- The Lindsey Stirling “Warmer in the Winter” concert was FANTASTIC! Watching her play the violin and dance was just as impressive and fun as I thought it would be. The concert had a playful tone with some humorous bits (and sometimes serious story-telling). Stirling performed two non-Christmas songs – Elements and Crystallize. It was a holiday concert so I was surprised and excited to hear those songs. I’d love to see her again – especially to hear her other songs!!!

- Ugh, the opening act was painful though. An opener wasn’t listed when we got our tickets and I was hoping there wouldn’t be one. It was Stirling’s dancing partner (from Dancing with the Stars) and his wife’s group – Alexander Jean. I didn’t care for their style and got irritated listening to them. I felt like I was being forced to watch them, and just wanted Lindsey to come on stage!
- We had crazy high winds Monday night and a tree came down in our yard. It fell in the same spot as last time – right over the log pile. Ha. I am glad the trees know right where to fall – where they need to be chopped and placed anyway!

- Tomorrow is my nine year anniversary at work! Which sounds like a long time, but doesn’t even begin to compare to how long some people have worked at my organization!
- I ordered our holiday cards Monday and they are arriving this weekend, yay! I am looking forward to sending them out.
- I also set up a birthday party for Steven! His dad and brother are coming in to town on his birthday, so we’re going to have a little bowling get together with them and friends. I am looking forward to it!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 157
Hope Stevens party is fun! What a thoughtful tree making your job easier.
Thanks! I hope so too!
Now, if only the tree could chop itself up!
Haha your feelings on Lindsay Stirling’s opening act reflects my feelings on all opening acts 😛 I know opening acts can be great for exposure for up-and-coming artists, but man, I just want the artist I ACTUALLY want to see get on stage and get playing so that I’m not out until super late and can go to bed haha. (But really…). The best opening act is no opening act, at least as far as I’m concerned.
I agree 100% with you. The show started at 8:00 and I assumed there was no opener and I would be headed home by 10:00… nope. Sigh.
I have no idea who Lindsay Stirling is! I’ll have to look her up.
I will not, however, look up her opening act. 😉
Nine years? That’s so long compared to tech. The average tenure in a tech company is, like, two years. Congratulations on nine!!
LOL!!! Don’t bother with them! Let me know what you think of Lindsey Stirling though! I loved her first and second album.
Crazy how the different industries are, right? I think people stay in government FOREVER. Thank you!!!
Bowling is always fun. That tree really looks like it meant to fall right where it did – maybe it wanted to join its old friends.
That must be it! Ha ha ha.
Ooh what day are you doing Steven’s party? Maybe we could pop down if we’re free!
I am also not a fan of opening acts. Remember Asia? hahahah.
Oh my gosh! I was telling Steven I was going to invite you guys, but figured you’d already be in the UP! I will send you the invite!!!
OMG. Sigh. Asia. Remember how awesome it was when Foreigner DID NOT have an opening act?!?!??!
That tree falling placement is too awesome.
I’ve seen Mark Ballas perform on DWTS – his music, not his dancing – and it felt like, come on, finish up so we can get back to the dancing. Good to hear Lindsey put on such a great show and I’m glad you enjoyed it!
LOL – that is funny you thought that about his music! I liked him better than his partner, but I was just so WHHHHHHYYYY am I watching this about the whole thing. I was kind of wishing him and Lindsey would have danced!