A very porg Christmas

By , December 26, 2017 12:10 pm

How is the holiday already over? I don’t want to go back to the daily grind <— said everyone.

We had a wonderful Christmas celebration with Steven’s dad and brother. We ended up getting a few inches of snow here Christmas Eve, then the temperature dropped quite a bit Christmas Day (and today!), so we stayed warm camped out inside the house!

A white Christmas after all!

I mentioned my brother-in-law, Andrew, and I had an ongoing joke that all gifts were going to be porg-related. After I saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi and thought the porgs were adorable, I said to Steven, “I hope Andrew actually does get me something porg-related!”

Oh, he did.

Porg poster, porg pin on briefcase, porg mug, and porg on board.

That poster was the first thing I opened, and I said my Christmas was pretty much complete, right then and there. What else could I possibly NEED?

I should probably actually put ornaments on the tree next time… it looks a bit bare!

Santa brought gifts for the kitties, too! Khali hid under the bed most of the visit. Sigh.

No porg-related gifts for Steven (or his dad)! I had been stoked for a few months to give Steven this custom illustration of our house I ordered from Cape Horn Illustration, and Steven really liked it, yay!

We had lots of jokes about eating porg too… we even did porg two ways at dinner! Hee hee.

In reality, we had a Tofurky roast and a ham, and the ham was a surprise hit. We made it with pineapple and weren’t sure how it was going to turn out, but we both really liked it! I was all about the mashed potatoes though. AND PUMPKIN PIE. Nom. We didn’t make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, so I’ve been craving it since then!

Gah, just writing about this food, I want to eat it all again. It’s lunchtime as I write this and my stomach is actually growling, so that’s a good sign – I wasn’t sure I’d be hungry AT ALL today.

What a fun visit! And now it’s two and a half weeks until our next holiday celebration /William’s first birthday party, with my family. Yay!

10 Responses to “A very porg Christmas”

  1. Kathy says:

    I love the picture! I watched the force awakens yesterday…I’m now ready for the new movie and porgs! Dinner definetely is about the mashed potato. Glad you had a good day x

    • kilax says:


      Oh, yay! When are you guys going?!?!?!?!

      I am so glad we have so many left over mashed potatoes <3 <3 <3 How was your holiday?!

  2. Xaarlin says:

    Porgs!!!all the Porgs! They are really cute!

    I love the illustration of you house… I’m thinking of doing something similar 🙂

    How do the kitties like their prezzies?

    • kilax says:

      They’re the cutest!!!! AHHHHHHH

      Thanks! I can’t wait to see what you have done!

      They really do! I got this silly big yarn ball for Data and he is really in to it, and Khali has been using the little house! I have to show her that Santa also brought her mice and treats.

  3. Amy says:

    Glad you had such a nice Christmas! Are the Porgs the creatures that Chewbacca refused to eat? I really need to go see the movie, my kids have all been without me!

    • kilax says:

      Yes, they are! Did you see that mentioned in the vegetarian community, or from your kids? 🙂 Let me know what you think after you see it!

  4. Chaitali says:

    I love that poster with the porgs and Chewie! We’ve stopped getting the cats gifts since they seem to prefer playing with the boxes anyway 🙂 I guess their gift is the boxes from the stuff we got!

    • kilax says:

      I can’t wait to find a perfect spot for it!

      Good idea! They do love the boxes. Especially if the boxes have tissue/other paper in them!

  5. Mica says:

    Okay, phew, I’m just catching up on your Christmas posts. Is “a porg Christmas” a thing you made up? (A friend of mine posted something similar on social media, so I was wondering if it was a tagline from something.)

    And porgs were just introduced in this most recent movie, right? Or have they been around for awhile? Also, how does everyone know they’re called porgs? Was that referenced at some point? I’m really lacking in Star Wars knowledge, obviously.

    In any event, it sounds like you had a lovely Christmas (and a relaxing one too). I’m really happy for you!

    Also, I made a joke in my head while reading this that you ate “porg-kin pie.” It was so bad, but I still giggled.

    • kilax says:

      I thought I made it up, but I also saw other people posting the same thing! Ha! Great minds think alike?

      They were introduced in the latest movie. It’s actually interesting – I read that there were so many puffins on the island where those scenes were filmed, that rather than edit them out, they replaced them with porgs. I think everyone knows they are called porgs cause Disney marketed the HELL out of them. I first saw a toy one in a store and thought “what the hell is a porg?!” and expected to hate them. Ha.

      Thank you! 🙂

      Ha! I wish we would have thought of that one! I will have to tell Andrew 🙂

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