Still no name

By , September 15, 2016 10:07 am

Calico Kitty has been visiting a lot. I love seeing her in the yard! Today she came very close to the house!!!

160915calicokitty2 160915calicokitty1

Then Data happened to come down the stairs and they had words!


Then she ran off.

This will probably be the most exciting thing that happens for me today. Ha!

7 Responses to “Still no name”

  1. Mica says:

    Aww, Data, be friendly! I love how Calico Kitty is sitting in the first picture. That’s a Bodger position.

  2. Christina says:


  3. Xaarlin says:

    How is Dates with this new kitty? But it needs a name!!!!!!! (Have you made the pic board with everyone names and photos yet!?)

    • kilax says:

      He made some growling noises, but no hissing! And he chased after her! I think we’ll call her CK. I still need to make that board!!!!

  4. Karen says:

    Awwwww they are curious to meet 🙂

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