Training Week 385
Highlight of the Week: A run in the pouring rain with Bobbi!
Monday | February 27, 2017: 4.6 m run + 12 m ride + teaching strength class
Loc: hood, Temp: 39°/43°, Time: 45:31, Pace: 9:54 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: energetic, too warm at the end!
Indoor Ride Time: 38:11, Pace: 18.9 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good to be doing intervals & hills
Strength: Kettlebells and step, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Tuesday | February 28, 2017: 3 m run (w/Bobbi)
Loc: Bobbi’s hood, Temp: 51°/51°, Time: 32:00, Pace: 10:39 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, got soaked!
Wednesday | March 1, 2017: rest
Thursday | March 2, 2017: 5 m run (incl. 8×400) + 10 m ride
Loc: Lake Andrea, Temp: 31°/31°, Time: 50:55, Pace: 10:10 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: okay, but challenged
Indoor Ride Time: 35:02, Pace: 17.1 mph avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: tired
Friday | March 3, 2017: teaching strength class + 1,003 yd swim + 7.4 m run
Strength: bench and kettlebells, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Loc: FitNation, Time: 21:20, Pace: 2:07 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: strong once I warmed up!
Loc: VP Woods loop, Temp: 30°/29°, Time: 1:20:55, Pace: 10:56 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: fine, a bit cold!
Saturday | March 4, 2017: 5 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 30°/31°, Time: 52:33, Pace: 10:30 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Sunday | March 5, 2017: 5.5 m run + 2 m walk (w/Gina, Steve & Luca)
Loc: Line Creek Trail, Temp: 56°/57°, Time: 56:33, Pace: 10:17 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, happy to see a large running group on the trail!
- My Monday night students have randomly had a lot of conflicts that have required missing classes in the past few weeks, and the low class numbers are discouraging! I tend to have more energy the more people that are there. However, lower numbers means I can watch people’s form even more, and that we get to chat a lot more during class!
- I didn’t think I was going to get a run in on Tuesday – I had plans after work during the time I normally run. However, I had thrown my workout clothes in the car just in case, and I am happy I did – I was at Bobbi’s dropping off something and I mentioned I had my clothes and off we went! It was so nice to run and chat – we hadn’t done that in almost a year!
- I started to feel a bit under the weather at the end of the week – I hope that doesn’t turn in to anything other than a nagging cough! I had bad post-race cough on Sunday and thought it was just that – I hope I am not getting sick!
- Monthly recap time! In February I ran 129 miles (25 runs), cycled 116.8 miles (9 indoor rides) and swam 6,027 yards (5 swims). My coldest run was 20°F and my warmest was 61°F. I taught 8 strength classes, 3 fitness boxing classes, and 2 indoor cycling classes.
Quite the temperature difference in your runs last month! Ahh winter…ish. Hope you are not getting sick now; as we say in Texas, “let’s just call it allergies” and reject anything potentially worse.
Winter-ish is right! I shall call it that – I don’t want to get sick! I picked up some Sudafed Monday to help 🙂
I hope you aren’t getting sick too!
Thanks 🙂 So far it’s still just a cough!
Too bad about the low attendance in class but it sounds like the the extra attention you can pay to the people that are there would be a huge benefit for them!
It is a benefit! Although sometimes it works against them – I can pay more attention to who is going heavier with their weights and tell them to do so if they aren’t! Ha!
Since your training reports are all about me (ha ha!), this must be the first one I’m not in since last summer! WEIRD.
Are you feeling better? I hope that Sudafed helped! Terry seems to have a nasty sinus infection now, so there’s apparently a lot going around.
As you saw, Monday was a full house this week, so hopefully your class starts feeling a little more normal again 🙂
It is weird!
I feel better! I was coughing a lot Monday-Wednesday but not as much today, thankfully! And oops, I realize I wrote Sudafed when I am a Mucinex gal now. LOL, not that it matters.
Yeah, I saw that it was!
A great way to show your training report by pictures!