- In 2013, I was in Salt Lake City with my mom and we decided to visit the Salt Flats. We took a rental car there, and made a video of us driving on the flats to share with family and on the blog. Oh, and the rest of the internet, on YouTube. Buah ha ha, it was humorous to see someone took the time to write this comment on our video, just a few days ago! I apologize that me visiting the Salt Flats was so lame for you, random YouTube commenter! (What’s even funnier to me, is that my caption for the video was “Driving the crappy rental car on the Salt Flats on 4/21/13” – I didn’t imply I was breaking land-speed records, ha ha ha.)

- I am getting close to finishing Christina’s baby blanket! I think I’ll finish the knitting part this weekend and start blocking it (I actually started over with this blanket and saved the first one to practice blocking on, so I’ll do that first).

- I’m running a 5K tomorrow. When I signed up for it I was planning to run it for time, but I am not in shape for that, so it will be for fun. I hope to run around a 8:00 min average pace. We shall see!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 111
Lol, who comments on random youtube vids like that?
Callie is so cute – how did Data like being investigated?
Very bored trolls! Ha!
Data doesn’t mind! He usually pays attention for a bit then loses interest and walks away.
The blanket looks great! Enjoy the 5k. I have a half that I’m prob 60% ready for (and thats not pace just distance) ha ha!
Thanks 🙂 Hope you have a fun half!
How lame is that commenter for taking the time to write that comment?
The blanket looks awesome! I really like the colors too – it actually matches our guest room bedding perfectly! (not a hint, just saying, I like the colors together 🙂
Uh if you really want to run the 5k “just for fun,” you’re welcome to do it with me. But you probably wouldn’t get the AG win that way 😉
VERY. Ha. It made me laugh though!
Thanks! A lot of people have commented on the colors! They match Baby William’s nursery.
LOL! I am not sure if I will have an AG win with my hopeful 8:00 pace but I would like to see if I can place since the field is usually so small.
Ha! Callie is a flirt! I wonder if your house is going to start looking like mine lol a cat refuge…
The blanket is beautiful 🙂 I know you can knock out that pace for a 5K – go have some fun!
I hope not! Two is bad enough! 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
That blanket is gorgeous!! I know I could google, but what is blocking? I really want to start picking up my knitting needles again and maybe learning how to do cool patterns like this!
Blocking is shaping the knitted product. I hope you get to start knitting again 🙂
The random comments some leave and with a negative slant, too. I liked the video and thought it was fun to make.
And wow… was it 3 years ago… more than 3 years April 2013… time for another visit.
Thanks 🙂 And you’re right! I need to come back to UT!!!!
Awww, Callie looks like a sweetie who would get along swimmingly with Data inside the house – I can picture them taking snuggly naps together in the dead of winter. I mean, I’m just saying…if you WANT another indoor kitty, she seems pretty perfect. 🙂
How are you going to block the blanket? Be warned, it’s going to be heavy and grow, so make sure you have more space than you think you will need.
I can totally picture that too!!!! We’re still trying to figure it all out 🙂 We’d like to build something for them outdoors, but don’t have a proper shop!
I was thinking of following this http://knityorkcity.com/2013/05/03/blocking-cotton/ (which basically says to get something wet and iron over it)? Thoughts? Thanks for the warning!!! I appreciate it!
So my approach to blocking something that will definitely get washed, like a baby blanket, is to try and do what the new owner will do. I’d probably wash the blanket on a short, gentle cycle (your machine doesn’t have an agitator, right?) using Tide Free or whatever it’s called (unscented), and give it an extra spin to get out the excess water. Then, since it will be a gift and you want it to be perfectly presented, I’d probably stretch it over some towels on a spare bed, shaping it, and maybe pinning the edges if it seems necessary. But really, it’s going to be washed and dried a lot because you know the baby is going to love it, so I wouldn’t go crazy with steam blocking it.
Hmm, good point! We don’t have an agitator, so I could do that. You think NOT to machine dry it, though? I’m concerned it’s going to lose all its softness. But, it has to be washed, so I might as well figure it out now!
The only reason I’m thinking not to machine dry it is for presentation – air drying will allow you to get it all perfectly aligned. Didn’t you say you had the first swatch saved? You could measure it, then machine wash and dry it, and see what the difference is (and how the shape looks).
I do have the first one, so I can try with that! I’ve just seen how cotton knitted stuff looks after it gets all wet… and it’s not pretty, anymore 🙁 and I thought maybe the dryer would help. But then I wonder why they recommended 100% cotton? lol
Cotton does get an interesting look when it’s wet, but it blocks out beautifully – I recently knitted a pair of cotton socks and they look great.
I remember when you did that with your mom! I thought it was so cool you guys did that and still do! Funny that someone took the time to leave such a lame comment…
Blanket is looking great! Enjoy your 5K tomorrow – you just might surprise yourself!
Thanks! I really needed that trip when it happened (it was right after the Boston bombings) and it was so great to get away with my mom! 🙂
Thank you! And I hope I do!!! heh 🙂
Those cat photos are adorable! I think they like each other…
I think so too! 🙂
Ha! That YouTube comment is hilarious. Can you imagine what kind of rabbit hole one has to do down to end up at that video?
Callie is such a pretty kitty! Does she just hang out at your house all the time now?
Gosh, I hope that is how they got there and it’s not some top search for “Salt Flats racing” or something! 🙂
Yeah, pretty much!