy says:

    I’m sorry to hear your neck is bothering you…but how awesome you got your PR! Well done, despite it feeling hard towards the end!

  3. Anne says:

    I just love the temperature spread all in the same month – 14 and 70?!

    Hope your neck starts feeling better, but definitely get that checked out if it doesn’t!

    • kilax says:

      Just your typical April! Ha ha ha.

      Thanks, I will! It felt good all day yesterday so I hope that’s the new trend!

  4. Shelley B says:

    A MARATHON IN JUNE??!!! Boy howdy, I can tell you don’t live in Texas…

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