- Today is Steven’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Steven! No big plans… because we usually don’t have big plans… and he’s sick. Poor guy. Hope he feels better ASAP! I asked Steven if I could post this cute picture of him from 1986 – he said yes – if I added a beard. Ha ha.

- I haven’t mentioned Khali and Snow lately but they are doing well and survived outside last week when it was so damn cold. We bulked up their houses by putting rigid insulation all around them, putting a platform over them, and packing the space between with blankets. Steven is currently building them something warmer!

- Our driveway sensor is now linked in with a speaker, so besides hearing a tune when someone drives down the driveway, we also hear the speaker say “oh great, who the f*ck is here now?” Ha!
- Alyssa’s (my older brother’s wife’s) mom is so sweet! She sent me this frame and photo from Nick and Alyssa’s wedding in June. It means a lot to me. We’ve taken a photo of all the sibs at each wedding, and now the series is complete!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 120
I LOVE the driveway sensor! And the sibling pictures are great! Enjoy the holidays and I hope Steven feels better.
Hope you have a great holiday too!!!
Happy birthday Steven!
Love the sensor.obvs you got true, hardy outdoor cats! They are looking great.
They are doing well! I’m very happy about that!
Happy Birthday to Steven! I love the driveway sensor lol I need one.
I am glad you are taking care of Khali and Snow 🙂
Get one! It’s so nice to know when someone drives down (we can’t really see the driveway too well from inside)!
Such a great idea, the sibling pics at weddings! I’ll have to remember that if and when my boys start getting hitched…
Kudos to you guys for taking such care of your outdoor cats!
Yes, definitely!
Thanks! Steven is working on their new home right meow!
I am dying at that bearded picture of young Steven – love how committed he is to the facial hair, enough to change history, LOL. Hope he feels better – it stinks to be sick on your birthday!
Love that sibling picture – what a great tradition, and lovely pictures!
Hee hee! I am happy it made you laugh! And it does suck, but he seemed to have a good day, anyway! 🙂
Thank you!!! 🙂
Aha, your driveway speaker! You sound like two rural grumps, but I love it.
I’m so late on this, but happy belated b-day to Steven!!
I am way behind in my wishing Steven a happy birthday…. almost a month behind. Hope he had a great birthday.