Loner runner

By , December 30, 2016 6:16 pm

It’s a bit early to say what the exact difference is, but I definitely ran more (times and miles) alone this year than last year. Last year I ran 688.6 of 2260 miles with people. This year, I ran 192.1 of 1975 (so far) miles with people.

71.60% solo runs last year versus 89.38% this year.

103 runs with people last year, versus 34 this year.


The question is… in what direction do I want that percentage to change, if at all?


Just me, and some ice.

I’m actually a very happy solo runner. I do miss the one-on-one time with close runner friends, though!

9 Responses to “Loner runner”

  1. Anne says:

    I do almost all of my runs alone these days too. Sometimes I miss the company, but the solitude is nice, especially with how beautiful a lot of my favorite places to run are! But if you ever want company after class, I’d be happy to pad those stats for you 🙂

    • kilax says:

      We should run after class sometime – I always enjoy our post class runs. Are you free this Saturday, or are you and Melanie going out after class?

  2. Joanna says:

    I think I ran at least half of my runs with people since I run 3x a week with someone at work. During my first pregnancy and then the 9 months afterward i ran solo so much, probably about 99% of the time and that was really hard. This pregnancy I have run so much with people and it had really helped me to get more miles than I would have solo.

    • kilax says:

      That’s awesome! What is different now that you are running so much – just that you found people to run with at work?

  3. Zenaida says:

    I don’t mind running alone but also look forward to running with friends.

  4. Mica says:

    Was the move part of why you ran more solo runs last year? Running with people (well, the catching up part, like you said) is what I miss most about running.

    • kilax says:

      It was mostly because my training partner moved in July of 2015. Then with the move and all the house stuff, I didn’t really feel like I should take the extra time to drive places to meet people to run. I miss the one-on-one catching up, for sure. You really connect with someone on a run!

  5. I really, really like the balance of running alone vs. with others summer marathon training gives me. I do all my weekday runs alone (or as “alone” as one can be running in Chicago during the summer haha), but do all of my long runs with my training group, and I’ve found that to be just perfect. I still get time to myself to run at my own pace, be with my own thoughts (or lack of them), choose my own route, etc., but I also have companionship when the miles get long, which is when I really need company. It’s worked out quite well for me!

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