- I banged my elbow so hard on a towel rack Saturday that my arm became tingly and I lost feeling in my fingers for a few minutes. Ouch. That is one tender bruise. Steven asked me what I was doing (dancing? karate chopping?) that I hit it so hard – you know, just putting my towel back on the rack. Such a klutz.
- This opinion article from The New York Times, “The Art of Making (and Not Making) Plans” (pdf here), exactly mirrors my approach to making social plans – mindfully, and not too many. I know my limits and I do NOT function well being busy every. single. night/day (applause to you who thrive on that kind of schedule!). Since I know my limits, I only have to cancel if it’s an emergency or I am sick, which is what the article is bringing up – maybe people would cancel less if they didn’t over commit and actually thought about whether the thing was something they actually wanted to do in the first place (don’t just go because FOMO!).
- I’m digging that new song “Starboy” by The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk (love me some Daft Punk!). When Steven and I first heard it, we thought he was saying “I’m in love with a cyborg” instead of “I’m a motherf*ckin’ starboy.” Ha. So when Luca was here, we taught him that those were the lyrics (the cyborg ones!!!), and I hope he’s still singing it that way when he hears it, ha! Anyway, Steven and I do NOT love that during the lyric “Star Trek groove in that Wrath of Khan,” The Weeknd pronounces “wrath” wrong (like it’s spelled “rayth”). Grating.
- Our pond is back, so these guys are back! I’ve lost a bit of interest, since we have cats hanging out now (now we’re trying out the name Geordi for the black cat). Sorry, guys (I still feed them, ha).

- Our pumpkin collection has GROWN!

- I am getting closer and closer with the baby blanket. Maybe I will finish it this weekend? Ha (I don’t really sit around and knit on the weekends so I am not sure why I think that).

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 112
The ducks are really trying to win your love back over the cats….losing battle
Right? I am still feeding them though, ha.
Ooh… that blanket looks great! I’m jealous of your knitting skills. And the article about making plans is definitely interesting. I try to be more mindful of plans too because I know I’ll end up overwhelmed and cancelling things otherwise. It’s hard though because Mike needs more social interaction than I do so it’s a bit of a balancing act.
Thanks! 🙂 Do you knit? I’ve only been doing it for about two years – it’s not too bad to learn!
Does he go out on his own for the social interaction, or mostly want to do things out together?
I haven’t knit for a while. I taught myself from a book and was never that good at it. Mike definitely is fine going out on his own for social interaction 🙂
That NYT article really resonated with me too. I’ve never been the kind of person who can handle many weeknight commitments. I agree that people would flake out less if they didn’t feel so overcommitted to things.
The blanket looks great! I really love the colors. When do you do most of your knitting? On the train?
I see some people going out every single night and wonder how the hell they recharge! But, we’re all wired differently!
Thank you! Yeah, the train is a good time. Or if we watch something after dinner! I have grand delusions of me sitting on the couch knitting during a weekend day but I used my weekend free time to exercise and the rest is chores and errands.
I have no idea what Daft Punk- going to Youtube now lol
Love the blanket!
You should be able to open a petting zoo soon 🙂
I am such an introvert- I know my limits too. I try to schedule as little as possible lol i am probably too introverted 🙂 I do want running friends, but I seem to have little luck in that area. I don’t want to go to the Pampered Chef, cleaning, or candle party.. for real.
Let me know if you like any of their stuff! 🙂
Yeah, to meet running friends, you might have to go to a meetup a few times, which could be really hard if you’re that introverted! LOL, are you getting lots of invites to those?
“I’m in love with a cyborg” ahahaha that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day! I’m totally digging that song too, I was playing it on repeat this morning! It’s so catchy.
The blanket is so cute! I always want to start knitting whenever I see your blog posts. I wish someone would just sit and teach me because I’m not sure I have the patience with myself to learn. I would love to knit a blanket or clothes for my niece!
Take a class! It took me two classes (and a friend to ask questions to) to learn!
Maybe it’s just The Weeknd’s Canadian accent coming through on “wrath”! I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Canadian say that word, but who knows! Haha.
There are VERY few things that personally offend me more than someone cancelling plans we had made, so I try to be very, very careful to attend everything I’ve committed to unless I absolutely cannot do it – like I cancelled a meeting last week before I got my boot because it was going to require a mile of walking round trip and I knew my foot would not be able to hold up to that much walking. I do often find myself dreading going to something if I’ve had a long day or week, but it’s always the effort of getting there rather than the event/plan itself that I dread. Once I get to wherever I’m going–actually, usually, once I just get myself out of the house, period–I’m fine.
LOL! That could be the ONLY excuse…
It’s interesting that getting there is what you dread – but I can see getting out of the house being hard! When I dread something, I often do spend a lot of the time there thinking “I wish I was at home!” But then I remember not to do that thing again, ha!
Ooh, that blanket is looking so nice!
Thanks! 🙂
Hitting your funny bone is not very funny at all. That tingle… ouch! So annoying.
I think I’ve heard that “Starboy” song before. Will have to listen to the lyrics closer now.
Yes! And it STILL hurts!
Oh man, def listen. It’s making me nuts!