- I didn’t have any expectations for Rogue One… and found myself disappointed and bored in the first half. I enjoyed the second half, but felt meh about it overall. Which made me feel like a bad Star Wars fan, ha! I wonder if I will enjoy any of the spin-off movies.
- The local station that plays holiday music played it from November 10th all the way to December 31st this year (that was new for this year – they usually stop December 26th). And I listened to it the WHOLE time. And loved it. And miss it. And the great thing about listening to that for so long is that there are all these “new” songs for me to listen to that were playing on regular radio during that time!
- My new “Keep Calm and Carry On” page-a-day calendar arrived. The first page tells the story of the poster/slogan – I knew it came from Great Britain, but didn’t know it was a poster designed during World War II to help morale in case the Nazi army crossed the British Channel. The posters were never used and mostly destroyed, but a bookstore owner discovered a few in 2000!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 121
Clever Data! Boomer did that too in the summer after going out….he’ll be disappointed this year as all the vents are now on the roof. That sucks that the movie wasn’t great, I was thinking about going to see it but maybe I’ll wait until it comes out on dvd
Aww! Better get a fan for him! Ha!
Don’t let my opion dissuade you! Lots of people liked it 🙂 Just don’t see it in 3D.
I’ve heard mixed reviews of Rogue One, so you’re not alone! I really liked it though, but in general, I like movies like that which inform a story that you already know. And I think seeing it with my parents helped, because my dad and I were totally geeking out about it afterward, and remembering all the times we’d watched the originals together when I was growing up. So I guess it was nostalgic 🙂
I didn’t know the exact story of Keep Calm, Carry On, though I did know it was from WWII (should have assumed it had something to do with Nazis). I’m glad you found something better than Jeff Foxworthy 🙂
It wasn’t that it was an in-between movie that I didn’t like – it was mostly the style of the story telling … and a whole long list I won’t get in to cause who cares. LOL. That is cool that you and your dad connected over it!!!
The Star Wars universe is full of long lists of things no one cares about. Yet someone cares 🙂
Aww… I’m sorry you weren’t that into Rogue One. I slept through a lot of the beginning half so that may be why I liked it! I still have to go back and see it at some point so I can see what I missed.
Most of my group slept through parts of the first half too. I struggled to stay awake cause I was bored. LOL.
If I was honest I would have to say I didn’t enjoy many of the Star Wars movie, I loved the original but they lost me with all the fillow movies. I am so glad I saw the Force Awakens (i liked it) though and Carrie was in the movie- it bums me out she passed away so young.
Cats are such funny little critters lol My little princess Bagheeera has taken to sitting on my dish towel to keep her tush warm lol
Bodger used to sit on the heating vent in our old apartment, but in the summer, it switched to cool air, and he hated it. He didn’t sit on it even when it started blowing hot air the following winter! Data is, however, much smarter than Bodger.
I didn’t see “Rogue One,” but I just asked Harrison–he rated it a 7. I didn’t realize that you didn’t like last year’s either (or that’s the impression I got from this post). I feel like a bad Harry Potter fan because I haven’t seen the new movie or read the follow-up play. Something about the characters I know changing or having to adjust to new characters freaks me out. Do you feel the same way about SW?
LOL! Bodger! Go back! It’s “good” again!
I did like last year’s! I saw it 3x in the theater 😉 It’s a similar thing with the new characters that I was just like, meh, not as interested. And I don’t think they did a good job introducing (some of) them, explaining (some of) them, or making me care about (most of) them. And there were a lot of other things I didn’t dig.
I listened to “regular” Pandora yesterday for the first time in well over a month (as opposed to Christmas Pandora, that is), and it was so nice to hear new songs for a change! I get burnt out on the music on the radio (or internet radio, as the case may be) so quickly, so taking that break for Christmas music was just what I needed!
Yes! It’s perfect for that! I already found a few songs to get on iTunes 🙂
I wasn’t even interested in Rogue One, so I passed when my family went to see it. They returned saying that I’d made a good decision.
How interesting about the Keep Calm reappearance – I know that it suddenly seemed to come from nowhere and be everywhere a while back…now I know why!
I don’t think I’ll see Rogue One since I am not a big Star Wars fan. I did see the first one or the 5th one or which ever one it was and I didn’t really care for it.
Cute Data!
BAD Star Wars fan! I may as well call you a Trekkie!
We are still listening to Christmas music at home! my daughter keeps asking for it. She loves it! I often hear her singing jingle bells to herself or holly jolly Christmas.
Aww, that’s super cute! I sometimes catch Steven singing it, still. Ha!
My parents have floor vents at their house. When we lived with them, Olive loooooved curling up on top of them in the winter time.
Bad Star Wars fan!!! I do admit the first part of Rogue One being slow, but I enjoy the story telling parts of a movie franchise. Especially when it ties together the 7 films so well. I’ve only seen it once, but plan on taking my daughter as she’s not seen it yet.
I forget… did you like Force Awakens?
Ha, you call me bad then say you thought it was slow too! LOL! I did like how it tied them together – that was suspenseful and fun. And I did like The Force Awakens.