- Anne was in town this week for a concert and stayed at our place a couple of nights. It felt so good to hang out and visit in person. I tend to isolate myself, and forget how good it feels to connect with a girlfriend.

- A coworker in my new branch lives about five miles from me – that’s the closest of anyone I know in my company (of ~300 people in our Chicago office). And she’s friends with the people who live in the property that butts up to the north side of ours. And we think she lives on the same street as someone who works for Steven. What a small world.
- Bath & Body Works is one of those stores you don’t shop at unless you have a coupon (or there’s a crazy sale). I like to shop there, and have been trying for a year or so to get on their email list, using multiple email addresses, but they wouldn’t send me ANYTHING! (Don’t even get me started about snail mail – they mail my mom and snis coupons all the time, but not me (it’s all good – mom and snis give them to me, ha)). Something finally clicked in September and I started getting emails. I’ve never been so happy to get so many ads and offers. Ha! And I’m not even annoyed they are being sent to my real email inbox, not my junk one!

- Are Steven and I the only ones who didn’t realize you are supposed to bake store-bought crunchy taco shells to make them crisp? Steven and I have been on a taco kick lately, so we bought crunchy shells and wondered why they (always!) tasted stale… it’s because it says right on the box to bake them. Duh town. It’s made such a difference. Following instructions… who knew?!

- NOT AN AD. Has anyone else tried an antiperspirant that you put on at night? Secret deodorant hasn’t been working for me lately, so I got the clinical strength antiperspirant/deodorant to try. I didn’t realize when I bought it (WITH MY OWN MONEY, NOT AN AD) that you put it on at night (and the changes in your body temperature are supposed to activate it), and technically don’t have to put anything else on in the morning. Hmm.

- See that blister on the heel of my foot? That is what I got for wearing my work flats for the walk to the train station after work yesterday. I can’t wait to see how that feels on my next run…

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 149
What!?! I didn’t know that about the taco shells either. I thought you were just supposed to eat them as they are out of the box.
EXACTLY!!!! That is what I thought too (obviously, ha ha)!!!! Check your box – it probably has instructions to bake them!
Learn something new everyday…maybe if I read the directions I would know to heat my shells lol
Pad that blister!! even a band aid should help ๐
That is the same thought we had! Ha!
I wore my cushiest shoes and luckily it was okay! So far! I am going to try a bandaid for a longer run!
It’s so nice that you have a fire. Camping is about the only time I get to have one now. I love your fireplace too ๐
Let me know if the deodorant is good. I just tried a Mitchum one that did not work at ALL.
Thanks! ๐ Steven has always loved campsite fires, so doing it inside is such a blast for him ๐
I will! It seems to be okay at home so far, not so much for the sweaty commute with the heavy backpack (which is when I need to smell decent the most!). What was the deal with the one you tried?
I was sweating even if I’d just put it on…useless ๐
Geesh, sounds like it!!!
I had no idea about the taco shells! I also haven’t bought the crunchy shells in years, probably because they always taste weird and stale (because I didn’t know to heat them up). I’ll have to try that out ๐
I had such a fun time visiting you guys! Seriously! I really hope Terry and I can both visit you soon too ๐ You’re such good hosts, and agree, it was nice to be able to hang out and catch up! I haven’t had a ton of girlfriend time lately myself.
I’ve got a few blisters from wearing real shoes again this week LOL (the hotter weather didn’t help with that either). I’ll get back to my regular wardrobe of sweats and tennis shoes.
Let me know if you try them and it has the same instructions! I am still very ๐ฎ about it!
We really did too! I hope we can see Terry soon (I mean, invisible Terry was nice, but a bit scary). Aww, thank you!!! Do you tend to isolate yourself too? I really do since I work from home. Not good.
I hope yours go away soon and don’t hold you back from working out!!!!!
Ugh, that blister looks miserable! I get so nervous whenever I try to walk more than like one block in flats. I’ve gotten blisters from them so many times!
Right? I thought I might be okay since it was a 10 minute walk but NOPE!!!
OK, no – I didn’t know you were supposed to bake store-bought crunchy taco shells! What the what??? Of course, we mostly use fresh corn tortillas and heat them on the stove for a corn-y tasting taco. You could even eat what I make – black beans, fresh pico, avocado slices, and a little parmesean cheese. Oh wait, not the cheese, right? Anyway, they are vegetarian and so good!
Yay for an Anne visit!
Those Bath and Body Works emails would make me insane. INSANE! But I’m happy you’re happy. ๐
So I’ve been using Secret Clinical for years now and I started out putting it on solely at night, but sometimes I can’t help myself and use it in the morning. I will say, I don’t put it on before an early morning weekday run because I don’t feel extra smelly (I am sweaty but that’s due to humidity). I do like it, though (not an ad, HA!)(they should send us some freebies)(they probably won’t).
How did none of us know?!?!?! Your fresh corn tortillas sound AMAZING. AMAZING. You are supposed to heat up the soft corn tortillas we buy, too, but I would love some fresh ones – what a difference! Your tacos sound super good, yeah, minus the cheese! Gosh, I bet we’ll be making tacos again this weekend!
I can’t believe the emails aren’t making ME insane. Now, for that pic, I did sort my inbox that way before deleting them. I keep my inbox tidy, ha ha.
Ahh, I am happy to hear it works for you, and the tricks you’ve tried. I think I might need to put it on after working out in the am, because I do every now and then! I wish they would send us freebies – deodorant can get a bit $$$
OMG I didn’t know that about crunch tacos, LOL! I prefer crunchy. I didn’t realize they had directions. This changes everything. Although now that you mention it, my mom always baked them (with the meat + cheese) when I was a kid.
NOT AN AD, I recently switched to Native natural deodorant and I LOVE IT! It really works! Even about 48 hours and a workout. So, if this new stuff doesn’t workout, I recommend Native.
Your mom was on to something ๐ That sounds like a fun way to make them!
Wow, 48 hours WITH a workout? That would be wonder deodorant for me! I will have to check that out. I don’t want to be smelly anymore. Ha.