- My baby is at the vet today to get his teeth cleaned. I’m always nervous when they have to put him under! I will anxiously be awaiting the call to come pick him up!

- CK is visiting the house a few times a day now! She even got close to me yesterday! We’ve been assuming she is stray, because we can’t imagine letting a cat roam free here with the coyotes and cars… but who knows. She looks healthy, so maybe she is someone’s cat?

- That knitting project I was having a few issues with (because I am not paying close enough attention, honestly – I’ve learned that now!) is going to be a baby blanket for my snister. It’s a beautiful chevron pattern. I can’t wait to see it finished! I’m loving working on it, despite the few hiccups (and my freakouts over those are me just wanting it to be perfect for my snis!). And I definitely feel grateful to have the time to sit down and knit!!!

- I’ve only worked for the federal government under one administration (well, I started with a month left of Bush), and am really curious how things will change next January!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 108
Aww, poor Data! Hope the cleaning goes well and he’s not too mad at you when he comes home. 😉
CK is cute. It’s nice to have a friendly stray – we had one named Obi (he was collared) but our jerk cats ran him off.
Your stitching on the blanket is really nice and I love the colors! What yarn are you using, and what is the pattern? I’ve been thinking about knitting a chevron blanket and might have an opportunity for a new baby coming up, yay!
Thank you! I hope he isn’t, too. It’s so weird not having him here.
Did your cats run Obi off from inside the house or outside?
Thanks! I will email you a pic of all four colors I am using! It’s this pattern (https://espacetricot.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/chevron-baby-blanket1.pdf) and I am using I Love This Cotton from Hobby Lobby since they had so many color choices I could see in person 🙂
Outside…they rumbled in the backyard. Which, I can see that they considered it THEIR territory, but still.
Thanks for the pattern! 🙂
Awww, Data! I’d be worried too (which is probably why we don’t get Heidi’s teeth cleaned) #catmom #catmomproblems
CK looks so sweet sniffing your hand! Definitely nicer than the totally cray stray cat we have (which we haven’t seen in a while… hopefully not because of coyotes or cars)
I like the start of that blanket! My Grandma made several chevron blankets like that (probably sometime in the 70’s). I’m sure your sis and new nephew will treasure it 🙂
The vet is doing 10% off cleanings this month if you change your mind for Heidi 😉 And they do blood work before to see if your baby is in good health to do it.
LOL! You haven’t seen your friend in awhile?! She is probably too busy fighting off coyotes (and winning!).
Thank you! Do you remember what kind of colors your Grandma used? I am sure we will look back in 10 years and be like, oh yeah, those colors were popular then 🙂
Oh I got that email too 🙂 Heidi gets so weird after anesthesia (weirder than usual) and eats a dental treat every afternoon, so she’s good.
HAHA, maybe that’s why we haven’t seen any coyotes around here!
I think most of my Grandma’s blankets were every shade of brown, which is why I’m thinking they were from the 70’s 😉
CK is so beautiful! I am glad she looks healthy. Throughout my lifetime I’ve seen many cats who were very obviously strays and it was sad. Do you think CK might be joining your family ranks in the near future? Growing up, my family ended up adopting a few strays that hung around our backyard. I’m guessing Data would need some time to warm up to the idea…
I am happy she looks so healthy too! We’ll take care of her, and build her an outdoor heated shelter for the winter… but we aren’t sure yet about having her come inside. 😉
CK has a such a sweet face! I’m glad she’s healthy, but yeah, it’s stressful that she’s out all the time with the cars and wildlife.
I’m glad you’re finding round 2 of this knitting project more enjoyable!
Doesn’t she though? She’s so cute!
I totally am!!! Now I just want to sit and knit 😉 Good thing I go downtown on Wed and will have all that time on the train! Ha!
CK has some great colors on her. Glad to hear that Data just ignores her. Although for the most part, male and female cats get along. It’s multiple female cats that we’ve had the most drama with over the years.
Makes sense. It’s just like humans. LOL 😛