- When we were in KC this weekend, my snister gave me a mirror they had that no longer fits with the decor of their house, but I think will look great above the table in our foyer. I am excited to hang it!!! <— much adulting.
- Also, when we were in KC, I had to get a photo of me and mom (and Steven, ha) wearing our Holiday Mile Challenge tees and medals! Mom enjoyed the challenge, and wants to keep walking, and do the Chocoholic 5K this year!

- I was bummed we couldn’t watch the Summer Olympics in 2016 (we don’t have a cable account to log in to watch them stream), so we ordered an antenna and tuner to see if we can get a signal to watch some of the Winter Olympics in February. I hope it works! We’re equidistant from Milwaukee and Chicago, and kind of in a dead-zone, reception-wise, but this antenna is supposed to have a far range! We’ll see…
- A space I designed is actually being built, as I designed it (mostly), on the floor I work on now! That’s exciting for me!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 163
So cool about the space you designed being built! And how fun that your mom wants to do that 5k this year. Are you going to do it together?
Thanks! It was neat to walk through it a couple of weeks ago and see it framed out!
I think she would walk and I would run it. But maybe I should walk it with her!
Oh that’s awesome that your mom wants to do the Chocoholic 5k! That was such a fun race! I was just telling Terry yesterday that I wish I had known about that race organizer sooner (as in, when we lived in Lake Co.), since they put on pretty good and cheap races. Maybe I’ll come back for one 🙂
I’m looking forward to the Olympics too. The winter ones are my favorite. My mom and I used to stay up late watching coverage when I was a kid, I just loved following all of it.
It was! I didn’t really know about them until that race, and I only saw anything about it because I am a member of the Kenosha Running Club FB page and someone was talking about it there. They do put on fun, affordable races! You should come back for one.
Do you think your mom will watch them too and you can chat about it? I used to do that with Gina, when we had antenna/cable – live commentary via text. Ha, it was fun!
I had an antenna in my first apartment in Chicago, and it was able to pick up stations all the way from Indiana – possibly South Bend? I can’t remember anymore. But those things are pretty powerful! Although I wasn’t able to get ABC, which was bizarre. I had more NBCs than I knew what to do with, but no ABC. For your Olympic watching purposes, though, that would be great!
Wow, that’s impressive! This first antenna struggled, so we ordered one to try in the attic, that should reach farther. I hope it gets all the NBCs too! That is all I care about!!!!
Well done in being noticed and appreciated at work!
Thanks! If only that were the case! Ha, this project was brought up in front of everyone at a town hall last week and they didn’t mention me at all. Fun times… 🙂 Later, my boss did (it was a different group, earlier).
Is Steven trying to be mock-serious in that photo, or is that just his normal facial expression?
Congratulations on the work milestone! Was this design part of the new detail?
He is being mock serious and thinks he’s funny for photo-bombing us!
Thanks! It was not. It’s a design I did on my old job, just under a year ago!