- William turned a month old on Tuesday! I get to see him next weekend. Yay!

- My mom mentioned she is doing a challenge at work to exercise a certain amount of minutes a set amount of days a week. I texted her the day after she told me to ask how her workout was, and she responded with “Wow you have a great memory” (then told me about the workout). My brain is programmed to remember stuff like that – I told her it’s my job to harass people about working out!
- Just say no to… lunch time meetings! I understand lunch time meetings are sometimes necessary because of time zone differences, but I swear, some people seem to prefer them and schedule them over and over, despite me politely (???) asking if we can have them before or after. Wah wah wah. (I know I’ve complained about this before. I wanted to again.)
- We came up with a name for the opossum – Littlefinger. Thankfully, there are lots of Games of Thrones characters so we should never run out of names for the critters. Now we need to name the two raccoons.

- This guy does NOT have a Game of Thrones name. I was chatting with my neighbor yesterday and she said her daughter named the stray white cat Puff. Puff, it is!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 126
Lunch time meetings argh!!! I know how you feel. I need to eat but I also need the time away from my desk and work! I really dislike it when my customer insists on visiting over lunch time and doesn’t want to have lunch!
Oh gosh – they want to come then but NOT eat? So they have to listen to your stomach growling the whole time?
Yes! And I get kind of irritated because I am hangry!
So they are using their break to visit you… so they don’t have to miss work? That is not what I would expect! And I’d have the same reaction as you!
That sucks lunchtime is meant to be a break. not good for productivity!
Exactly. At my last job, they kept scheduling lunch time meetings and expecting us to skip lunch break! Um… nope. I told them how I felt about that.
It kind of looks like PuffPuff is floating in the air in that picture…I wonder if s/he’ll come say “hi” soon.
I likewise hate lunchtime meetings and always feel sort of grumpy towards the person who scheduled them.
It does look like that! If s/he does come around I know Snow will run him/her off. Sigh.
Yes! I even told this person I’d prefer less noon meetings but they keep scheduling them!
Terry and I both get stuck with lunch time meetings pretty often. His client is on the east coast, and most of the people I work with are either east coast or Cali (and they’re often all on the same team!) so time zones get crazy. Even worse than that are the 7am meetings we sometimes have to have with India. Not fun!
You ARE really good about checking in with people on workouts! Sometimes I’ll think “oh, did I tell Kim I was going to run?” when you ask me about stuff LOL
Yay for another visit with Baby William! He looks extra cute on that blanket 🙂
So are you guys a lot better at eating lunch at random times? I just get so hungry right before noon that it makes me stabby! I try to have a snack before. And I am lucky I don’t have those hella early calls.
Hee hee, thanks 🙂
I was really excited when I saw it was the backdrop for his one month pic!
Yeah, we pretty much always plan breakfast and lunch around meetings (mostly Terry’s, since I don’t have a ton). Did I tell you I have to go into the office for a 7:15 meeting tomorrow? Good thing I’ll be up nice and early anyway 😉
Oh man, no! You are going to be TIRED! I hope you can go home at lunch time and finish the day there. HA!
I’m going to work until about 2 and call it a week 🙂 (one of my projects was just declared a no-go, so that frees me up a bit)
Sounds like a good plan! You can go for a run in the 45 mph winds when you get home!
Hahahaha. Only if I can run away from the winds and have Terry pick me up after. An out-and-(get a ride)back!
Do it! Sometimes I have Steven drop me off and I run home! The last time I did it the wind was in my face the whole time though. Oops.
Ugh, I hate lunch time meetings! They ended up scheduling our weekly department meeting for lunch time this year because it was the only time a conference room was available.
Nooooooooooooooo! That’s once a week that lunch is ruined for you! Or maybe you enjoy that meeting….? Going out on a limb here, ha ha.
Definitely don’t enjoy it 🙂 I feel so awkward eating in the meeting that I’ll usually just wait to eat until afterward.
Ugh! I’m sorry 🙁 That stinks! I bet you’re happy when you get through that each week!
Love the naming of your growing animal/pet/furry visitor clan. Puff looks very jumpy in that photo.
Thanks! Hee hee. Puff does! I wonder if I will get to see him/her up close any time soon!
I am 100% okay with lunch time meetings as long as someone provides me with free lunch to eat (and that lunch comes with a cookie). Otherwise, absolutely not. Though I would choose a lunchtime meeting over a late afternoon meeting any day.
Yeah, that makes it even worse, when someone bills it as a lunch time meeting and doesn’t give you food. Ha. I am also not a fan of meetings past 4 pm!
omg, William is a month old! I have missed a lot of blog reading, been getting overly busy at work and I can’t bring myself to be on my computer at night.
I can’t believe you have a “pet” possum lol
Yeah, take a break from the computer if you need it!!! Relax at night! 🙂
He keeps coming back for the cat food!
I had so many meetings today that I didn’t even eat lunch! 4pm hangry Rachel wasn’t pretty. (And it was partly my fault, I got wrapped up in a project during the time I could have ate my lunch before all the meetings)
I’m so glad you get to see William again next weekend! Are you traveling there?
Ugh! I hope that doesn’t happen again! What did you scarf down at 4?!
Me too! Yes, driving and going with Mom and Grandma…. 🙂
Littlefinger! That made me laugh so much. Love your name choices for all the animals around you.
Baby William is so cute and that picture is great! Love seeing all his tiny fingers and toes – my friend, who had her baby just before William was born, won’t take off his baby mittens ever…and I know she’s going to regret not seeing his wee fingers or having them curl around hers before too long.
Yay! I am happy someone else is laughing at our names 🙂
Yes! Take off those mittens so you can see those little digits! (Although my snis was saying he has to wear them when he is eating cause he was scratching her up! Eek!)
Lunch hour meetings are the worst. And there’s one guy here who calls them all the time. And then eats his lunch in front of us.
The raccoons should be Bran and Rickon.
Ugh! Annoying!
Ha! We were thinking The Hound and The Mountain (or Sandor and Gregor) for the coons!
if you’re going to schedule a lunchtime meeting, at least order lunch for everyone. even if you’re not in the same place! they can have it delivered to you 🙂