Random Thoughts Thursday 173
- It came to my attention yesterday when chatting with some coworkers, that my experience of searching for a hidden Easter basket, left by the Easter Bunny, may be a bit of an anomaly. Most people I talked to said their basket was left out in plain sight! The Easter Bunny always hid ours. How about you (if you got one)? Poll below!

Last year’s basket
- I finished Hanna Who Fell from the Sky. Man, the whole second half of the book, I was just dying to know whether or not she was going to leave that horrible town! It definitely kept my interest! There was an interesting story at the end, from the author, about writing the book. He got the idea for it back in 2004 and wrote out a draft. Many years later, he got a concussion and couldn’t speak or read for almost a year. When he finally could again, he would work on the book, for an hour or so each day, as much as his head could handle, until he finished it (it was published in late 2017). The author is fully recovered now. And he was so inspired by Hanna’s character, he named his daughter Hanna – well before the book was published!
- Now I’m reading The French Girl. Yep, definitely addicted to going to the library. I love having something to read. It feels like such an indulgent treat!
- Cape Horn Illustrations made us some note cards and envelope labels with our house illustration on them! I love stuff like this and can’t wait to use them!
- I feel like I’ve just been going through the motions at work for some time, and subsequently, that feeling is leaking over to the rest of life. Blah. My silly 5K training is giving me something to focus on and work toward outside of work, but I need more than that. I’m working on it!
I feel sad for anyone who didn’t have to search for their Easter basket. 🙁 The Easter Bunny must not have loved them as much as he loved us. 😉
LOL snis!
My coworker was saying one year she decided to hide the basket instead of leave it out and her child came downstairs and started bawling that the Easter Bunny didn’t love her cause she didn’t bring a basket this year. Oops!
The note cards are so cute. You guys are very fancy!! :p
You know it! 😉
Our baskets were always hidden too, though not very well. I remember getting upset one year that I found it too quickly. I guess I like a challenge?
Ha! Damn that lazy Easter Bunny!!!!!!
Those note cards are so cool! Now I want an awesome house and matching note cards, wahhhh 🙁
I’ve never heard of Easter baskets being hidden. We did have a little Easter tree and I think that’s where my mom usually put the baskets – um, I mean, that’s where the Easter Bunny left them.
That’s crazy about the author of that book! It must have been so frustrating to not be able to finish his book for such a long time like that.
Aww, thanks 🙂
Oh fun! I wonder if the bunny will leave baskets under your tree this weekend? (Do you have your little tree up?)
Right?! I found it so interesting. He said he could not stop thinking about the story!
Ok, so I said we didn’t do Easter baskets, which is kind of true, but also kind of not. It was the one that best fit my situation, haha. We had Easter baskets, but they were just little baskets with candy in them – a few jelly beans, maybe a chocolate bunny. Nothing fancy. And they most DEFINITELY did not come from the Easter Bunny. They were 100% from Mom and Dad, every year. We were not an Easter Bunny household – which I’ve always chalked up to the fact that we’re Christian, and Easter was a distinctly religious holiday for us, but we got presents from Santa…. So now I don’t know why even entertaining the possibility of an Easter Bunny was blasphemous, but I got presents addressed to me from Santa every year. I feel like that’s a double standard!
Ahh! I KNEW I had heard of Cape Horn somewhere before! There was an article on Curbed this week about his artwork (https://chicago.curbed.com/2018/3/23/17147632/illustration-chicago-home-bungalow-victorian-art), and I thought I recognized the name, but I didn’t know why/from where. Now I remember: from your blog! I’m obsessed with his work. Like all of his Chicago home illustration posters are now on my List of Things to Include on Future Birthday/Christmas Lists, haha. They’re so beautiful! How cool that you have personalized notecards with your house from him!
That does sound like a double standard, thinking on it now! LOL! But it sounds like it worked out perfectly for your family then. So no egg hunt?
Oh! Thanks for sharing that! I didn’t know his work has been featured on TV shows. Yes, you must get all his prints! His work is GORGEOUS and I love love love it. Have you seen the marathon posters? I have Chicago and NYC framed at home <3
We did egg hunts at church!!! What was with my childhood?!?! Hahaha. But that was at my dad’s “liberal” church (the same denomination I belong to now, ha), not my mom’s church, where such shenanigans would’ve been strictly verboten. I was raised on contradictions, apparently.
I have seen those marathon posters, but I had no idea he was the one who did them! Man, his artwork is just everywhere, I guess!
Ha! It’s all good though, as long as you were happy and cared for, and got your chocolate on Easter!!!! 😉
Yeah, cool, right?!
Have you heard David Sedaris’ piece about Easter traditions in France? It’s so funny!
I’ve been slacking on reading (in favor of TV and uh, scrolling on my phone), but you’re right–it is so indulgent to have a book you enjoy reading. With this in mind, if you don’t like a book, do you give up on it? (I feel like I’ve asked this before maybe.)
I love those notecards! Having personalized stationery is such a fun, classy grown-up thing. I keep meaning to get an address stamp or something about where we live (even though it’s still an apartment).
I have not! It’s something I should google?
I wish I spent more time reading and less time watching TV! But that is one of our “together” activities 😉 I do give up on books! I gave up on two I asked for Christmas, earlier this year! I was thinking they were memoirs, but they were how-tos. And some books I try to finish and never do because they aren’t engaging me.
Thank you! OMG YASSSSSS get a stamp! I love the one I have and it’s from Amazon! I think it was less than $20 (my snis got it). Let me know if you want me to find the link!
The bunny hides the eggs, but leave the baskets out in plain sight! Well, he used to…this year, he’s skipping our house because there’s no where to hide an egg!
Ha, if you hid eggs at your house now, who knows WHEN you would find them again!!!