- My snis is such a sweetie. She knows I’m having a sh*t week (hence not posting here – I’ve been busy, exhausted, and angry about work) so she sent me these flowers yesterday to cheer me up and they totally did! Thanks, snis!

- Vote for Data! He’s in a Halloween costume contest on our vet’s Facebook page and he could win a giftcard to PetSmart, which would help me feed him AND the outdoor cats! VOTE HERE by clicking “like”!

- We’re still working on the outdoor cat names. Callie may change in to “Khali” to be short for Khaleesi, and the black cat may become “Snow,” for Jon Snow (both names are from Game of Thrones). The cats are both extremely friendly around us now, let me pick them up, and basically live on our patio. Callie/Khali even ran in to the house on Saturday!!!

- My older brother shared this memory on Facebook yesterday from three years ago – when he, my dad and I all ran a 5K. We all placed and I was first woman overall. I was curious what my time was when I won that race so I looked it up – 23:53, the EXACT same time as the race I won a couple of weeks ago. Weird!

- This is NOT sponsored, and I bought these with my own money. I just had to share how excited I am that these wipes ACTUALLY work on getting smudges off of stainless steel!!! And they’re so easy to use! I was very, very excited about this on Sunday. Finger print-free appliances makes me happy.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 113
Aww, what a nice thought from your sister! And those flowers are so pretty and fall-like 🙂
Wow, that is weird about the race – especially that you won that one too! You should play those numbers in the lottery or something!
I kind of remember getting wipes when I had stainless steel, but they were cheap and didn’t work well, which is why I’ve always felt like you can’t keep stainless steel clean. Glad you found something that works!
It was such a nice surprise! And it will be fun to see what I can do with the pumpkin to use it as a decoration when the flowers die!
Ha! I totally should!
I was so happy – we used to use the liquid stuff which worked but was a pita. I got both, and just hoped the wipes would actually work and was surprised when they did!!!
Already voted for Mr.Data, sorry, Pharoh Data! Work sucks! Those flowers are awesome tho..thats so nice of her. Hope things improve with work x
Thank you!!!
Thanks, it will get better once I get this sh*tty task I’ve been assigned done! I think maybe by next week!
Hands down – Data for the win!!!
Another thing that works for stainless steel is microfiber towels. Get part of it just slightly damp – wipe and then use the dry portion to finish.
Hope you week is getting better.
Woot woot!
Ahh, all you have to do is use water? Good tip!
Thanks, it is! 🙂
Yup – just get it a little damp with hot water.
The flowers are so lovely- very thoughtful 🙂
Your Data costume is so creative- you go!! I wouldn’t have dreamed that up in 1000 years lol
We have so many costumes for Data! He hates wearing them though! This picture is actually pretty old! 🙂
I’m sorry it’s been a hard week. Those flowers from your sister are so pretty! And I love Data’s costume 🙂 He looks like he would be a pretty tough ruler!
Thank you 🙂 I am hoping the end is near!
Ha ha, he would be!
And sorry it hasn’t been a great week. Been there, am there, but hope is in the future. Just keep trucking.
Exactly – just keep hoping that it’ll be over soon! Hope your stuff gets better too!
I have those wipes and love them – they make my dishwasher and fridge look brand new again!
Voted for Data – check. The GoT names for the other kitties are just perfect…very happy your cat family is expanding so nicely!
Sorry about the work stuff; it really stinks when where you spend most of your day isn’t fun. The flowers are so pretty (love that pumpkin “vase”) and your sister is awesome. Hope things get better soon. 🙂
Woo hoo! Aren’t they fantastic?! I was so excited they work so well!
Thank you for voting 🙂 And I am happy you like the names, too! These may stick!
Thank you! That is exactly it – I am spending ALL MY work time on this and it’s just making me NUTS!!! Hopefully it will be over soon and I can go back to a more varied day with my other projects!!!
That’s so nice of your sister…I bet it really did cheer you up. Hopefully things are going better now. Hugs!
Thanks! It did and things are getting better! Steven also surprised me with a weeknight away this weekend! It must be very obvious I am not myself!!!!
That is quite a coincidence that the two races you won were exactly the same time! I would play 23 and 53 in the lotto if I were you. Is 53 even an available number? I must get me some of those stainless steel wipes. I wonder if Aldi carries them?!
I wonder if that is an available number! I will report back if I ever try!
I got these at Tarjayjay and haven’t seen anything like them at Aldi, but will definitely let you know if I see them there! 🙂 Are you an Aldi fan too?!
Yes, I love Aldi. I got hooked on them when I lived in Germany where they are on every street corner! So much cheaper than even the club stores. Plus there is one within “carry two full grocery bags post run” walking distance.
Go Data go! All those pets dressed up are so adorable. Happy almost weekend – hopefully work is much better next week!
Thank you! Weren’t they a blast to look at?! They’re all so cute!
And thanks, I hope it does, too!!!!
I am sorry to hear you had a bad week – I was wondering why you weren’t posting! Your snis is very considerate and those flowers are beautiful.
Very clever to use Khali and Snow for the new names! At face value it’s funny to call a black cat Snow, but for Jon Snow I get it. =)
WEIRD on the 23:53!!! Truth is stranger than fiction, right???
I use Weiman stainless steel cleaning products, too, and I like them as well!
I was too mad (and busy!) to post. I hate that! It happens to all of us, though. And I really appreciated my snister 🙂
Yeah, we thought Snow would be a funny name for him, ha ha!!!!
Hope you had a fun trip to AK!
A beautiful thought from your sister. Of course I have just voted for your cat.
I love all kind of animals and I appreciate a lot your love for the cats.
Aww, thank you for voting!!!! 🙂 Do you have pets? I don’t think I’ve seen pics of them!
I voted for Data. And I had no idea there were wipes for stainless steel fridges/appliances. Will have to check those out next time we are at Target.
Thanks! They’re awesome – let me know if you try them!