- Steven and I both got the TDAP vaccination on Sunday, and man, were we sore from it! I finally felt better yesterday, but Steven’s arm is still tender. Ouch.

- Besides this awesome score at Tarjayjay, I found my FAVORITE Valentine’s Day candy. It’s been years since I’ve seen this candy in stores – I usually have to buy it online! I bought the last three bags that were left. And I hope I find more. Brach’s did not sponsor this, but if they want to send me free candy, I’d accept!

- My snister gave me a return address stamp for Christmas and I love using it! You can totally tell what it looks like, right?! Ha.

- And a new picture of baby William! We’re planning to meet him this weekend, but the weather is supposed to be extremely horrible so please cross your fingers that we can get there safely!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 122
Ooh, I love the return address stamp! I’ve never gotten one because I’ve changed addresses every few years. One day maybe. (I don’t get what it looks like though. A circle?)
The TDAP is so painful. Gosh, now I can’t remember the last time I got it. Probably should go get it since so many people in my life are having babies.
EEE, I hope the weather doesn’t foil your plans to see your new nephew! Is it calling for snow and ice?
Yeah, just a circle! I’ll attach a pic 🙂
It’s crazy how much it affects you! I had been thinking about getting it before my snister asked because I was three years outdated on my tetanus!
A huge ice storm 🙁
Ugh, the weather has been terrible for travel this winter! I hope you guys are still able to go!
I have the same reason as Mica for never getting a fancy return address stamp (or even labels – I’m just happy to get them for free each Christmas from my insurance agent, Easter Seals, etc.). Maybe one of these days…
Thanks! Me too! It’s so nuts 🙁 My drive Monday night to Efit was horrible in that one inch of slippery snow, and now, all this ice!
Chris said this one was hella cheap on Amazon! Like, maybe under $10? So… if you ever want one and won’t be at that place forever, nbd! I was using the free ones before, too. Ha, funny story, our insurance agent sent us some and I put one on an envelope and it came right off! So they actually sent new ones since the old ones “had adhesive issues.” LOL
The ice is terrible! Terry and I both kept almost wiping out on our walk with Heidi last night since they hadn’t salted yet. I think it took us like 20 minutes to get around our little neighborhood circle.
Ha! That’s funny about the non-sticky labels. Honestly I’m just happy when they spell my name right 🙂
I so hope you can get there- he is adorable! And as a nurse and soon to be Mom, thank you for getting your TDaP! So many people have pushed back when I have asked them to do so- but it is so important to protect those little babies
Thank you! 🙂 You are welcome 🙂 Why are people pushing back? Anti vaccine? Or don’t want to pay? I was happy our insurance covered it!
Glad it’s feeling better! You haven’t completely put me off of going :p hope you get to see that cutie soon
Ha ha, get it! And we did make it!!! 🙂
That baby picture is just too much!! I hope you can get there this weekend. I love those candy hearts as well!!
We made it! 🙂
Are you going to stock up if you see them? LOL. My coworker bought me some on Friday!
I should probably not buy any because I will eat them ALL!
I hope you’re able to go see your nephew this weekend! That would be so rude of the weather to get in the way of you meeting your newest family member!
I had my annual physical yesterday, and my doctor was happy to remind me that I need to get my TDAP booster next year 🙁 Boo. I’m already not looking forward to it haha. That shot is no fun!
I did make it! The ice storm was hyped up way more than what it was, thankfully!
I am impressed you are current enough with your shots to have to get an update in a year! Ha!
Awww, baby William is just adorable! I really hope you get to visit him this weekend. Dumb weather.
Love that return address stamp. I need it!
I did get to!
Christina got it on Amazon! I can get the link if you need it!
Hope you are having a fun race!
Be safe on the roads but I totally get why you’re anxious to get there to see him – he’s adorable!
The roads were fine, luckily! They really hyped up that storm and were totally wrong about it.
I need to find those Cherry Hearts. I imagine I would really like them (I like most things cherry)
William is so cute- he is lucky to have you for an Aunt 🙂
I hope you can make the trip this weekend. We are supposed to get a deluge of rain and thunderstorms…is your snow/ice?
and i am supposed to run a race….sighhhhhhhh
Thanks! We made it – it was last weekend. There was rain and some freezing and nothing horrible. Hope it isn’t bad for your race!