Two years!

By , February 6, 2018 7:00 am

Wow, it’s been two years (to this date!) since we moved in to our current home! I was talking to Steven about it, and we both agreed that it feels like less than two years. It must feel like that to other people too, because I still get lots of questions about the “new” house and what projects we’re working on <— Steven is team #projectsforlife so that question will always be appropriate!

Our sentiment toward our home is the same as when I wrote about it last year at this time – we love how peaceful and quiet it is (because we live on a short dead end street where everyone has five acres or more, and part of the street is surrounded by forest preserve), and don’t mind that it’s “far” away from things. Feeling relaxed and at ease AND HAPPY in our home is worth the distance from things. (And different things make different people happy! For us, we knew we needed space and land for our happy home – but I know some people would be much happier in an area more densely populated.)

Our only major current gripe is that we don’t have a workshop for Steven! He loves to build and create and our garage is not big enough to set up a shop. We’re hoping building something is in our near future!

16 Responses to “Two years!”

  1. Anne says:

    Wow, I can’t believe it’s been 2 years either! I’m glad you guys found a house that you love so much and are so happy with!

    I love your house and your land, and I really loved staying with you guys last fall. It’s like a quiet, peaceful retreat 🙂

  2. Christina says:

    Happy two years!!! I am so happy you found and have created such a wonderful house, that truly feels like home! <3

  3. Shelley B says:

    It goes by fast, doesn’t it? I’m glad you guys still love your choice. Sure, everyone can weigh in on what they’d do, but it’s what YOU like that is the most important. We’ve been in our current house for almost 18 years and will be doing some updates soon, and my mother was trying to convince me that I should go with a cheaper flooring than what we want. Um, hello, I’m almost 55 – at what point do I get to stop making budget compromises?

    • kilax says:

      It really does! and exactly – some people really questioned where we were moving and why, but hey, it works for us! We don’t question you!!!

      LOL, does your mom usually press to make decisions like that? There would be some major eyerolling on my end. Get what you want! You’ve been waiting to do these updates for a LONG time!

  4. kathy says:

    So glad you guys are happy! I love your house especially in the snow.

  5. Yay! Congrats on two years! I grew up in a home quite similar to yours in terms of location–the only big difference was that we had neighbors close by. But we had an acre of land, and we were far away from everything, and it was QUIET. I really, really miss that, and I love it when I go back to my parents house. I don’t know what I’ll do long term when it comes to my living situation. I have to admit that part of me feels less anxious living in the city, knowing that I could get to emergency personnel (or they could get to me) within minutes. But all the hustle and bustle and lack of open space makes me more anxious, so it’s kind of a trade off, I guess. I do have to say, though, that I LOVE my car-free lifestyle, and if there’s anything that I viscerally dread about not living in the city, it’s needing a car. I much prefer being able to walk places or have people (i.e. the CTA) take me places to driving myself somewhere, and it’s so much more affordable, AND it’s so much better for the environment. But these are problems for Future Bethany to deal with, and Current Bethany to just think about 😛 Anyway, I’m happy that you’re happy where you are, and I’m glad you found something that worked out so great for you 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I grew up on a bit of land too, and living next to people later on in life just felt so weird to me. Like, being able to see and hear my neighbors, what?! LOL. I can see why it’s so nice and peacful for you to go to your hometown!

      I was gonna say, as I was reading your comment, what about how you love being car free?! You can’t do that if you have property! Unless you have a chauffer… then you still have a car, ha. Anyway, thanks, and I hope you are happy now and that Future Bethany is too!

  6. Karen says:

    Looks even prettier sitting in the snow 🙂
    It does seem like not that long ago you were working every flipping spare moment! That is why it doesn’t seem so long ago you are still recovering lol

    • kilax says:


      OMG, YASSSS. I feel like I am STILL recovering from that month we spent working on our attic and ceilings on the second floor! Ha!

  7. Mica says:

    Wow, yeah, two years already? It still feels like you “new” house to me too. (How long were you in the last place?)

    Is Steven’s workshop going to be an addition or a separate structure?

    Do you think you see people less because of the “new” (two-year-old) location of the house?

    • kilax says:

      Steven bought the townhome in September 2005, and I moved in in May 2007, and we moved out in December 2015. So 10 years for him!

      It is going to be a separate structure! Our dream separate structure has a guest house on it, but we don’t have any money, hence it being a dream. Ha!

      Hmm. Actually, I think we see our old neighbors more, and I see Bobbi a lot more (since she’s 10 mins away now). I actually think we make an effort to see people more often!

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