Do good things come in threes?

By , October 4, 2016 7:04 pm

Like bad things?

Because today was a “three good things” sort of day. In lame, adult, fashion:

Good thing #1: We accidentally washed and dried a white blanket and some stains we didn’t know about set on it. But they came out! WOOT!


(Not this blanket but you get the idea)

Good thing #2: The deed transfer at our old townhome is official. You know, the one we sold in December? Err… after the “sale” Steven would sometimes say he didn’t feel like it was official. Well, he was right, somewhat! We got the tax bill for our old place at the new one and were a bit “huh?!” Researching this led us to find out the deed transfer got messed up, but it’s fixed as of today! We don’t have to pay property taxes in two places, ha (we never really would have, you just worry when you see these things!).

Good thing #3: And speaking of property taxes, we successfuly got our home accessed at what we paid for it so ours will be going down! This is huge, as our taxes are well, HUGE! We were pretty sure we’d have to have a hearing but apparently the evidence we submitted was sufficient! Yay!

And that concludes my list of lame things to be excited about, ha!

10 Responses to “Do good things come in threes?”

  1. Yay to all of the above! Blanket looks so Cody.

  2. Jen2 says:

    Congrats on all of it!!!

  3. Karen says:

    Adult stuff! But it all saves you money and worry 🙂

  4. Amy says:

    Oh, it’s so nice when good things happen like that!

  5. Chaitali says:

    That’s good news on the property taxes and not have to pay for two! I’m sure I would have freaked out a bit seeing that notice at first.

  6. Mica says:

    I have heard good things come in threes, so that must be true! Although, then I think I look for any random three things and try to make them fit….That is great about the taxes though!

  7. Zenaida says:

    That is awesome! Glad you were able to save money on property taxes.

  8. martymankins says:

    Less taxes is a great thing to be excited about.

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