- I got more information yesterday about what’s going on at work. I’m still disappointed, but I understand it better now. I’ll share more when it’s all done (in a few months).
- The RAGBRAI route announcement party is this Saturday! We streamed it last year and it was horribly painful to watch – way too drawn out. This year, I’ll just look up the course before I go to bed. My guess is that it will go through the far south of Iowa.
- Shutterfly had an offer for a “free” (you pay for shipping) custom notebook. I love this photo of me and Steven, so I used it. It doesn’t really go with the message I put on the cover though. Ha!

- For those of you who saw the film It, what did you think of it? I was expecting it to be better, and scarier (note: I haven’t read the book or seen the mini-series). I typically don’t like movies with kids as the main characters, so that didn’t help. Eh. At least I could sleep after watching it! (Except for my usual wake up to use the bathroom then feeling wide awake happening.)
- Ha, we got this flier for the Frosty Footrace in the mail yesterday. The caption on the front page cracks me up (especially the typo). A lot of us must have complained when they changed the format last year. I’m glad they’ve changed it back! (Brief history – I’ve been doing this 5K since 2009 as a goal 5K and they changed it (after I registered) to a “2 miler” last year and the race sucked.)

- Snow has been coming in some nights to spend the night inside. He LOVES the bed. And is SOOOOO cuddly.

- It looks like I am going to be blogging for another two years – I just renewed my hosting until March 2020. I hate that I have to negotiate the rates each year. Blah.
- And now for the COMPLETELY random. I’ve been talking about nachos a lot lately. I should probably make some soon, so I shut up about them. Nachos… droooooool…

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 164
I donno maybe the shit you needed to get done that night was to get a dress on :p Glad they changed the race back, I’m guessing you are going to do it then?
Snow is getting so sweet, maybe he will move indoors permenantly!
I think I will do it. I still feel a bit bitter <--- so mature. I wonder if he will! He's so goofy when he comes in - either hiding under the bed scared, or being all lovey on the couch or bed.
AUUGGGGHHHHH MY EYES!!!! The “it’s”!!!!! *screams in pain* I’m glad it’s a 5K again this year, though. Seems like that two miler nonsense is a mistake they won’t ever make again!
Right? It’s (used correctly) horrible! Ha ha ha. I don’t think they will make this event a two miler again, either. I saw they added one during a more family friend (read: spring/summer) time of year, which makes so much more sense to me!
Snow looks so sweet as I scroll through the post…until I get to his claws! They really show up on a black kitty, LOL. But seriously, what a happy kitty.
Ha ha ha, they make him look like he might be mean, right? LOL. I always think that too – I just can’t get a pic of his paws without them out! He’s so sweet though.
Oh dear, that flyer. It kind of has some “hometown” charm in a way…?
I like that picture of you and Steven too, and I am also amused at the incongruous caption. What do you think you’ll use the notebook for? I’d be amused using it outside of the house, but I’d probably have to explain it all the time.
I didn’t think “It” was that scary (and I hadn’t read or seen the original[s]). It started off creepy, and there were definitely parts where I was tense, but over all, the kids kind of ruined it for me too. I think also the fact that Pennywise had that goofy voice.
Ha ha ha, it totally does!
So far I am using it to list blog post ideas and to do lists! I had another notebook for blog posts ideas, but it was quite a bit larger and I can carry this around. Ha, I had it in a meeting this week and had a mouse over “shit” and my coworker asked to pick it up and giggled at the title and put the mouse back on the “bad” word. I need an even smaller one to replace the notebook I keep in my purse.
It sounds like we have the exact same opinion on It. I was talking to someone in class this am who read the book and he said the kids were much more crass in the book and kind of tamed down in the movie. Pennywise’s voice was totally goofy! Did you see the actor who played him is Alexander Skarsgård’s brother? Did you watch Big Little Lies?
LOL, love that notebook cover!
Thanks 🙂