What I’m currently listening to on repeat 2 (& an IMPORTANT question!!!)
I found MC Fioti’s “Bum Bum Tam Tam” watching a dance video on Instagram. I find quite a bit of my music that way – I like the music (hip hop) dancers use!
And “Bum Bum Tam Tam” was one I was instantly listening to on repeat, day after day..
Let me know what you think, and what you’re listening to right now!
VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION – I am getting a manicure on Sunday, and whatever color I get will be the one I have on when I do my 5K on April 7th.
So… should I stick with this blue, since it matches my singlet so well?!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blue.
Or… should I get something else from the gorgeous OPI Lisbon Collection?! I like all of these colors (and have worn #4 before!):
Vote on what color I should get (if you want)! I will let you know what I end up with on Monday!
Which nail polish should I get?
- #1 (65%, 13 Votes)
- #3 (25%, 5 Votes)
- #4 (10%, 2 Votes)
- #2 (0%, 0 Votes)
- None of these! (0%, 0 Votes)
- IDGAF (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 20

I love the green but maybe go with something different!? I don’t know what color I should do for Sunday… I love the purple I’ve got on now but want to change it up (even tho I’ll be wearing gloves for the race)
I’m so excited for your 5k!!!!
Thanks for the input! Pink is winning, right now! I was debating over that and the blue last time, so I bet I will get that.
Hmmm… do you have a green you like?!
I am excited too! To just do it! And no longer train for it (as I told you yesterday, ha)!
I hadn’t heard that song before, I like it! Thanks for sharing 🙂 And I really like the blue nail polish that matches the singlet 🙂
You’re welcome; glad you like it!
I bet I will end up going with that – more people are voting for that now!
My go to mani colors are a mint or pink blush color! My suggestion is go more green than blue! 🙂
Thanks for sharing that song! I like it!
Hmm, pick a NEW color?!?!!? EEEEKKKKKKKKKKK lol
You’re welcome! I am glad you like it!
I think you should get #3, but that’s mostly because pinks and purples are really the only nail polish color that I like. Maybe reds, I guess. I also haven’t painted my nails in…I don’t even know. It’s probably been close to four or five years at this point…so feel free to take my input with a grain of salt 😉
I swear, the only music I listen to these days is Broadway. Literally every song on my My Mix on YouTube is from a soundtrack. Curse you, Hamilton! Hahaha. But for real, though, ever since I got into Hamilton last winter, soundtracks are all I ever want to listen to. I’m totally out of touch with what’s going on in any other genre.
Ha! Thanks for the disclaimer! 😉
Do you listen to the soundtracks straight through, or on shuffle? I have a few movie soundtracks on my phone (Across the Universe, etc.) and it’s fun to listen to them straight through, from time to time, when I run.
It really depends. I usually like to listen to them straight through the first few times, especially if I’m not familiar with the show, since the order of the songs does tend to matter with those sorts of things. Once I know it, though, I’m more likely to listen to it on shuffle. I don’t remember the last time I listened to the Hamilton soundtrack straight through in order! But I’m quite familiar with that one now, so I don’t need to for the context anymore. That’s all hard-wired into my brain at this point, haha.
It’s awesome to have the option to do it both ways, once you do become familiar, and you can “watch” parts of your favorite shows on shuffle! 😉
I tend to listen to one or two albums on repeat til I get sick of them. Mostly pop right now but I really like hip hop (the song is good).
Hope Saturday goes amazing!!!
Let me know what recs you have! I listen to pop a lot too 🙂 Glad you like the song!
Thanks 🙂
I like that blue too, so I obviously voted for it. (That’s the one you recommended, right?) It’s such a pretty shade.
I did not know that song. I like hip-hop as ambient music, but I don’t really seek it out that often. I’ve been listening to music by Jordan Klassen at work (and ocean noises when I’m working).
It is!!! I love it so much. I am curious to see what you get if you end up going!
I will have to look him (her?) up!!! Favorite song?