- Ha, I started this Random Thought’s Thursday (RRT) draft weeks ago! I miss blogging, but don’t seem to have a lot to say for single topic posts, so RTT posts (and other list posts, like what I have for tomorrow) are perfect for me right meow.
- The “On This Day”/Facebook Memories thing that pops up showing what I’ve posted sometimes makes me feel crappy because it’s a memory with someone I no longer spend time with. It’s normal and necessary for people to come and go in our lives, but I sometimes feel pained thinking about it. (I feel like this is also a reflection of how little I post on Facebook now, and how much less social I am.) Note, today’s “memory” does not fall in to that category!

- Another social media comment – I’m surprised how much I like Instagram, and am happy I figured out how to make it work for me. I’m also surprised some of the email requests I get to post random crap (usually infographics or links) here now write “and I saw on your Instagram…” Um, no you didn’t. It’s private. Ha ha. (I’m considering making it public but not sure…)
- Speaking of email requests to post random crap – I have a draft blog post listing all the things to NOT do in the email if you are trying to get me to post something. But the post is a bit snarky, even for me. So it’ll probably stay in the drafts folder.
- We’ve been watching Parks and Recreation during lunch break (it’s my first time seeing the show) and I loved the first few seasons, but the last two are just bizzaro!
- I’m such a grouch until I get my daily workout in. Which is a problem since I usually workout when I get off work at 4:00 pm. Ugh.
- Look at this cool PR bell they are going to have at the 5K I am doing Saturday! I won’t be going near it, but I think it’s awesome they have it! (I was originally hoping for a course PR, but that won’t happen with how I’ve been training!)

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 128
I turned my FB memory notifications off since there’s obviously more than a few people I don’t hang out with anymore these days. It’s just awkward. But I do like seeing old pictures of Jude & Meko’s furry little faces (since that’s like 90% of what I used to post anyway), and reading some of the mundane everyday statuses I posted like 10 years ago. Happy to hear you and that guy in the picture still hang out 🙂
Is tip #1 in that list to not email you to post about things? 🙂
I don’t remember much about the last couple seasons of P&R, but they definitely weren’t as good as earlier seasons.
I really like working out in the morning or at lunch for the same reason, but lately it’s been hard to find the time! I also wish that I could shower before 5pm on most work from home days, but I’m always waiting for my workout!
Ahh! Thanks for pointing out you can do that! I kept meaning to look in to it and forgetting. I just did and noticed that you can actually tell it to skip certain dates and certain people! I just turned them off though.
Ha! That was going to be the conclusion of the post. “I am not desperate for money and content” was going to be in there too.
There have been a few times I’ve not wanted to do a video call at work cause I haven’t worked out and haven’t showered yet (well, that being ONE of the reasons I don’t want to do a video call, ha ha).
Hahaha. Well, I would definitely read and enjoy that post 😉
Ugh yes, our current management keeps trying to make us all turn on our webcams for team meetings. We’ve given my boss feedback that that’s one of many things we’d like to stop after the divestiture. It’s kind of annoying, and honestly, very distracting when you’re trying to pay attention to a presentation!
Yeah, for a presentation, I wouldn’t like the webcam! I actually don’t mind it too much for team meetings when we’re having a group chat and I am told in advance AND when everyone participates.
I love Parks and Rec but I’m not up to date yet…soon. Also grouchy til I work out, I wonder if people like us are wired a little weirdly ha ha!
I think we might be 😉
I like that PR bell idea! I don’t think I’ve ever been at a race that had that. I haven’t seen Parks and Rec yet but I keep hearing good things about it. I’ll have to add it to my list.
I’ve never been at a race that’s had one either!
I think it’s a really funny show. You might appreciate the government humor too 😉
I hear you about being a grouch until a workout. On my off days, I really notice mentally and physically that I haven’t worked out, so I try to take the dogs on extra long walks to get my blood pumping just a little. That PR bell is very cool and would be extra motivation for me to run a PR! Good luck and hope you catch a tailwind and ring it! 🙂
Yes! A walk really helps on rest days!
A tailwind will help but still very little chance of even a course PR. My nephews are doing their first 5Ks so they’ll get to ring it!
Oh my gosh, Facebook memories. I had never once had Facebook try to remind me of anything that’s happened in my life until about two weeks ago, when it thought it would be appropriate to remind me that on that day two years ago, I had posted a tribute to my dog, who we were putting down the next day. NOT COOL, FACEBOOK. And then it did the same thing to my brother the next day! Of all the memories to pick! Sometimes I’ll click through on the “See Your Memories” thing when other people post theirs, but usually it just embarrasses me, since I’m pretty sure almost everything we do 10 years ago seems mortifying in retrospect, or it makes me feel old, because I’ve been on Facebook long enough to have things come up that say, “9 years ago” or whatever.
Oh gosh, that is a HORRIBLE memory for it to post! I found out this am you can tell it to skip certain days, but still… maybe we just don’t want to be reminded of EVERYTHING? Especially that horrifying stuff from the past!
I would love to read that post!!! LOL.
I’m glad you figured out how to make Instagram work for you 🙂 I’ve split my Instagram into three accounts, because, you know, that’s totally necessary 🙂 But it works for me. It felt weird posting my burlesque stuff, running/fitness stuff, and personal stuff all on the same account. Especially since some of my family and co-workers follow my personal account.
Ha! I’d be curious to see your thoughts on it too, because I think you and I have different criteria for what we’ll post. I know some of the stuff I’ve been asked to post and haven’t, you have, like Chicago races. But that’s the thing – I don’t live in Chicago and am not going to post about a race just because it’s in a city 50 miles from my house.
LOL! Is it easy to log in and out of the different accounts?
It is easy to switch between accounts (you can be logged into multiple accounts at once) but for some reason, the app keeps kicking me out of all of them and then I have to re-log in all the time, which is annoying.
Blah, that’s super annoying! Maybe the next update will fix it!
I think you should post that one about what not to say when people email you asking for promotion…because let’s face it, we’d all get a kick out of it, and you KNOW they won’t read it – I have on my “contact me” page, a line that says “..don’t bother if you’re offering anything to do with diet pills, programs or schemes…I don’t endorse that type of thing. Nor do I allow guest or sponsored posts on my blog, so again, don’t bother asking” – and I STILL get so many people emailing, asking to guest post, or promote their infographic on THE BEST WEIGHT LOSS…and those jerks had to get my email from that page, so pfft. My favorite thing is when they email a second or third time, asking if I got their email. Um yeah I did, and I deleted it right away. Some people are worth a reply, even if it’s a “this isn’t for me” response, but the other guys? Screw ’em.
Obviously I have strong feelings about this. 😉
It sounds like we are in the same boat! I considered putting “I don’t do guest/sponsored posts” where you can find my email. But they wouldn’t read it, as you’ve experienced, and what if there is one instance where I’d actually like to review something (ASICS PLEASE SEND ME SHOES, lol) and miss it cause they did read it?! Ha.
I used to always respond and say no thanks to be polite. Now when they are super ridic, I don’t, and I also laugh at the “did you get my email” follow-up. Oh, yes, sorry I didn’t respond that I won’t be sharing your random link about workout equipment.
I had this email in my inbox this morning, no joke: “I was browsing your blog this morning and noticed that you are accepting guest posts. I’m extremely interested in weight loss and fitness and I’d like to write something useful and helpful to your audience. What do you think?”
Well, I think you’re a dumbass is what I think…and also that you have no reading comprehension. But of course I won’t respond with that, but you KNOW I’d love to, just once!
WTF! Seriously…. W… T… F?! What did you respond with?
I tried ignoring a request last week, and got the follow-up “did you get my request?” email this weekend. Blah.
I just deleted it…figured he wouldn’t read my response for anything more than “yes please write a guest post” so no use in trying to communicate with him.
True dat!
There is a PR bell at the Madison Marathon! (I didn’t get to ring it last time…maybe this year! haha)
So far I haven’t gotten any memories that made me sad. Usually they just make me smile to remember that time in my life. My one today was about trapeze!
As for the post about random PR emails, I think you should post it, too. And then we can all comment on the most ridiculous pitch email we’ve gotten. I finally created a “media kit” page (gah. I hate that term) and now I just send the URL to people who keep asking. Most of the time that gets them to go away, although I had one who was like, “We can’t pay you, but we can give you these $200 sunglasses.” You know what would like? Money. You know what I wouldn’t like? Sunglasses. Yeah.
That’s good! 🙂 Do you ever miss trapeze?
That’s a good idea, if you are getting a lot of those requests. I am impressed they actually (sort of?) read it. Ha ha.
I miss the feeling of being in the air and I wonder from time to time how it would be now that I’m so much stronger. But, I don’t miss that it took up 2+ hours of my evenings!
Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t miss that part! No gracias!
Do you think you will try a class or two down the road to see what you can do?
Maybe! If I do, it will be this summer when they’re outside. We live a little closer to the rig at Belmont Harbor now.
I’m a bigger fan of Instagram than Facebook, even if I go long periods of time between posting photos out there.
Hmm, I don’t think I follow you on insta! I will look for you! I like it better, now, too.
You followed me and now I requested to follow you.
Accepted! LOL. I am still trying to figure out if I want mine to be public or not 🙂