- I did some major adulting this week at work and increased my life insurance coverage (we’re in a rare open season). Why does making these types of decisions always feel so intimidating (and therefore, get put off)?
- With all the CK talk, Data wants me to remind you that he’s cute, too (even if he forgot his glasses).

- But if you came here for a CK update, she does let us pet her now! It’s been raining hard here, so we tried to get her to come in the garage last night. She came in for a bit but didn’t stay the night. Baby steps.

- I mentioned a headboard we got for our guest bedroom but weren’t sure about… well, we ended up setting it up. It grew on us a bit, and we determined we couldn’t afford the ones we like better. The long term plan is to make a new one when we have a workshop set up. My coworker suggested a splash of color (since I refuse to change out the bedspread we just got) – I think that’s a good idea! The room looks a bit muted now.

- Hey, respect! I used to respond to all of these random emails asking me to promote stuff on my blog with “no thanks” just to be nice. But some of them are so bad I just file them away. And sometimes, they email you again – “did you get my first email? can we work out a deal?” “No, because I don’t promote random sh*t on my blog because someone asked me to… respect.”

- What is the deal with Amazon Prime lately? If I try to order something Wednesday morning, free two day shipping is NOT a Monday arrival. I decided to buy the thing in person, then we found out we couldn’t, so Steven went to order it last night on Amazon Prime (we share an account) and it said it will arrive this Friday. Huh?! FWP.
- Not sure who this is from, but I appreciate the nice words when I woke up Tuesday am.

- And finally, the stormy weather has been so beautiful this week!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 109
I find all that stuff intimidating and slightly confusing espec. health insurance. Both cats are super cute and when their powers combine (nothing creepy just a pic together ha ha) it’ll be cuteness overload!
It really is! They made such a big deal about this being a rare open season with the life insurance that I made sure to attend one of the informational sessions to understand it!
Yes!!!! It will be! 🙂
Awww Data still rules :0) CK looks like she is trying to adopt you all!
I love the headboard and the colors with it, I really love taupes and soft shades of tans.
I rarely get blog offers.
She does seem to be trying!!!! 🙂
That’s a good thing – I think 99% of them are crap. They just want you to put their copy in your blog. Blah.
HAHAHAHAHAHA that text is amazing! Lucky you, with your secret admirer texting you at 5:30 in the morning to let them know they think you’re hot. If only we could all be so fortunate! 😛
I know, right?! Someone in DC really likes me!!! 😛
Dates is totally adorable even without glasses 🙂
Will CK be moving in by the first quarter of 2017?
Boo to those ridiculous pitches. I don’t get many , but occasionally get some for my MRC page- like “can you promote my race” and I’m always “what is the compensation you’re offering?” That usually shuts them up quick. It’s so easy to tell the folks who just promote any and everything on their blogs tho. Thank you for having integrity. 😉
Aww, thanks!
Hmm, first quarter? On the govt fiscal year? Ha. Probably not. I think we’d have to wait until after the marathon. So maybe by the end of Oct 🙂 Or we’ll build some schweet outdoor shelter for her (but she keeps trying to come in the house!!!)
That is awesome that you ask! I am not sure why people think I would promote their stuff that has NOTHING to do with my interests… I am not a sellout. Ha, you’re welcome 🙂
Same here – I used to respond with a no thank you email to pitches but now I just ignore all of them…and yes, some will send it two or three times asking if I missed it the first time. Nope. A couple of times, when I’ve been especially irritated, I’ve emailed them back asking them why in the world I would promote their product with zero compensation – and that shuts them up, LOL. They must get some suckers, because they keep trying.
Love the CK visits and I’m with the commenter above, that kitty is gonna be moving in soon! She just wants to be your friend!!
Data in that cat bag is too cute. Cats in bags just slay me.
I need to start saying stuff like that! Or, “did you even LOOK at my blog?!” Seriously.
She does!!!! She breaks my heart. And makes me feel horrible, keeping her outside, but I can’t have her in the house before she sees the vet.
And he went in all on his own! Totally cracked me up!
Yeah, why do they think anyone would promote something before they work out a deal with the blogger? I guess all they need is 1% of bloggers to promote their product in a post and they get a free advertisement. Anyway, I noticed the same thing with Prime saying that a Prime item will arrive in 3 days. However, so far everything so far has arrived within 2 days. Go figure.
Yeah, and there are people who will just post that stuff. To “build their brand”? LOL.
Yeah – and then it comes early! It’s so odd.
Data trying to be all cool in that cat glasses bag.